Module graphlearning.ssl
Semi-Supervised Learning
This module implements many graph-based semi-supervised learning algorithms in an objected-oriented fashion, similar to sklearn. The usage is similar for all algorithms. Below, we give some high-level examples of how to use this module. There are also examples for some individual functions, given in the documentation below.
Two Moons Example
Semi-supervised learning on the two-moons dataset:
import numpy as np
import graphlearning as gl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sklearn.datasets as datasets
X,labels = datasets.make_moons(n_samples=500,noise=0.1)
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,10)
train_ind = gl.trainsets.generate(labels, rate=5)
train_labels = labels[train_ind]
model = gl.ssl.laplace(W)
pred_labels = model.fit_predict(train_ind, train_labels)
accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(pred_labels, labels, train_ind)
print("Accuracy: %.2f%%"%accuracy)
plt.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=pred_labels)
plt.scatter(X[train_ind,0],X[train_ind,1], c='r')
Handwritten Digit Classification
Laplace and Poisson learning on MNIST at 1 label per class:
import graphlearning as gl
labels = gl.datasets.load('mnist', labels_only=True)
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn('mnist', 10, metric='vae')
num_train_per_class = 1
train_ind = gl.trainsets.generate(labels, rate=num_train_per_class)
train_labels = labels[train_ind]
models = [gl.ssl.laplace(W), gl.ssl.poisson(W)]
for model in models:
pred_labels = model.fit_predict(train_ind,train_labels)
accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(pred_labels, labels, train_ind)
print( + ': %.2f%%'%accuracy)
Comparing Different Methods
The ssl
module contains functions for running large scale experiments, with parallel processing,
to compare many different semi-supervised learning algorithms at different label rates
and with different, randomly chosen, training data. The package includes functions to automatically
create LaTeX tables and plots comparing accuracy or test error. This example compares several methods over 100
randomized trials:
import graphlearning as gl
dataset = 'mnist'
metric = 'vae'
k = 10
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(dataset, k, metric=metric)
D = gl.weightmatrix.knn(dataset, k, metric=metric, kernel='distance')
labels = gl.datasets.load(dataset, metric=metric, labels_only=True)
trainsets = gl.trainsets.load(dataset)
model_list = [gl.ssl.graph_nearest_neighbor(D),
gl.ssl.laplace(W, reweighting='wnll'),
gl.ssl.laplace(W, reweighting='poisson'),
gl.ssl.poisson(W, solver='gradient_descent')]
tag = dataset + '_' + metric + '_k%d'%k
for model in model_list:
model.ssl_trials(trainsets, labels, num_cores=20, tag=tag)
gl.ssl.accuracy_table(model_list, tag=tag, savefile='SSL_'+dataset+'.tex', title="SSL Comparison: "+dataset)
gl.ssl.accuracy_plot(model_list, tag=tag, title='SSL')
Class Priors
Prior information about relative class sizes can be used to improve performance:
import graphlearning as gl
labels = gl.datasets.load('mnist', labels_only=True)
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn('mnist', 10, metric='vae')
num_train_per_class = 1
train_ind = gl.trainsets.generate(labels, rate=num_train_per_class)
train_labels = labels[train_ind]
class_priors = gl.utils.class_priors(labels)
model = gl.ssl.laplace(W, class_priors=class_priors),train_labels)
pred_labels = model.predict(ignore_class_priors=True)
accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(labels,pred_labels,train_ind)
print( + ' without class priors: %.2f%%'%accuracy)
pred_labels = model.predict()
accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(labels,pred_labels,train_ind)
print( + ' with class priors: %.2f%%'%accuracy)
Expand source code
Semi-Supervised Learning
This module implements many graph-based semi-supervised learning algorithms in an objected-oriented
fashion, similar to [sklearn]( The usage is similar for all algorithms.
Below, we give some high-level examples of how to use this module. There are also examples for some
individual functions, given in the documentation below.
Two Moons Example
Semi-supervised learning on the two-moons dataset: [](
import numpy as np
import graphlearning as gl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sklearn.datasets as datasets
X,labels = datasets.make_moons(n_samples=500,noise=0.1)
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,10)
train_ind = gl.trainsets.generate(labels, rate=5)
train_labels = labels[train_ind]
model = gl.ssl.laplace(W)
pred_labels = model.fit_predict(train_ind, train_labels)
accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(pred_labels, labels, train_ind)
print("Accuracy: %.2f%%"%accuracy)
plt.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=pred_labels)
plt.scatter(X[train_ind,0],X[train_ind,1], c='r')
Handwritten digit classification
Laplace and Poisson learning on MNIST at 1 label per class: [](
import graphlearning as gl
labels = gl.datasets.load('mnist', labels_only=True)
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn('mnist', 10, metric='vae')
num_train_per_class = 1
train_ind = gl.trainsets.generate(labels, rate=num_train_per_class)
train_labels = labels[train_ind]
models = [gl.ssl.laplace(W), gl.ssl.poisson(W)]
for model in models:
pred_labels = model.fit_predict(train_ind,train_labels)
accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(pred_labels, labels, train_ind)
print( + ': %.2f%%'%accuracy)
Comparing different methods
The `ssl` module contains functions for running large scale experiments, with parallel processing,
to compare many different semi-supervised learning algorithms at different label rates
and with different, randomly chosen, training data. The package includes functions to automatically
create LaTeX tables and plots comparing accuracy or test error. This example compares several methods over 100
randomized trials: [](
import graphlearning as gl
dataset = 'mnist'
metric = 'vae'
k = 10
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(dataset, k, metric=metric)
D = gl.weightmatrix.knn(dataset, k, metric=metric, kernel='distance')
labels = gl.datasets.load(dataset, metric=metric, labels_only=True)
trainsets = gl.trainsets.load(dataset)
model_list = [gl.ssl.graph_nearest_neighbor(D),
gl.ssl.laplace(W, reweighting='wnll'),
gl.ssl.laplace(W, reweighting='poisson'),
gl.ssl.poisson(W, solver='gradient_descent')]
tag = dataset + '_' + metric + '_k%d'%k
for model in model_list:
model.ssl_trials(trainsets, labels, num_cores=20, tag=tag)
gl.ssl.accuracy_table(model_list, tag=tag, savefile='SSL_'+dataset+'.tex', title="SSL Comparison: "+dataset)
gl.ssl.accuracy_plot(model_list, tag=tag, title='SSL')
Class Priors
Prior information about relative class sizes can be used to improve performance: [](
import graphlearning as gl
labels = gl.datasets.load('mnist', labels_only=True)
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn('mnist', 10, metric='vae')
num_train_per_class = 1
train_ind = gl.trainsets.generate(labels, rate=num_train_per_class)
train_labels = labels[train_ind]
class_priors = gl.utils.class_priors(labels)
model = gl.ssl.laplace(W, class_priors=class_priors),train_labels)
pred_labels = model.predict(ignore_class_priors=True)
accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(labels,pred_labels,train_ind)
print( + ' without class priors: %.2f%%'%accuracy)
pred_labels = model.predict()
accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(labels,pred_labels,train_ind)
print( + ' with class priors: %.2f%%'%accuracy)
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import multiprocessing
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import sys, os, datetime, matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from . import utils
from . import graph
results_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'results')
class ssl:
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self, W, class_priors):
if W is None:
self.graph = None
self.prob = None
self.fitted = False = ''
self.accuracy_filename = ''
self.requires_eig = False
self.onevsrest = False
self.similarity = True
self.class_priors = class_priors
if self.class_priors is not None:
self.class_priors = self.class_priors / np.sum(self.class_priors)
self.weights = 1
self.class_priors_error = 1
def set_graph(self, W):
"""Set Graph
Sets the graph object for semi-supervised learning.
Implements 3 different solvers, spectral, gradient_descent, and conjugate_gradient.
GPU acceleration is available for gradient descent. See [1] for details.
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
Weight matrix representing the graph.
if type(W) == graph.graph:
self.graph = W
self.graph = graph.graph(W)
def volume_label_projection(self):
"""Volume label projection
Projects class probabilities to labels while enforcing a constraint on
class priors (i.e., class volumes). Does not return anything, just modifies `self.weights`.
labels : numpy array (int)
Predicted labels after volume correction.
n = self.graph.num_nodes
k = self.prob.shape[1]
if type(self.weights) == int:
self.weights = np.ones((k,))
#Time step
dt = 0.1
if self.similarity:
dt *= -1
#np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': lambda x: "{0:0.3f}".format(x)})
i = 0
err = 1
while i < 1e4 and err > 1e-3:
i += 1
class_size = np.mean(utils.labels_to_onehot(self.predict(),k),axis=0)
grad = class_size - self.class_priors
err = np.max(np.absolute(grad))
self.weights += dt*grad
self.weights = self.weights/self.weights[0]
self.class_priors_error = err
return self.predict()
def get_accuracy_filename(self):
"""Get accuracy filename
Returns name of the file that will store the accuracy results for ``.
fname : str
Accuracy filename.
fname = self.accuracy_filename
if self.class_priors is not None:
fname += '_classpriors'
fname += '_accuracy.csv'
return fname
def predict(self, ignore_class_priors=False):
Makes label predictions based on the probabilities computed by `fit()`.
Will use a volume label projection if `class_priors` were given, to ensure
the number of nodes predicted in each class is correct.
ignore_class_priors : bool (optional), default=False
Used to disable the volume constrained label decision, when `class_priors` has been provided.
pred_labels : (int) numpy array
Predicted labels as integers for all datapoints in the graph.
if self.fitted == False:
sys.exit('Model has not been fitted yet.')
if ignore_class_priors:
w = 1
w = self.weights
scores = self.prob - np.min(self.prob)
scores = scores/np.max(scores)
#Check if scores are similarity or distance
if self.similarity:
pred_labels = np.argmax(scores*w,axis=1)
else: #Then distances
pred_labels = np.argmin(scores*w,axis=1)
return pred_labels
def fit_predict(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
"""Fit and predict
Calls fit() and predict() sequentially.
train_ind : numpy array, int
Indicies of training points.
train_labels : numpy array, int
Training labels as integers \\(0,1,\\dots,k-1\\) for \\(k\\) classes.
all_labels : numpy array, int (optional)
True labels for all datapoints.
pred_labels : (int) numpy array
Predicted labels as integers for all datapoints in the graph.
""", train_labels, all_labels=all_labels)
return self.predict()
def ssl_trials(self, trainsets, labels, num_cores=1, tag='', save_results=True, overwrite=False, num_trials=-1):
"""Semi-supervised learning trials
Runs a semi-supervised learning algorithm on a list of training sets,
recording the label rates and saves the results to a csv file in the
local folder results/. The filename is controlled by the member function
model.get_accuracy_filename(). The trial will abort if the accuracy result
file already exists, unless `overwrite=True`.
trainsets : list of numpy arrays
Collection of training sets to run semi-supervised learning on. This is the output
of `graphlearning.trainsets.generate` or `graphlearning.trainsets.load`.
labels : numpy array (int)
Integer array of labels for entire dataset.
num_cores : int
Number of cores to use for parallel processing over trials
tag : str (optional), default=''
An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename.
save_results : bool (optional), default=True
Whether to save results to csv file or just print to the screen.
overwrite : bool (optional), default = False
Whether to overwrite existing results file, if found. If `overwrite=False`,
`save_results=True`, and the results file is found, the trial is aborted.
num_trials: int (optional), defualt = -1
Number of trials. Any negative number runs all trials.
if num_trials > 0:
trainsets = trainsets[:num_trials]
#Print name
print('\nModel: '
if save_results:
if not os.path.exists(results_dir):
outfile = os.path.join(results_dir, tag+self.get_accuracy_filename())
if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(outfile):
print('Aborting: SSL trial ('+self.get_accuracy_filename()+') already completed , and overwrite is False.')
f = open(outfile,"w")
#now =
#f.write("Date/Time, "+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M")+"\n")
if self.class_priors is None:
f.write('Number of labels,Accuracy\n')
f.write('Number of labels,Accuracy,Accuracy with class priors,Class priors error\n')
if save_results:
print('Results File: '+outfile)
if self.class_priors is None:
print('\nNumber of labels,Accuracy')
print('\nNumber of labels,Accuracy,Accuracy with class priors,Class priors error')
#Trial run to trigger eigensolvers, when needed
if self.requires_eig:
pred_labels = self.fit_predict(trainsets[0], labels[trainsets[0]])
def one_trial(train_ind):
#Number of labels
num_train = len(train_ind)
train_labels = labels[train_ind]
#Run semi-supervised learning
pred_labels = self.fit_predict(train_ind, train_labels)
#Compute accuracy
accuracy = ssl_accuracy(pred_labels,labels,train_ind)
#If class priors were provided, check accuracy without priors
if self.class_priors is not None:
pred_labels = self.predict(ignore_class_priors=True)
accuracy_without_priors = ssl_accuracy(pred_labels,labels,train_ind)
#Print to terminal
if self.class_priors is None:
print("%d" % num_train + ",%.2f" % accuracy)
print("%d,%.2f,%.2f,%.5f" % (num_train,accuracy_without_priors,accuracy,self.class_priors_error))
#Write to file
if save_results:
f = open(outfile,"a+")
if self.class_priors is None:
f.write("%d" % num_train + ",%.2f\n" % accuracy)
f.write("%d,%.2f,%.2f,%.5f\n" % (num_train,accuracy_without_priors,accuracy,
num_cores = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(),num_cores)
if num_cores == 1:
for train_ind in trainsets:
Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(one_trial)(train_ind) for train_ind in trainsets)
def trials_statistics(self, tag=''):
"""Trials statistics
Loads accuracy scores from each trial from csv files created by `ssl_trials`
and returns summary statistics (mean and standard deviation of accuracy).
tag : str (optional), default=''
An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename.
num_train : numpy array
Number of training examples in each label rate experiment.
acc_mean : numpy array
Mean accuracy over all trials in each experiment.
acc_stddev : numpy array
Standard deviation of accuracy over all trials in each experiment.
num_trials : int
Number of trials for each label rate.
accuracy_filename = os.path.join(results_dir, tag+self.get_accuracy_filename())
X = utils.csvread(accuracy_filename)
num_train = np.unique(X[:,0])
acc_mean = []
acc_stddev = []
for n in num_train:
Y = X[X[:,0]==n,1:]
acc_mean += [np.mean(Y,axis=0)]
acc_stddev += [np.std(Y,axis=0)]
num_trials = int(len(X[:,0])/len(num_train))
acc_mean = np.array(acc_mean)
acc_stddev = np.array(acc_stddev)
return num_train, acc_mean, acc_stddev, num_trials
def fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
Solves graph-based learning problem, computing the probability
that each node belongs to each class. If `all_labels` is provided,
then the solver operates in verbose mode, printing out accuracy
at each iteration.
train_ind : numpy array, int
Indicies of training points.
train_labels : numpy array, int
Training labels as integers \\(0,1,\\dots,k-1\\) for \\(k\\) classes.
all_labels : numpy array, int (optional)
True labels for all datapoints.
u : (n,k) numpy array, float
Per-class scores computed by graph-based learning for each node and each class. For some methods these are probabilities (i.e., for Laplace learning), while for others they can take on negative values (e.g., Poisson learning). The class label prediction is either the argmax or argmin over the rows of u (most methods are argmax, except distance-function based methods like nearest neighbor and peikonal).
if self.graph is None:
sys.exit('SSL object has no graph. Use graph.set_graph() to provide a graph for SSL.')
self.fitted = True
#If a one-vs-rest classifier
if self.onevsrest:
unique_labels = np.unique(train_labels)
num_labels = len(unique_labels)
self.prob = np.zeros((self.graph.num_nodes,num_labels))
for i,l in enumerate(unique_labels):
self.prob[:,i] = self._fit(train_ind, train_labels==l)
self.prob = self._fit(train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=all_labels)
if self.class_priors is not None:
return self.prob
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
"""Internal Fit Function
Internal fit function that any ssl object must override. If `self.onevsrest=True` then
`train_labels` are binary in the one-vs-rest framework, and `_fit` must return
a scalar numpy array. Otherwise the labels are integer and `_fit` must return an (n,k)
numpy array of probabilities, where `k` is the number of classes.
train_ind : numpy array, int
Indicies of training points.
train_labels : numpy array, int
Training labels as integers \\(0,1,\\dots,k-1\\) for \\(k\\) classes, or binary
if `self.onevsrest=True`.
all_labels : numpy array, int (optional)
True labels for all datapoints.
u : numpy array, float
(n,k) array of probabilities computed by graph-based learning for each node and each class, unless
`self.onevsrest=True`, in which case it is a length n numpy array of probablities for the current
raise NotImplementedError("Must override _fit")
class poisson(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, solver='conjugate_gradient', p=1, use_cuda=False, min_iter=50, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-3, spectral_cutoff=10):
"""Poisson Learning
Semi-supervised learning via the solution of the Poisson equation
\\[L^p u = \\sum_{j=1}^m \\delta_j(y_j - \\overline{y})^T,\\]
where \\(L=D-W\\) is the combinatorial graph Laplacian,
\\(y_j\\) are the label vectors, \\(\\overline{y} = \\frac{1}{m}\\sum_{i=1}^m y_j\\)
is the average label vector, \\(m\\) is the number of training points, and
\\(\\delta_j\\) are standard basis vectors. See the reference for more details.
Implements 3 different solvers, spectral, gradient_descent, and conjugate_gradient.
GPU acceleration is available for gradient descent. See [1] for details.
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function
will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of
nodes in each class.
solver : {'spectral', 'conjugate_gradient', 'gradient_descent'} (optional), default='conjugate_gradient'
Choice of solver for Poisson learning.
p : int (optional), default=1
Power for Laplacian, can be any positive real number. Solver will default to 'spectral' if p!=1.
use_cuda : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to use GPU acceleration for gradient descent solver.
min_iter : int (optional), default=50
Minimum number of iterations of gradient descent before checking stopping condition.
max_iter : int (optional), default=1000
Maximum number of iterations of gradient descent.
tol : float (optional), default=1e-3
Tolerance for conjugate gradient solver.
spectral_cutoff : int (optional), default=10
Number of eigenvectors to use for spectral solver.
Poisson learning works on directed (i.e., nonsymmetric) graphs with the gradient descent solver: [](
import numpy as np
import graphlearning as gl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sklearn.datasets as datasets
X,labels = datasets.make_moons(n_samples=500,noise=0.1)
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,10,symmetrize=False)
train_ind = gl.trainsets.generate(labels, rate=5)
train_labels = labels[train_ind]
model = gl.ssl.poisson(W, solver='gradient_descent')
pred_labels = model.fit_predict(train_ind, train_labels)
accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(pred_labels, labels, train_ind)
print("Accuracy: %.2f%%"%accuracy)
plt.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=pred_labels)
plt.scatter(X[train_ind,0],X[train_ind,1], c='r')
[1] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. [Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised
Learning at Very Low Label Rates.](,
Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020.
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
if solver not in ['conjugate_gradient', 'spectral', 'gradient_descent']:
sys.exit("Invalid Poisson solver")
self.solver = solver
self.p = p
if p != 1:
self.solver = 'spectral'
self.use_cuda = use_cuda
self.min_iter = min_iter
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.tol = tol
self.spectral_cutoff = spectral_cutoff
#Setup accuracy filename
fname = '_poisson'
if self.p != 1:
fname += '_p%.2f'%p
if self.solver == 'spectral':
fname += '_N%d'%self.spectral_cutoff
self.requries_eig = True
self.accuracy_filename = fname
#Setup Algorithm name = 'Poisson Learning'
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
n = self.graph.num_nodes
unique_labels = np.unique(train_labels)
k = len(unique_labels)
#Zero out diagonal for faster convergence
W = self.graph.weight_matrix
W = W - sparse.spdiags(W.diagonal(),0,n,n)
G = graph.graph(W)
#Poisson source term
onehot = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k)
source = np.zeros((n, onehot.shape[1]))
source[train_ind] = onehot - np.mean(onehot, axis=0)
if self.solver == 'conjugate_gradient': #Conjugate gradient solver
L = G.laplacian(normalization='normalized')
D = G.degree_matrix(p=-0.5)
u = utils.conjgrad(L, D*source, tol=self.tol)
u = D*u
elif self.solver == "gradient_descent":
#Setup matrices
D = G.degree_matrix(p=-1)
P = D*W.transpose()
Db = D*source
#Invariant distribution
v = np.zeros(n)
v = v/np.sum(v)
deg = G.degree_vector()
vinf = deg/np.sum(deg)
RW = W.transpose()*D
u = np.zeros((n,k))
#Number of iterations
T = 0
if self.use_cuda:
import torch
Pt = utils.torch_sparse(P).cuda()
ut = torch.from_numpy(u).float().cuda()
Dbt = torch.from_numpy(Db).float().cuda()
while (T < self.min_iter or np.max(np.absolute(v-vinf)) > 1/n) and (T < self.max_iter):
ut = torch.sparse.addmm(Dbt,Pt,ut)
v = RW*v
T = T + 1
#Transfer to CPU and convert to numpy
u = ut.cpu().numpy()
else: #Use CPU
while (T < self.min_iter or np.max(np.absolute(v-vinf)) > 1/n) and (T < self.max_iter):
u = Db + P*u
v = RW*v
T = T + 1
#Compute accuracy if all labels are provided
if all_labels is not None:
self.prob = u
labels = self.predict()
acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind)
print('%d,Accuracy = %.2f'%(T,acc))
#Use spectral solver
elif self.solver == 'spectral':
vals, vecs = G.eigen_decomp(normalization='randomwalk', k=self.spectral_cutoff+1)
V = vecs[:,1:]
vals = vals[1:]
if self.p != 1:
vals = vals**self.p
L = sparse.spdiags(1/vals, 0, self.spectral_cutoff, self.spectral_cutoff)
u = V@(L@(V.T@source))
sys.exit("Invalid Poisson solver " + self.solver)
return u
class poisson_mbo(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, solver='conjugate_gradient', use_cuda=False, min_iter=50, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-3, spectral_cutoff=10, Ns=40, mu=1, T=20):
Semi-supervised learning via Poisson MBO method [1]. class_priors must be provided.
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class).
solver : {'spectral', 'conjugate_gradient', 'gradient_descent'} (optional), default='conjugate_gradient'
Choice of solver for Poisson learning.
use_cuda : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to use GPU acceleration for gradient descent solver.
min_iter : int (optional), default=50
Minimum number of iterations of gradient descent before checking stopping condition.
max_iter : int (optional), default=1000
Maximum number of iterations of gradient descent.
tol : float (optional), default=1e-3
Tolerance for conjugate gradient solver.
spectral_cutoff : int (optional), default=10
Number of eigenvectors to use for spectral solver.
Ns : int (optional), default=40
Number of inner iterations in PoissonMBO.
mu : float (optional), default=1
Fidelity parameter.
T : int (optional), default=20
Number of MBO iterations.
Running PoissonMBO on MNIST at 1 label per class: [](
import graphlearning as gl
labels = gl.datasets.load('mnist', labels_only=True)
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn('mnist', 10, metric='vae')
num_train_per_class = 1
train_ind = gl.trainsets.generate(labels, rate=num_train_per_class)
train_labels = labels[train_ind]
class_priors = gl.utils.class_priors(labels)
model = gl.ssl.poisson_mbo(W, class_priors)
pred_labels = model.fit_predict(train_ind,train_labels,all_labels=labels)
accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(labels,pred_labels,train_ind)
print( + ': %.2f%%'%accuracy)
[1] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. [Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised
Learning at Very Low Label Rates.](,
Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020.
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
self.poisson_model = poisson(W, solver=solver, use_cuda=use_cuda, min_iter=min_iter,
max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, spectral_cutoff=spectral_cutoff)
self.Ns = Ns = mu
self.T = T
self.use_cuda = use_cuda
#Setup accuracy filename
fname = '_poisson_mbo'
if solver == 'spectral':
fname += '_N%d'%spectral_cutoff
self.requries_eig = True
fname += '_Ns_%d_mu_%.2f_T_%d'%(Ns,mu,T)
self.accuracy_filename = fname
#Setup Algorithm name = 'Poisson MBO'
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
#Short forms
Ns = self.Ns
mu =
T = self.T
use_cuda = self.use_cuda
n = self.graph.num_nodes
unique_labels = np.unique(train_labels)
k = len(unique_labels)
#Zero out diagonal for faster convergence
W = self.graph.weight_matrix
W = W - sparse.spdiags(W.diagonal(),0,n,n)
G = graph.graph(W)
#Poisson source term
onehot = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k)
source = np.zeros((n, onehot.shape[1]))
source[train_ind] = onehot - np.mean(onehot, axis=0)
#Initialize via Poisson learning
labels = self.poisson_model.fit_predict(train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=all_labels)
u = utils.labels_to_onehot(labels,k)
#Time step for stability
dt = 1/np.max(G.degree_vector())
#Precompute some things
P = sparse.identity(n) - dt*G.laplacian()
Db = mu*dt*source
if use_cuda:
import torch
Pt = utils.torch_sparse(P).cuda()
Dbt = torch.from_numpy(Db).float().cuda()
for i in range(T):
#Heat equation step
if use_cuda:
#Put on GPU and run heat equation
ut = torch.from_numpy(u).float().cuda()
for j in range(Ns):
ut = torch.sparse.addmm(Dbt,Pt,ut)
#Put back on CPU
u = ut.cpu().numpy()
else: #Use CPU
for j in range(Ns):
u = P*u + Db
#Projection step
self.prob = u
labels = self.volume_label_projection()
u = utils.labels_to_onehot(labels,k)
#Compute accuracy if all labels are provided
if all_labels is not None:
acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind)
print('%d, Accuracy = %.2f'%(i,acc))
return u
class volume_mbo(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, temperature=0.1, volume_constraint=0.5):
"""Volume MBO
Semi-supervised learning with the VolumeMBO method [1]. class_priors must be provided.
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class).
temperature : float (optional), default=0.1
Temperature for volume constrained MBO.
volume_constraint : float (optional), default=0.5
The number of points in each class is constrained to be a mulitple \\(\\lambda\\) of the true
class size, where
\\[ \\text{volume_constraint} \\leq \\lambda \\leq 2-\\text{volume_constraint}.\\]
Setting `volume_constraint=1` yields the tightest constraint.
[1] M. Jacobs, E. Merkurjev, and S. Esedoḡlu. [Auction dynamics: A volume constrained MBO scheme.]( Journal of Computational Physics 354:288-310, 2018.
super().__init__(W, None)
if class_priors is None:
sys.exit("Class priors must be provided for Volume MBO.")
self.class_counts = (self.graph.num_nodes*class_priors).astype(int)
self.temperature = temperature
self.volume_constraint = volume_constraint
#Setup accuracy filename and model name
self.accuracy_filename = '_volume_mbo_temp_%.2f_vol_%.2f'%(temperature,volume_constraint) = 'Volume MBO (T=%.2f, V=%.2f)'%(temperature,volume_constraint)
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
#Import c extensions
from . import cextensions
n = self.graph.num_nodes
#Set diagonal entries to zero
W = self.graph.weight_matrix
W = W - sparse.spdiags(W.diagonal(),0,n,n)
G = graph.graph(W)
#Set up graph for C-code
k = len(np.unique(train_labels))
u = np.zeros((n,))
WI,WJ,WV = sparse.find(W)
#Type casting and memory blocking
u = np.ascontiguousarray(u,dtype=np.int32)
WI = np.ascontiguousarray(WI,dtype=np.int32)
WJ = np.ascontiguousarray(WJ,dtype=np.int32)
WV = np.ascontiguousarray(WV,dtype=np.float32)
train_ind = np.ascontiguousarray(train_ind,dtype=np.int32)
train_labels = np.ascontiguousarray(train_labels,dtype=np.int32)
ClassCounts = np.ascontiguousarray(self.class_counts,dtype=np.int32)
#Set given labels and convert to vector format
u[train_ind] = train_labels
u = utils.labels_to_onehot(u,k)
return u
class multiclass_mbo(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, Ns=6, T=10, dt=0.15, mu=50, num_eig=50):
"""Multiclass MBO
Semi-supervised learning via the Multiclass MBO method [1].
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function
will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of
nodes in each class.
Ns : int (optional), default=6
Number of inner iterations.
T : int (optional), default=10
Number of outer iterations.
dt : float (optional), default=0.15
Time step.
mu : float (optional), default=50
Fidelity penalty.
num_eig : int (optional), default=300
Number of eigenvectors.
[1] C. Garcia-Cardona, E. Merkurjev, A.L. Bertozzi, A. Flenner, and A.G. Percus. [Multiclass data segmentation using diffuse interface methods on graphs.]( IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 36(8), 1600-1613, 2014.
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
self.Ns = Ns
self.T = T
self.dt = dt = mu
self.num_eig = num_eig
self.requires_eig = True
#Setup accuracy filename
self.accuracy_filename = '_multiclass_mbo_Ns_%d_T_%d_dt_%.3f_mu_%.2f'%(Ns,T,dt,mu) = 'Multiclass MBO'
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
#Shorten names
Ns = self.Ns
T = self.T
dt = self.dt
mu =
num_eig = self.num_eig
#Basic parameters
n = self.graph.num_nodes
k = len(np.unique(train_labels))
#Spectral decomposition
eigvals, X = self.graph.eigen_decomp(normalization='normalized', k=self.num_eig)
#Form matrices
V = np.diag(1/(1 + (dt/Ns)*eigvals))
Y = X@V
Xt = np.transpose(X)
#Random initial labeling
u = np.random.rand(k,n)
u = utils.labels_to_onehot(np.argmax(u,axis=0),k).T
u[:,train_ind] = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k).T
#Indicator of train_ind
J = np.zeros(n,)
K = np.zeros(n,)
J[train_ind] = 1
K[train_ind] = train_labels
K = utils.labels_to_onehot(K,k).T
for i in range(T):
#Diffusion step
for s in range(Ns):
Z = (u - (dt/Ns)*mu*J*(u - K))@Y
u = Z@Xt
#Projection step
u = utils.labels_to_onehot(np.argmax(u,axis=0),k).T
#Compute accuracy if all labels are provided
if all_labels is not None:
self.prob = u.T
labels = self.predict()
acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind)
print('Accuracy = %.2f'%acc)
return u.T
class modularity_mbo(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, gamma=0.5, epsilon=1, lamb=1, T=20, Ns=5):
"""Modularity MBO
Semi-supervised learning via the Modularity MBO method [1].
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function
will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of
nodes in each class.
gamma : float (optional), default=0.5
Parameter in algorithm.
epsilon : float (optional), default=1
Parameter in algorithm.
lamb : float (optional), default=1
Parameter in algorithm.
T : int (optional), default=20
Number of outer iterations.
Ns : int (optional), default=5
Number of inner iterations.
[1] Z.M. Boyd, E. Bae, X.C. Tai, and A.L. Bertozzi. [Simplified energy landscape for modularity using total variation.]( SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78(5), 2439-2464, 2018.
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
self.gamma = gamma
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.lamb = lamb
self.requires_eig = True
self.T = T
self.Ns = Ns
#Setup accuracy filename
self.accuracy_filename = '_modularity_mbo_gamma_%.2f_epsilon_%.2f_lamb_%.2f'%(gamma,epsilon,lamb) = 'Modularity MBO'
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
#Short form
gamma = self.gamma
eps = self.epsilon
lamb = self.lamb
T = self.T
Ns = self.Ns
#One-hot initialization
n = self.graph.num_nodes
num_classes = len(np.unique(train_labels))
train_onehot = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k)
u = np.zeros((n,num_classes))
u[train_ind,:] = train_onehot
#Spectral decomposition
num_eig = 5*num_classes
D, V = self.graph.eigen_decomp(normalization='combinatorial', k=num_eig, gamma=gamma)
#Time step selection
deg = self.graph.degree_vector()
dtlow = 0.15/((gamma+1)*np.max(deg))
dthigh = np.log(np.linalg.norm(u)/eps)/D[0]
dt = np.sqrt(dtlow*dthigh)
#Diffusion matrix
P = sparse.spdiags(np.exp(-D*dt),0,num_eig,num_eig)@V.T
#Main MBO iterations
for i in range(T):
u = V@(P@u)
#Training labels
if lamb > 0:
for _ in range(Ns):
u[train_ind,:] -= (dt/Ns)*lamb*(u[train_ind,:] - train_onehot)
#Threshold to labels
labels = np.argmax(u,axis=1)
#Convert to 1-hot vectors
u = utils.labels_to_onehot(labels,num_classes)
#Compute accuracy if all labels are provided
if all_labels is not None:
self.prob = u
labels = self.predict()
acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind)
print('Accuracy = %.2f'%acc)
return u
class laplace(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, X=None, reweighting='none', normalization='combinatorial',
tau=0, order=1, mean_shift=False, tol=1e-5, alpha=2, zeta=1e7, r=0.1):
"""Laplace Learning
Semi-supervised learning via the solution of the Laplace equation
\\[\\tau u_j + L^m u_j = 0, \\ \\ j \\geq m+1,\\]
subject to \\(u_j = y_j\\) for \\(j=1,\\dots,m\\), where \\(L=D-W\\) is the
combinatorial graph Laplacian and \\(y_j\\) for \\(j=1,\\dots,m\\) are the
label vectors. Default order is m=1, and m > 1 corresponds to higher order Laplace Learning.
The original method was introduced in [1]. This class also implements reweighting
schemes `poisson` proposed in [2], `wnll` proposed in [3], and `properly`, proposed in [4].
If `properly` is selected, the user must additionally provide the data features `X`.
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function
will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of
nodes in each class.
X : numpy array (optional)
Data features, used to construct the graph. This is required for the `properly` weighted
graph Laplacian method.
normalization : {'combinatorial','randomwalk','normalized'} (optional), defualt='combinatorial'
Normalization for the graph Laplacian.
reweighting : {'none', 'wnll', 'poisson', 'properly'} (optional), default='none'
Reweighting scheme for low label rate problems. If 'properly' is selected, the user
must supply the data features `X`.
tau : float or numpy array (optional), default=0
Zeroth order term in Laplace equation. Can be a scalar or vector.
order : integer (optional), default=1
Power m for higher order Laplace learning. Currently only integers are allowed.
mean_shift : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to shift output to mean zero.
tol : float (optional), default=1e-5
Tolerance for conjugate gradient solver.
alpha : float (optional), default=2
Parameter for `properly` reweighting.
zeta : float (optional), default=1e7
Parameter for `properly` reweighting.
r : float (optional), default=0.1
Radius for `properly` reweighting.
[1] X. Zhu, Z. Ghahramani, and J. D. Lafferty. [Semi-supervised learning using gaussian fields
and harmonic functions.]( Proceedings
of the 20th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-03), 2003.
[2] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. [Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised
Learning at Very Low Label Rates.](,
Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020.
[3] Z. Shi, S. Osher, and W. Zhu. [Weighted nonlocal laplacian on interpolation from sparse data.](
Journal of Scientific Computing 73.2 (2017): 1164-1177.
[4] J. Calder, D. Slepčev. [Properly-weighted graph Laplacian for semi-supervised learning.]( Applied mathematics & optimization (2019): 1-49.
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
self.reweighting = reweighting
self.normalization = normalization
self.mean_shift = mean_shift
self.tol = tol
self.order = order
self.X = X
#Set up tau
if type(tau) in [float,int]:
self.tau = np.ones(self.graph.num_nodes)*tau
elif type(tau) is np.ndarray:
self.tau = tau
#Setup accuracy filename
fname = '_laplace' = 'Laplace Learning'
if self.reweighting != 'none':
fname += '_' + self.reweighting += ': ' + self.reweighting + ' reweighted'
if self.normalization != 'combinatorial':
fname += '_' + self.normalization += ' ' + self.normalization
if self.mean_shift:
fname += '_meanshift' += ' with meanshift'
if self.order > 1:
fname += '_order%d'%int(self.order) += ' order %d'%int(self.order)
if np.max(self.tau) > 0:
fname += '_tau_%.3f'%np.max(self.tau) += ' tau=%.3f'%np.max(self.tau)
self.accuracy_filename = fname
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
if self.reweighting == 'none':
G = self.graph
W = self.graph.reweight(train_ind, method=self.reweighting, normalization=self.normalization, X=self.X)
#W = self.graph.reweight(train_ind, method=self.reweighting, X=self.X)
G = graph.graph(W)
#Get some attributes
n = G.num_nodes
unique_labels = np.unique(train_labels)
k = len(unique_labels)
#tau + Graph Laplacian and one-hot labels
L = sparse.spdiags(self.tau, 0, G.num_nodes, G.num_nodes) + G.laplacian(normalization=self.normalization)
if self.order > 1:
Lpow = L*L
if self.order > 2:
for i in range(2,self.order):
Lpow = L*Lpow
L = Lpow
F = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k)
#Locations of unlabeled points
idx = np.full((n,), True, dtype=bool)
idx[train_ind] = False
#Right hand side
b = -L[:,train_ind]*F
b = b[idx,:]
#Left hand side matrix
A = L[idx,:]
A = A[:,idx]
m = A.shape[0]
M = A.diagonal()
M = sparse.spdiags(1/np.sqrt(M+1e-10),0,m,m).tocsr()
#Conjugate gradient solver
v = utils.conjgrad(M*A*M, M*b, tol=self.tol)
v = M*v
#Add labels back into array
u = np.zeros((n,k))
u[idx,:] = v
u[train_ind,:] = F
#Mean shift
if self.mean_shift:
u -= np.mean(u,axis=0)
return u
class dynamic_label_propagation(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, alpha=0.05, lam=0.1, T=2):
"""Dynamic Label Propagation
Semi-supervised learning via dynamic label propagation [1].
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function
will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of
nodes in each class.
alpha : float (optional), default=0.05
Value of parameter \\(\\alpha\\).
lam : float (optional), default=0.1
Value of parameter \\(\\lambda\\).
T : int (optional), default=2
Number of iterations.
[1] B. Wang, Z. Tu, and J.K. Tsotsos. [Dynamic label propagation for semi-supervised multi-class multi-label classification.]( Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2013.
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
self.alpha = alpha
self.lam = lam
self.T = T
self.accuracy_filename = '_dynamic_label_propagation' = 'Dynamic Label Propagation'
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
#Short forms
alpha = self.alpha
lam = self.lam
T = self.T
n = self.graph.num_nodes
k = len(np.unique(train_labels))
#Zero out diagonal
W = self.graph.weight_matrix
W = W - sparse.spdiags(W.diagonal(),0,n,n)
G = graph.graph(W)
#Labels to vector and correct position
K = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k)
u = np.zeros((n,k))
u[train_ind,:] = K
if n > 5000:
print("Cannot use Dynamic Label Propagation on large datasets.")
#Setup matrices
Id = sparse.identity(n)
D = G.degree_matrix(p=-1)
P = D*W
P = np.array(P.todense())
Pt = np.copy(P)
for i in range(T):
v = P@u
u = Pt@u
u[train_ind,:] = K
Pt = P@Pt@np.transpose(P) + alpha*v@np.transpose(v) + lam*Id
#Compute accuracy if all labels are provided
if all_labels is not None:
self.prob = np.array(u)
labels = self.predict()
acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind)
print('Accuracy = %.2f'%acc)
u = np.array(u)
return u
class centered_kernel(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, tol=1e-10, power_it=100, alpha=1.05):
"""Centered Kernel Method
Semi-supervised learning via the centered kernel method of [1].
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function
will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of
nodes in each class.
tol : float (optional), default=1e-10
Tolerance to solve equation.
power_it : int (optional), default=100
Number of power iterations to find largest eigenvalue.
alpha : float (optional), default = 1.05
Value of \\(\\alpha\\) as a fraction of largest eigenvalue.
[1] X. Mai and R. Couillet. [Random matrix-inspired improved semi-supervised learning on graphs.]( International Conference on Machine Learning. 2018.
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
self.tol = tol
self.power_it = power_it
self.alpha = alpha
self.accuracy_filename = '_centered_kernel' = 'Centered Kernel'
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
n = self.graph.num_nodes
k = len(np.unique(train_labels))
#Zero diagonal
W = self.graph.weight_matrix
W = W - sparse.spdiags(W.diagonal(),0,n,n)
#Indicator of train_ind
K = np.zeros((n,k))
K[train_ind] = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k)
#Center labels
K[train_ind,:] -= np.sum(K,axis=0)/len(train_ind)
u = np.copy(K)
v = np.ones((n,1))
vt = np.ones((1,n))
e = np.random.rand(n,1)
for i in range(self.power_it):
y = W*(e - (1/n)*v@(vt@e))
w = y - (1/n)*v@(vt@y) #=Ae
l = abs(np.transpose(e)@w/(np.transpose(e)@e))
e = w/np.linalg.norm(w)
#Number of iterations
alpha = self.alpha * l
err = 1
while err > self.tol:
y = W*(u - (1/n)*v@(vt@u))
w = (1/alpha)*(y - (1/n)*v@(vt@y)) - u #Laplacian
w[train_ind,:] = 0
err = np.max(np.absolute(w))
u = u + w
#Compute accuracy if all labels are provided
if all_labels is not None:
self.prob = u
labels = self.predict()
acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind)
print('Accuracy = %.2f'%acc)
return u
class sparse_label_propagation(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, T=100):
"""Sparse Label Propagation
Semi-supervised learning via the sparse label propagation method of [1].
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function
will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of
nodes in each class.
T : int (optional), default=100
Number of iterations
[1] A. Jung, A.O. Hero III, A. Mara, and S. Jahromi. [Semi-supervised learning via sparse label propagation.]( arXiv:1612.01414, 2016.
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
self.T = T
self.accuracy_filename = '_sparse_label_propagation' = 'Sparse LP'
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
n = self.graph.num_nodes
k = len(np.unique(train_labels))
#Sparse matrix with ones in all entries
B = self.graph.adjacency()
#Construct matrix 1/2W and 1/deg
lam = 2*self.graph.weight_matrix - (1-1e-10)*B
lam = -lam.log1p()
lam = lam.expm1() + B
Id = sparse.identity(n)
gamma = self.graph.degree_matrix(p=-1)
#Random initial labeling
u = np.zeros((k,n))
#Indicator of train_ind
one_hot_labels = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k).T
Y = list()
for j in range(k):
Gu = self.graph.gradient(u[j,:], weighted=True)
#Main loop for sparse label propagation
for i in range(self.T):
u_prev = np.copy(u)
#Compute div
for j in range(k):
div = 2*self.graph.divergence(Y[j])
u[j,:] = u_prev[j,:] - gamma*div
u[j,train_ind] = one_hot_labels[j,:] #Set labels
u_tilde = 2*u[j,:] - u_prev[j,:]
Gu = -self.graph.gradient(u_tilde, weighted=True)
Y[j] = Y[j] + Gu.multiply(lam)
ind1 = B.multiply(abs(Y[j])>1)
ind2 = B - ind1
Y[j] = ind1.multiply(Y[j].sign()) + ind2.multiply(Y[j])
#Compute accuracy if all labels are provided
if all_labels is not None:
self.prob = u.T
labels = self.predict()
acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind)
print('%d,Accuracy = %.2f'%(i,acc))
return u.T
class graph_nearest_neighbor(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, D=None, alpha=1):
"""Graph nearest neighbor classifier
Semi-supervised learning by graph (geodesic) nearest neighbor classifier. The
graph geodesic distance is defined by
\\[ d_{ij} = \\min_p \\sum_{k=1}^M w_{p_k,p_{k+1}},\\]
where the minimum is over paths \\(p\\) connecting nodes \\(i\\) and \\(j\\). The label
returned for each testing point is the label of the closest labeled point.
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function
will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of
nodes in each class.
D : numpy array or scipy sparse matrix (optional)
(n,n) Distance matrix, giving distances between neighbors. If provided,
this is used to construct a knn density estimator for reweighting the eikonal equation.
alpha : float (optional), default=1
Reweighting exponent.
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
self.alpha = alpha
if class_priors is not None:
self.onevsrest = True
self.similarity = False
#Cannot reweight if distance matrix not provided
if D is None:
self.f = 1
d = D.max(axis=1).toarray().flatten() #distance to furtherest neighbor
self.f = (d/np.max(d))**alpha
#Setup accuracy filename and model name
self.accuracy_filename = '_graph_nearest_neighbor_alpha%.2f'%(self.alpha) = 'Graph NN (alpha=%.2f)'%(self.alpha)
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
if self.onevsrest:
u = self.graph.dijkstra(train_ind[train_labels], bdy_val=0, f=self.f)
_,l = self.graph.dijkstra(train_ind, bdy_val=np.zeros_like(train_ind), f=self.f, return_cp=True)
u = np.zeros(l.shape)
u[train_ind] = train_labels
k = len(np.unique(train_labels))
u = utils.labels_to_onehot(u[l],k)
return u
class amle(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, tol=1e-3, max_num_it=1e5, weighted=False, prog=False):
"""AMLE learning
Semi-supervised learning by the Absolutely Minimal Lipschitz Extension (AMLE). This is the same as
p-Laplace with \\(p=\\infty\\), except that AMLE has an option `weighted=False` that significantly
accelerates the solver.
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
(n,n) Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function
will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of
nodes in each class.
tol : float (optional), default=1e-3
Tolerance with which to solve the equation.
max_num_it : int (optional), default=1e5
Maximum number of iterations
weighted : bool (optional), default=False
When False, the graph is converted to a 0/1 adjacency matrix, which affords a much faster solver.
prog : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to print progress information.
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
self.tol = tol
self.max_num_it = max_num_it
self.weighted = weighted
self.prog = prog
self.onevsrest = True
#Setup accuracy filename and model name
self.accuracy_filename = '_amle'
if not self.weighted:
self.accuracy_filename += '_unweighted' = 'AMLE'
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
u = self.graph.amle(train_ind, train_labels, tol=self.tol, max_num_it=self.max_num_it,
weighted=self.weighted, prog=self.prog)
return u
class peikonal(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, D=None, p=1, alpha=1, max_num_it=1e5, tol=1e-3, num_bisection_it=30, eps_ball_graph=False):
"""Graph p-eikonal classifier
Semi-supervised learning by via the solution of the graph `graph.peikonal` equation.
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
(n,n) Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function
will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of
nodes in each class.
D : numpy array or scipy sparse matrix (optional)
(n,n) Distance matrix, giving distances between neighbors. If provided,
this is used to construct a knn density estimator for reweighting the p-eikonal equation.
p : float (optional), default=1
Value of exponent p in the p-eikonal equation
alpha : float (optional), default=1
Reweighting exponent.
max_num_it : int (optional), default=1e5
Maximum number of iterations.
tol : float (optional), default=1e-3
Tolerance with which to solve the equation.
num_bisection_it : int (optional), default=30
Number of bisection iterations for solver.
eps_ball_graph : bool (optional), default=False
Whether the graph is an epsilon-ball graph or not. If it is, then the density reweighting
will be done with the degree vector, which is a kernel density estimator in this case
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
self.p = p
self.alpha = alpha
self.max_num_it = max_num_it
self.tol = tol
self.num_bisection_it = num_bisection_it
self.onevsrest = True
self.similarity = False
#Cannot reweight if distance matrix not provided
if D is None:
if eps_ball_graph:
d = self.graph.degree_vector()
self.f = (d/np.max(d))**(-alpha)
self.f = 1
d = D.max(axis=1).toarray().flatten() #distance to furtherest neighbor
self.f = (d/np.max(d))**alpha
#Setup accuracy filename and model name
self.accuracy_filename = '_peikonal_p%.2f_alpha%.2f'%(self.p,self.alpha) = 'p-eikonal (p=%.2f, alpha=%.2f)'%(self.p,self.alpha)
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
u = self.graph.peikonal(train_ind[train_labels], bdy_val=0, f=self.f, p=self.p, max_num_it=self.max_num_it,
tol=self.tol, num_bisection_it=self.num_bisection_it, prog=False)
return u
class plaplace(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, p=10, max_num_it=1e6, tol=1e-1, fast=True):
"""Graph p-laplace classifier
Semi-supervised learning by via the solution of the game-theoretic p-Laplace equation [1].
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
(n,n) Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function
will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of
nodes in each class.
p : float (optional), default=10
Value of p in the p-Laplace equation (\\( 2 \\leq p \\leq \\infty\\).
max_num_it : int (optional), default=1e5
Maximum number of iterations
tol : float (optional)
Tolerance with which to solve the equation. Default tol=0.1 for fast=False and tol=1e-5 otherwise.
fast : bool (optional), default=True
Whether to use constant \\(w_{ij}=1\\) weights for the infinity-Laplacian
which allows a faster algorithm to be used.
[1] M. Flores Rios, J. Calder, and G. Lerman. [Algorithms for \\( \\ell_p\\)-based semi-supervised learning on graphs.]( arXiv:1901.05031, 2019.
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
self.p = p
self.max_num_it = max_num_it
self.tol = tol
self.onevsrest = True = fast
if fast:
self.tol = 1e-5
#Setup accuracy filename and model name
self.accuracy_filename = '_plaplace_p%.2f'%self.p = 'p-Laplace (p=%.2f)'%self.p
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
u = self.graph.plaplace(train_ind, train_labels, self.p, max_num_it=self.max_num_it, tol=self.tol,
return u
class randomwalk(ssl):
def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, alpha=0.95):
"""Lazy random walk classification
Add description.
The original method was introduced in [1], and can be interpreted as a lazy random walk.
W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None
Weight matrix representing the graph.
class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None
Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function
will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of
nodes in each class.
alpha : float (optional), default=0.95
Parameter in model.
[1] D. Zhou and B. Schölkopf. [Learning from labeled and unlabeled data using random walks.]( Joint Pattern Recognition Symposium.
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004.
super().__init__(W, class_priors)
self.alpha = alpha
#Setup accuracy filename and model name
self.accuracy_filename = '_randomwalk' = 'Lazy Random Walks'
def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None):
alpha = self.alpha
#Zero diagonals
n = self.graph.num_nodes
W = self.graph.weight_matrix
W = W - sparse.spdiags(W.diagonal(),0,n,n)
G = graph.graph(W)
#Construct Laplacian matrix
L = (1-alpha)*sparse.identity(n) + alpha*G.laplacian(normalization='normalized')
m = L.shape[0]
M = L.diagonal()
M = sparse.spdiags(1/np.sqrt(M+1e-10),0,m,m).tocsr()
#Right hand side
k = len(np.unique(train_labels))
onehot = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k)
Y = np.zeros((n, onehot.shape[1]))
Y[train_ind,:] = onehot
#Conjugate gradient solver
u = utils.conjgrad(M*L*M, M*Y, tol=1e-6)
u = M*u
return u
def ssl_accuracy(pred_labels, true_labels, train_ind):
"""SSL Accuacy
Accuracy for semi-supervised graph learning, taking care to remove training set.
NOTE: Any true labels with negative values will be removed from
accuracy computation.
pred_labels : numpy array, int
Predicted labels
true_labels : numpy array, int
True labels
train_ind : numpy array, int
Indices of training points, which will be removed from the accuracy computation.
accuracy : float
Accuracy as a number in [0,100].
#Remove labeled data
mask = np.ones(len(pred_labels),dtype=bool)
if type(train_ind) != np.ndarray:
print("Warning: ssl_accuracy has been updated and now requires the user to provide the indices of the labeled points, and not just the number of labels. Accuracy computation will be incorrect unless you update your code accordingly. See")
pred_labels = pred_labels[mask]
true_labels = true_labels[mask]
#Remove unlabeled nodes
I = true_labels >=0
pred_labels = pred_labels[I]
true_labels = true_labels[I]
#Compute accuracy
return 100*np.mean(pred_labels==true_labels)
def accuracy_plot(model_list, tag='', testerror=False, savefile=None, title=None, errorbars=False,
loglog=False, ylim=None, fontsize=16, legend_fontsize=16, label_fontsize=16):
"""Accuracy Plot
Creates a plot of accuracy scores for experiments run with `ssl_trials`.
model_list : list of ssl objects
Models to include in table.
tag : str (optional), default=''
An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename.
testerror : bool (optional), default=False
Show test error (instead of accuracy) in the table.
savefile : str (optional), default=None
If a savefile name is provided, then the plot is saved instead of displayed to the screen
title : str (optional), default=None
If title is provided, then it will be added to the plot.
errorbars : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to add error bars to plot.
loglog : bool (optional), default=False
Make the plot on a loglog scale.
ylim : tuple (optional), default=None
If provided, then y-limits are set with `plt.ylim(ylim)`
fontsize : int (optional), default=16
Font size text, other than legend and labels
legend_fontsize : int (optional), default=16
Font size for legend.
label_fontsize : int (optional), default=16
Font size for x and y labels.
fig = plt.figure()
if errorbars:
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'errorbar.capsize': 5})
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize})
styles = ['^b-','or-','dg-','sk-','pm-','xc-','*y-']
i = -1
for model in model_list:
i = (i+1)%7
num_train,acc_mean,acc_stddev,num_trials = model.trials_statistics(tag=tag)
if testerror:
acc_mean = 100-acc_mean
if errorbars:
plt.errorbar(num_train, acc_mean[:,0], fmt=styles[i], yerr=acc_stddev[:,0],
if loglog:
plt.loglog(num_train, acc_mean[:,0], styles[i],
plt.plot(num_train, acc_mean[:,0], styles[i], #3rd argumnet=styles[i]
#If class priors were run as well
if acc_mean.shape[1] > 1:
i = (i+1)%7
if errorbars:
plt.errorbar(num_train, acc_mean[:,1], fmt=styles[i], yerr=acc_stddev[:,1],'+CP')
if loglog:
plt.loglog(num_train, acc_mean[:,1], styles[i],'+CP')
plt.plot(num_train, acc_mean[:,1], styles[i],'+CP') #3rd argumnet=styles[i]
plt.xlabel('Number of labels',fontsize=label_fontsize)
if testerror:
plt.ylabel('Test error (%)',fontsize=label_fontsize)
plt.legend(loc='upper right',fontsize=legend_fontsize)
plt.ylabel('Accuracy (%)',fontsize=label_fontsize)
plt.legend(loc='lower right',fontsize=legend_fontsize)
if title is not None:
if ylim is not None:
if savefile is not None:
def accuracy_table(model_list, tag='', testerror=False, savefile='table.tex', title='',
append=False, fontsize='small', small_caps=True, two_column=True):
"""Accuracy table
Creates a table of accuracy scores for experiments run with `ssl_trials` to be
included in a LaTeX document.
model_list : list of ssl objects
Models to include in table.
tag : str (optional), default=''
An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename.
testerror : bool (optional), default=False
Show test error (instead of accuracy) in the table.
savefile : str (optional), default='table.tex'
Filename to save tex code for table.
title : str (optional), default=''
Title for table.
append : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to create a new tex file or append table to existing file.
fontsize : str (optional), default='small'
LaTeX font size.
small_caps : bool (optional), default=True
Whether to use small caps in LaTeX for table.
two_column : bool (optional), default=True
Whether the table will be in a two-column LaTeX document.
num_train,acc_mean,acc_stddev,num_trials = model_list[0].trials_statistics(tag=tag)
m = len(num_train)
#Determine best algorithm at each label rate
best = [None]*m
class_priors_best = [False]*m
best_score = [0]*m
for i, model in enumerate(model_list):
num_train,acc_mean,acc_stddev,num_trials = model.trials_statistics(tag=tag)
for j in range(m):
if acc_mean[j,0] > best_score[j]:
best_score[j] = acc_mean[j,0]
best[j] = i
#Check if class priors accuracy was included as well
if acc_mean.shape[1] > 1:
for j in range(m):
if acc_mean[j,1] > best_score[j]:
best_score[j] = acc_mean[j,1]
class_priors_best[j] = True
best[j] = i
if append:
f = open(savefile,"r")
lines = f.readlines()
f = open(savefile,"w")
f.writelines([item for item in lines[:-1]])
f = open(savefile,"w")
if two_column:
f.write("\\caption{"+title+": Average (standard deviation) classification accuracy over %d trials.}\n"%num_trials)
f.write("\\vskip 0.15in\n")
if small_caps:
for i in range(m):
f.write("\\# Labels")
for i in range(m):
i = 0
for i, model in enumerate(model_list):
num_train,acc_mean,acc_stddev,num_trials = model.trials_statistics(tag=tag)
for j in range(m):
if best[j] == i and not class_priors_best[j]:
f.write("&{\\bf %.1f"%acc_mean[j,0]+" (%.1f)}"%acc_stddev[j,0])
f.write("&%.1f"%acc_mean[j,0]+" (%.1f) "%acc_stddev[j,0])
#Check if class priors accuracy was included as well
if acc_mean.shape[1] > 1:
for j in range(m):
if best[j] == i and class_priors_best[j]:
f.write("&{\\bf %.1f"%acc_mean[j,1]+" (%.1f)}"%acc_stddev[j,1])
f.write("&%.1f"%acc_mean[j,1]+" (%.1f) "%acc_stddev[j,1])
if small_caps:
f.write("\\vskip -0.1in\n")
if two_column:
def accuracy_plot(model_list, tag='', testerror=False, savefile=None, title=None, errorbars=False, loglog=False, ylim=None, fontsize=16, legend_fontsize=16, label_fontsize=16)
Accuracy Plot
Creates a plot of accuracy scores for experiments run with
ofssl objects
- Models to include in table.
:str (optional)
, default=''
- An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Show test error (instead of accuracy) in the table.
:str (optional)
, default=None
- If a savefile name is provided, then the plot is saved instead of displayed to the screen
:str (optional)
, default=None
- If title is provided, then it will be added to the plot.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to add error bars to plot.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Make the plot on a loglog scale.
:tuple (optional)
, default=None
- If provided, then y-limits are set with
:int (optional)
, default=16
- Font size text, other than legend and labels
:int (optional)
, default=16
- Font size for legend.
:int (optional)
, default=16
- Font size for x and y labels.
Expand source code
def accuracy_plot(model_list, tag='', testerror=False, savefile=None, title=None, errorbars=False, loglog=False, ylim=None, fontsize=16, legend_fontsize=16, label_fontsize=16): """Accuracy Plot ====== Creates a plot of accuracy scores for experiments run with `ssl_trials`. Parameters ---------- model_list : list of ssl objects Models to include in table. tag : str (optional), default='' An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename. testerror : bool (optional), default=False Show test error (instead of accuracy) in the table. savefile : str (optional), default=None If a savefile name is provided, then the plot is saved instead of displayed to the screen title : str (optional), default=None If title is provided, then it will be added to the plot. errorbars : bool (optional), default=False Whether to add error bars to plot. loglog : bool (optional), default=False Make the plot on a loglog scale. ylim : tuple (optional), default=None If provided, then y-limits are set with `plt.ylim(ylim)` fontsize : int (optional), default=16 Font size text, other than legend and labels legend_fontsize : int (optional), default=16 Font size for legend. label_fontsize : int (optional), default=16 Font size for x and y labels. """ fig = plt.figure() if errorbars: matplotlib.rcParams.update({'errorbar.capsize': 5}) matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize}) styles = ['^b-','or-','dg-','sk-','pm-','xc-','*y-'] i = -1 for model in model_list: i = (i+1)%7 num_train,acc_mean,acc_stddev,num_trials = model.trials_statistics(tag=tag) if testerror: acc_mean = 100-acc_mean if errorbars: plt.errorbar(num_train, acc_mean[:,0], fmt=styles[i], yerr=acc_stddev[:,0], else: if loglog: plt.loglog(num_train, acc_mean[:,0], styles[i], else: plt.plot(num_train, acc_mean[:,0], styles[i], #3rd argumnet=styles[i] #If class priors were run as well if acc_mean.shape[1] > 1: i = (i+1)%7 if errorbars: plt.errorbar(num_train, acc_mean[:,1], fmt=styles[i], yerr=acc_stddev[:,1],'+CP') else: if loglog: plt.loglog(num_train, acc_mean[:,1], styles[i],'+CP') else: plt.plot(num_train, acc_mean[:,1], styles[i],'+CP') #3rd argumnet=styles[i] plt.xlabel('Number of labels',fontsize=label_fontsize) if testerror: plt.ylabel('Test error (%)',fontsize=label_fontsize) plt.legend(loc='upper right',fontsize=legend_fontsize) else: plt.ylabel('Accuracy (%)',fontsize=label_fontsize) plt.legend(loc='lower right',fontsize=legend_fontsize) if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.tight_layout() plt.grid(True) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim) #ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) if savefile is not None: plt.savefig(savefile) else:
def accuracy_table(model_list, tag='', testerror=False, savefile='table.tex', title='', append=False, fontsize='small', small_caps=True, two_column=True)
Accuracy table
Creates a table of accuracy scores for experiments run with
to be included in a LaTeX document.Parameters
ofssl objects
- Models to include in table.
:str (optional)
, default=''
- An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Show test error (instead of accuracy) in the table.
:str (optional)
, default='table.tex'
- Filename to save tex code for table.
:str (optional)
, default=''
- Title for table.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to create a new tex file or append table to existing file.
:str (optional)
, default='small'
- LaTeX font size.
:bool (optional)
, default=True
- Whether to use small caps in LaTeX for table.
:bool (optional)
, default=True
- Whether the table will be in a two-column LaTeX document.
Expand source code
def accuracy_table(model_list, tag='', testerror=False, savefile='table.tex', title='', append=False, fontsize='small', small_caps=True, two_column=True): """Accuracy table ====== Creates a table of accuracy scores for experiments run with `ssl_trials` to be included in a LaTeX document. Parameters ---------- model_list : list of ssl objects Models to include in table. tag : str (optional), default='' An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename. testerror : bool (optional), default=False Show test error (instead of accuracy) in the table. savefile : str (optional), default='table.tex' Filename to save tex code for table. title : str (optional), default='' Title for table. append : bool (optional), default=False Whether to create a new tex file or append table to existing file. fontsize : str (optional), default='small' LaTeX font size. small_caps : bool (optional), default=True Whether to use small caps in LaTeX for table. two_column : bool (optional), default=True Whether the table will be in a two-column LaTeX document. """ num_train,acc_mean,acc_stddev,num_trials = model_list[0].trials_statistics(tag=tag) m = len(num_train) #Determine best algorithm at each label rate best = [None]*m class_priors_best = [False]*m best_score = [0]*m for i, model in enumerate(model_list): num_train,acc_mean,acc_stddev,num_trials = model.trials_statistics(tag=tag) for j in range(m): if acc_mean[j,0] > best_score[j]: best_score[j] = acc_mean[j,0] best[j] = i #Check if class priors accuracy was included as well if acc_mean.shape[1] > 1: for j in range(m): if acc_mean[j,1] > best_score[j]: best_score[j] = acc_mean[j,1] class_priors_best[j] = True best[j] = i if append: f = open(savefile,"r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() f = open(savefile,"w") f.writelines([item for item in lines[:-1]]) else: f = open(savefile,"w") f.write("\\documentclass{article}\n") f.write("\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n") f.write("\\usepackage{booktabs}\n") f.write("\\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry}\n") f.write("\\begin{document}\n") f.write("\n\n\n") if two_column: f.write("\\begin{table*}[t!]\n") else: f.write("\\begin{table}[t!]\n") f.write("\\vspace{-3mm}\n") f.write("\\caption{"+title+": Average (standard deviation) classification accuracy over %d trials.}\n"%num_trials) f.write("\\vspace{-3mm}\n") f.write("\\label{tab:"+title+"}\n") f.write("\\vskip 0.15in\n") f.write("\\begin{center}\n") f.write("\\begin{"+fontsize+"}\n") if small_caps: f.write("\\begin{sc}\n") f.write("\\begin{tabular}{l") for i in range(m): f.write("l") f.write("}\n") f.write("\\toprule\n") f.write("\\# Labels") for i in range(m): f.write("&\\textbf{%d}"%int(num_train[i])) f.write("\\\\\n") f.write("\\midrule\n") i = 0 for i, model in enumerate(model_list): num_train,acc_mean,acc_stddev,num_trials = model.trials_statistics(tag=tag) f.write( for j in range(m): if best[j] == i and not class_priors_best[j]: f.write("&{\\bf %.1f"%acc_mean[j,0]+" (%.1f)}"%acc_stddev[j,0]) else: f.write("&%.1f"%acc_mean[j,0]+" (%.1f) "%acc_stddev[j,0]) f.write("\\\\\n") #Check if class priors accuracy was included as well if acc_mean.shape[1] > 1: f.write(('+CP').ljust(15)) for j in range(m): if best[j] == i and class_priors_best[j]: f.write("&{\\bf %.1f"%acc_mean[j,1]+" (%.1f)}"%acc_stddev[j,1]) else: f.write("&%.1f"%acc_mean[j,1]+" (%.1f) "%acc_stddev[j,1]) f.write("\\\\\n") f.write("\\bottomrule\n") f.write("\\end{tabular}\n") if small_caps: f.write("\\end{sc}\n") f.write("\\end{"+fontsize+"}\n") f.write("\\end{center}\n") f.write("\\vskip -0.1in\n") if two_column: f.write("\\end{table*}") else: f.write("\\end{table}") f.write("\n\n\n") f.write("\\end{document}\n") f.close()
def ssl_accuracy(pred_labels, true_labels, train_ind)
SSL Accuacy
Accuracy for semi-supervised graph learning, taking care to remove training set. NOTE: Any true labels with negative values will be removed from accuracy computation.
:numpy array, int
- Predicted labels
:numpy array, int
- True labels
:numpy array, int
- Indices of training points, which will be removed from the accuracy computation.
- Accuracy as a number in [0,100].
Expand source code
def ssl_accuracy(pred_labels, true_labels, train_ind): """SSL Accuacy ====== Accuracy for semi-supervised graph learning, taking care to remove training set. NOTE: Any true labels with negative values will be removed from accuracy computation. Parameters ---------- pred_labels : numpy array, int Predicted labels true_labels : numpy array, int True labels train_ind : numpy array, int Indices of training points, which will be removed from the accuracy computation. Returns ------- accuracy : float Accuracy as a number in [0,100]. """ #Remove labeled data mask = np.ones(len(pred_labels),dtype=bool) if type(train_ind) != np.ndarray: print("Warning: ssl_accuracy has been updated and now requires the user to provide the indices of the labeled points, and not just the number of labels. Accuracy computation will be incorrect unless you update your code accordingly. See") else: mask[train_ind]=False pred_labels = pred_labels[mask] true_labels = true_labels[mask] #Remove unlabeled nodes I = true_labels >=0 pred_labels = pred_labels[I] true_labels = true_labels[I] #Compute accuracy return 100*np.mean(pred_labels==true_labels)
class amle (W=None, class_priors=None, tol=0.001, max_num_it=100000.0, weighted=False, prog=False)
AMLE learning
Semi-supervised learning by the Absolutely Minimal Lipschitz Extension (AMLE). This is the same as p-Laplace with p=\infty, except that AMLE has an option
that significantly accelerates the solver.Parameters
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- (n,n) Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class.
:float (optional)
, default=1e-3
- Tolerance with which to solve the equation.
:int (optional)
, default=1e5
- Maximum number of iterations
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- When False, the graph is converted to a 0/1 adjacency matrix, which affords a much faster solver.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to print progress information.
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class amle(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, tol=1e-3, max_num_it=1e5, weighted=False, prog=False): """AMLE learning =================== Semi-supervised learning by the Absolutely Minimal Lipschitz Extension (AMLE). This is the same as p-Laplace with \\(p=\\infty\\), except that AMLE has an option `weighted=False` that significantly accelerates the solver. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None (n,n) Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class. tol : float (optional), default=1e-3 Tolerance with which to solve the equation. max_num_it : int (optional), default=1e5 Maximum number of iterations weighted : bool (optional), default=False When False, the graph is converted to a 0/1 adjacency matrix, which affords a much faster solver. prog : bool (optional), default=False Whether to print progress information. """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) self.tol = tol self.max_num_it = max_num_it self.weighted = weighted self.prog = prog self.onevsrest = True #Setup accuracy filename and model name self.accuracy_filename = '_amle' if not self.weighted: self.accuracy_filename += '_unweighted' = 'AMLE' def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): u = self.graph.amle(train_ind, train_labels, tol=self.tol, max_num_it=self.max_num_it, weighted=self.weighted, prog=self.prog) return u
Inherited members
class centered_kernel (W=None, class_priors=None, tol=1e-10, power_it=100, alpha=1.05)
Centered Kernel Method
Semi-supervised learning via the centered kernel method of [1].
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class.
:float (optional)
, default=1e-10
- Tolerance to solve equation.
:int (optional)
, default=100
- Number of power iterations to find largest eigenvalue.
:float (optional)
, default= 1.05
- Value of \alpha as a fraction of largest eigenvalue.
[1] X. Mai and R. Couillet. Random matrix-inspired improved semi-supervised learning on graphs. International Conference on Machine Learning. 2018.
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class centered_kernel(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, tol=1e-10, power_it=100, alpha=1.05): """Centered Kernel Method =================== Semi-supervised learning via the centered kernel method of [1]. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class. tol : float (optional), default=1e-10 Tolerance to solve equation. power_it : int (optional), default=100 Number of power iterations to find largest eigenvalue. alpha : float (optional), default = 1.05 Value of \\(\\alpha\\) as a fraction of largest eigenvalue. References --------- [1] X. Mai and R. Couillet. [Random matrix-inspired improved semi-supervised learning on graphs.]( International Conference on Machine Learning. 2018. """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) self.tol = tol self.power_it = power_it self.alpha = alpha self.accuracy_filename = '_centered_kernel' = 'Centered Kernel' def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): n = self.graph.num_nodes k = len(np.unique(train_labels)) #Zero diagonal W = self.graph.weight_matrix W = W - sparse.spdiags(W.diagonal(),0,n,n) #Indicator of train_ind K = np.zeros((n,k)) K[train_ind] = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k) #Center labels K[train_ind,:] -= np.sum(K,axis=0)/len(train_ind) #Initialization u = np.copy(K) v = np.ones((n,1)) vt = np.ones((1,n)) e = np.random.rand(n,1) for i in range(self.power_it): y = W*(e - (1/n)*v@(vt@e)) w = y - (1/n)*v@(vt@y) #=Ae l = abs(np.transpose(e)@w/(np.transpose(e)@e)) e = w/np.linalg.norm(w) #Number of iterations alpha = self.alpha * l err = 1 while err > self.tol: y = W*(u - (1/n)*v@(vt@u)) w = (1/alpha)*(y - (1/n)*v@(vt@y)) - u #Laplacian w[train_ind,:] = 0 err = np.max(np.absolute(w)) u = u + w #Compute accuracy if all labels are provided if all_labels is not None: self.prob = u labels = self.predict() acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind) print('Accuracy = %.2f'%acc) return u
Inherited members
class dynamic_label_propagation (W=None, class_priors=None, alpha=0.05, lam=0.1, T=2)
Dynamic Label Propagation
Semi-supervised learning via dynamic label propagation [1].
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class.
:float (optional)
, default=0.05
- Value of parameter \alpha.
:float (optional)
, default=0.1
- Value of parameter \lambda.
:int (optional)
, default=2
- Number of iterations.
[1] B. Wang, Z. Tu, and J.K. Tsotsos. Dynamic label propagation for semi-supervised multi-class multi-label classification. Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2013.
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class dynamic_label_propagation(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, alpha=0.05, lam=0.1, T=2): """Dynamic Label Propagation =================== Semi-supervised learning via dynamic label propagation [1]. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class. alpha : float (optional), default=0.05 Value of parameter \\(\\alpha\\). lam : float (optional), default=0.1 Value of parameter \\(\\lambda\\). T : int (optional), default=2 Number of iterations. References --------- [1] B. Wang, Z. Tu, and J.K. Tsotsos. [Dynamic label propagation for semi-supervised multi-class multi-label classification.]( Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2013. """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) self.alpha = alpha self.lam = lam self.T = T self.accuracy_filename = '_dynamic_label_propagation' = 'Dynamic Label Propagation' def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): #Short forms alpha = self.alpha lam = self.lam T = self.T n = self.graph.num_nodes k = len(np.unique(train_labels)) #Zero out diagonal W = self.graph.weight_matrix W = W - sparse.spdiags(W.diagonal(),0,n,n) G = graph.graph(W) #Labels to vector and correct position K = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k) u = np.zeros((n,k)) u[train_ind,:] = K if n > 5000: print("Cannot use Dynamic Label Propagation on large datasets.") else: #Setup matrices Id = sparse.identity(n) D = G.degree_matrix(p=-1) P = D*W P = np.array(P.todense()) Pt = np.copy(P) for i in range(T): v = P@u u = Pt@u u[train_ind,:] = K Pt = P@Pt@np.transpose(P) + alpha*v@np.transpose(v) + lam*Id #Compute accuracy if all labels are provided if all_labels is not None: self.prob = np.array(u) labels = self.predict() acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind) print('Accuracy = %.2f'%acc) u = np.array(u) return u
Inherited members
class graph_nearest_neighbor (W=None, class_priors=None, D=None, alpha=1)
Graph nearest neighbor classifier
Semi-supervised learning by graph (geodesic) nearest neighbor classifier. The graph geodesic distance is defined by d_{ij} = \min_p \sum_{k=1}^M w_{p_k,p_{k+1}}, where the minimum is over paths p connecting nodes i and j. The label returned for each testing point is the label of the closest labeled point.
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class.
:numpy array
orscipy sparse matrix (optional)
- (n,n) Distance matrix, giving distances between neighbors. If provided, this is used to construct a knn density estimator for reweighting the eikonal equation.
:float (optional)
, default=1
- Reweighting exponent.
Expand source code
class graph_nearest_neighbor(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, D=None, alpha=1): """Graph nearest neighbor classifier =================== Semi-supervised learning by graph (geodesic) nearest neighbor classifier. The graph geodesic distance is defined by \\[ d_{ij} = \\min_p \\sum_{k=1}^M w_{p_k,p_{k+1}},\\] where the minimum is over paths \\(p\\) connecting nodes \\(i\\) and \\(j\\). The label returned for each testing point is the label of the closest labeled point. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class. D : numpy array or scipy sparse matrix (optional) (n,n) Distance matrix, giving distances between neighbors. If provided, this is used to construct a knn density estimator for reweighting the eikonal equation. alpha : float (optional), default=1 Reweighting exponent. """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) self.alpha = alpha if class_priors is not None: self.onevsrest = True self.similarity = False #Cannot reweight if distance matrix not provided if D is None: self.f = 1 else: d = D.max(axis=1).toarray().flatten() #distance to furtherest neighbor self.f = (d/np.max(d))**alpha #Setup accuracy filename and model name self.accuracy_filename = '_graph_nearest_neighbor_alpha%.2f'%(self.alpha) = 'Graph NN (alpha=%.2f)'%(self.alpha) def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): if self.onevsrest: u = self.graph.dijkstra(train_ind[train_labels], bdy_val=0, f=self.f) else: _,l = self.graph.dijkstra(train_ind, bdy_val=np.zeros_like(train_ind), f=self.f, return_cp=True) u = np.zeros(l.shape) u[train_ind] = train_labels k = len(np.unique(train_labels)) u = utils.labels_to_onehot(u[l],k) return u
Inherited members
class laplace (W=None, class_priors=None, X=None, reweighting='none', normalization='combinatorial', tau=0, order=1, mean_shift=False, tol=1e-05, alpha=2, zeta=10000000.0, r=0.1)
Laplace Learning
Semi-supervised learning via the solution of the Laplace equation \tau u_j + L^m u_j = 0, \ \ j \geq m+1, subject to u_j = y_j for j=1,\dots,m, where L=D-W is the combinatorial graph Laplacian and y_j for j=1,\dots,m are the label vectors. Default order is m=1, and m > 1 corresponds to higher order Laplace Learning.
The original method was introduced in [1]. This class also implements reweighting schemes
proposed in [2],wnll
proposed in [3], andproperly
, proposed in [4]. Ifproperly
is selected, the user must additionally provide the data featuresX
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class.
:numpy array (optional)
- Data features, used to construct the graph. This is required for the
weighted graph Laplacian method. normalization
:{'combinatorial','randomwalk','normalized'} (optional), defualt='combinatorial'
- Normalization for the graph Laplacian.
:{'none', 'wnll', 'poisson', 'properly'} (optional)
, default='none'
- Reweighting scheme for low label rate problems. If 'properly' is selected, the user
must supply the data features
. tau
ornumpy array (optional)
, default=0
- Zeroth order term in Laplace equation. Can be a scalar or vector.
:integer (optional)
, default=1
- Power m for higher order Laplace learning. Currently only integers are allowed.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to shift output to mean zero.
:float (optional)
, default=1e-5
- Tolerance for conjugate gradient solver.
:float (optional)
, default=2
- Parameter for
reweighting. zeta
:float (optional)
, default=1e7
- Parameter for
reweighting. r
:float (optional)
, default=0.1
- Radius for
[1] X. Zhu, Z. Ghahramani, and J. D. Lafferty. Semi-supervised learning using gaussian fields and harmonic functions. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-03), 2003.
[2] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised Learning at Very Low Label Rates., Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020.
[3] Z. Shi, S. Osher, and W. Zhu. Weighted nonlocal laplacian on interpolation from sparse data. Journal of Scientific Computing 73.2 (2017): 1164-1177.
[4] J. Calder, D. Slepčev. Properly-weighted graph Laplacian for semi-supervised learning. Applied mathematics & optimization (2019): 1-49.
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class laplace(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, X=None, reweighting='none', normalization='combinatorial', tau=0, order=1, mean_shift=False, tol=1e-5, alpha=2, zeta=1e7, r=0.1): """Laplace Learning =================== Semi-supervised learning via the solution of the Laplace equation \\[\\tau u_j + L^m u_j = 0, \\ \\ j \\geq m+1,\\] subject to \\(u_j = y_j\\) for \\(j=1,\\dots,m\\), where \\(L=D-W\\) is the combinatorial graph Laplacian and \\(y_j\\) for \\(j=1,\\dots,m\\) are the label vectors. Default order is m=1, and m > 1 corresponds to higher order Laplace Learning. The original method was introduced in [1]. This class also implements reweighting schemes `poisson` proposed in [2], `wnll` proposed in [3], and `properly`, proposed in [4]. If `properly` is selected, the user must additionally provide the data features `X`. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class. X : numpy array (optional) Data features, used to construct the graph. This is required for the `properly` weighted graph Laplacian method. normalization : {'combinatorial','randomwalk','normalized'} (optional), defualt='combinatorial' Normalization for the graph Laplacian. reweighting : {'none', 'wnll', 'poisson', 'properly'} (optional), default='none' Reweighting scheme for low label rate problems. If 'properly' is selected, the user must supply the data features `X`. tau : float or numpy array (optional), default=0 Zeroth order term in Laplace equation. Can be a scalar or vector. order : integer (optional), default=1 Power m for higher order Laplace learning. Currently only integers are allowed. mean_shift : bool (optional), default=False Whether to shift output to mean zero. tol : float (optional), default=1e-5 Tolerance for conjugate gradient solver. alpha : float (optional), default=2 Parameter for `properly` reweighting. zeta : float (optional), default=1e7 Parameter for `properly` reweighting. r : float (optional), default=0.1 Radius for `properly` reweighting. References --------- [1] X. Zhu, Z. Ghahramani, and J. D. Lafferty. [Semi-supervised learning using gaussian fields and harmonic functions.]( Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-03), 2003. [2] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. [Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised Learning at Very Low Label Rates.](, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020. [3] Z. Shi, S. Osher, and W. Zhu. [Weighted nonlocal laplacian on interpolation from sparse data.]( Journal of Scientific Computing 73.2 (2017): 1164-1177. [4] J. Calder, D. Slepčev. [Properly-weighted graph Laplacian for semi-supervised learning.]( Applied mathematics & optimization (2019): 1-49. """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) self.reweighting = reweighting self.normalization = normalization self.mean_shift = mean_shift self.tol = tol self.order = order self.X = X #Set up tau if type(tau) in [float,int]: self.tau = np.ones(self.graph.num_nodes)*tau elif type(tau) is np.ndarray: self.tau = tau #Setup accuracy filename fname = '_laplace' = 'Laplace Learning' if self.reweighting != 'none': fname += '_' + self.reweighting += ': ' + self.reweighting + ' reweighted' if self.normalization != 'combinatorial': fname += '_' + self.normalization += ' ' + self.normalization if self.mean_shift: fname += '_meanshift' += ' with meanshift' if self.order > 1: fname += '_order%d'%int(self.order) += ' order %d'%int(self.order) if np.max(self.tau) > 0: fname += '_tau_%.3f'%np.max(self.tau) += ' tau=%.3f'%np.max(self.tau) self.accuracy_filename = fname def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): #Reweighting if self.reweighting == 'none': G = self.graph else: W = self.graph.reweight(train_ind, method=self.reweighting, normalization=self.normalization, X=self.X) #W = self.graph.reweight(train_ind, method=self.reweighting, X=self.X) G = graph.graph(W) #Get some attributes n = G.num_nodes unique_labels = np.unique(train_labels) k = len(unique_labels) #tau + Graph Laplacian and one-hot labels L = sparse.spdiags(self.tau, 0, G.num_nodes, G.num_nodes) + G.laplacian(normalization=self.normalization) if self.order > 1: Lpow = L*L if self.order > 2: for i in range(2,self.order): Lpow = L*Lpow L = Lpow F = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k) #Locations of unlabeled points idx = np.full((n,), True, dtype=bool) idx[train_ind] = False #Right hand side b = -L[:,train_ind]*F b = b[idx,:] #Left hand side matrix A = L[idx,:] A = A[:,idx] #Preconditioner m = A.shape[0] M = A.diagonal() M = sparse.spdiags(1/np.sqrt(M+1e-10),0,m,m).tocsr() #Conjugate gradient solver v = utils.conjgrad(M*A*M, M*b, tol=self.tol) v = M*v #Add labels back into array u = np.zeros((n,k)) u[idx,:] = v u[train_ind,:] = F #Mean shift if self.mean_shift: u -= np.mean(u,axis=0) return u
Inherited members
class modularity_mbo (W=None, class_priors=None, gamma=0.5, epsilon=1, lamb=1, T=20, Ns=5)
Modularity MBO
Semi-supervised learning via the Modularity MBO method [1].
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class.
:float (optional)
, default=0.5
- Parameter in algorithm.
:float (optional)
, default=1
- Parameter in algorithm.
:float (optional)
, default=1
- Parameter in algorithm.
:int (optional)
, default=20
- Number of outer iterations.
:int (optional)
, default=5
- Number of inner iterations.
[1] Z.M. Boyd, E. Bae, X.C. Tai, and A.L. Bertozzi. Simplified energy landscape for modularity using total variation. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78(5), 2439-2464, 2018.
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class modularity_mbo(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, gamma=0.5, epsilon=1, lamb=1, T=20, Ns=5): """Modularity MBO =================== Semi-supervised learning via the Modularity MBO method [1]. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class. gamma : float (optional), default=0.5 Parameter in algorithm. epsilon : float (optional), default=1 Parameter in algorithm. lamb : float (optional), default=1 Parameter in algorithm. T : int (optional), default=20 Number of outer iterations. Ns : int (optional), default=5 Number of inner iterations. References --------- [1] Z.M. Boyd, E. Bae, X.C. Tai, and A.L. Bertozzi. [Simplified energy landscape for modularity using total variation.]( SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78(5), 2439-2464, 2018. """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) self.gamma = gamma self.epsilon = epsilon self.lamb = lamb self.requires_eig = True self.T = T self.Ns = Ns #Setup accuracy filename self.accuracy_filename = '_modularity_mbo_gamma_%.2f_epsilon_%.2f_lamb_%.2f'%(gamma,epsilon,lamb) = 'Modularity MBO' def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): #Short form gamma = self.gamma eps = self.epsilon lamb = self.lamb T = self.T Ns = self.Ns #One-hot initialization n = self.graph.num_nodes num_classes = len(np.unique(train_labels)) train_onehot = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k) u = np.zeros((n,num_classes)) u[train_ind,:] = train_onehot #Spectral decomposition num_eig = 5*num_classes D, V = self.graph.eigen_decomp(normalization='combinatorial', k=num_eig, gamma=gamma) #Time step selection deg = self.graph.degree_vector() dtlow = 0.15/((gamma+1)*np.max(deg)) dthigh = np.log(np.linalg.norm(u)/eps)/D[0] dt = np.sqrt(dtlow*dthigh) #Diffusion matrix P = sparse.spdiags(np.exp(-D*dt),0,num_eig,num_eig)@V.T #Main MBO iterations for i in range(T): #Diffusion u = V@(P@u) #Training labels if lamb > 0: for _ in range(Ns): u[train_ind,:] -= (dt/Ns)*lamb*(u[train_ind,:] - train_onehot) #Threshold to labels labels = np.argmax(u,axis=1) #Convert to 1-hot vectors u = utils.labels_to_onehot(labels,num_classes) #Compute accuracy if all labels are provided if all_labels is not None: self.prob = u labels = self.predict() acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind) print('Accuracy = %.2f'%acc) return u
Inherited members
class multiclass_mbo (W=None, class_priors=None, Ns=6, T=10, dt=0.15, mu=50, num_eig=50)
Multiclass MBO
Semi-supervised learning via the Multiclass MBO method [1].
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class.
:int (optional)
, default=6
- Number of inner iterations.
:int (optional)
, default=10
- Number of outer iterations.
:float (optional)
, default=0.15
- Time step.
:float (optional)
, default=50
- Fidelity penalty.
:int (optional)
, default=300
- Number of eigenvectors.
[1] C. Garcia-Cardona, E. Merkurjev, A.L. Bertozzi, A. Flenner, and A.G. Percus. Multiclass data segmentation using diffuse interface methods on graphs. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 36(8), 1600-1613, 2014.
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class multiclass_mbo(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, Ns=6, T=10, dt=0.15, mu=50, num_eig=50): """Multiclass MBO =================== Semi-supervised learning via the Multiclass MBO method [1]. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class. Ns : int (optional), default=6 Number of inner iterations. T : int (optional), default=10 Number of outer iterations. dt : float (optional), default=0.15 Time step. mu : float (optional), default=50 Fidelity penalty. num_eig : int (optional), default=300 Number of eigenvectors. References --------- [1] C. Garcia-Cardona, E. Merkurjev, A.L. Bertozzi, A. Flenner, and A.G. Percus. [Multiclass data segmentation using diffuse interface methods on graphs.]( IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 36(8), 1600-1613, 2014. """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) self.Ns = Ns self.T = T self.dt = dt = mu self.num_eig = num_eig self.requires_eig = True #Setup accuracy filename self.accuracy_filename = '_multiclass_mbo_Ns_%d_T_%d_dt_%.3f_mu_%.2f'%(Ns,T,dt,mu) = 'Multiclass MBO' def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): #Shorten names Ns = self.Ns T = self.T dt = self.dt mu = num_eig = self.num_eig #Basic parameters n = self.graph.num_nodes k = len(np.unique(train_labels)) #Spectral decomposition eigvals, X = self.graph.eigen_decomp(normalization='normalized', k=self.num_eig) #Form matrices V = np.diag(1/(1 + (dt/Ns)*eigvals)) Y = X@V Xt = np.transpose(X) #Random initial labeling u = np.random.rand(k,n) u = utils.labels_to_onehot(np.argmax(u,axis=0),k).T u[:,train_ind] = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k).T #Indicator of train_ind J = np.zeros(n,) K = np.zeros(n,) J[train_ind] = 1 K[train_ind] = train_labels K = utils.labels_to_onehot(K,k).T for i in range(T): #Diffusion step for s in range(Ns): Z = (u - (dt/Ns)*mu*J*(u - K))@Y u = Z@Xt #Projection step u = utils.labels_to_onehot(np.argmax(u,axis=0),k).T #Compute accuracy if all labels are provided if all_labels is not None: self.prob = u.T labels = self.predict() acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind) print('Accuracy = %.2f'%acc) return u.T
Inherited members
class peikonal (W=None, class_priors=None, D=None, p=1, alpha=1, max_num_it=100000.0, tol=0.001, num_bisection_it=30, eps_ball_graph=False)
Graph p-eikonal classifier
Semi-supervised learning by via the solution of the graph
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- (n,n) Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class.
:numpy array
orscipy sparse matrix (optional)
- (n,n) Distance matrix, giving distances between neighbors. If provided, this is used to construct a knn density estimator for reweighting the p-eikonal equation.
:float (optional)
, default=1
- Value of exponent p in the p-eikonal equation
:float (optional)
, default=1
- Reweighting exponent.
:int (optional)
, default=1e5
- Maximum number of iterations.
:float (optional)
, default=1e-3
- Tolerance with which to solve the equation.
:int (optional)
, default=30
- Number of bisection iterations for solver.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether the graph is an epsilon-ball graph or not. If it is, then the density reweighting will be done with the degree vector, which is a kernel density estimator in this case
Expand source code
class peikonal(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, D=None, p=1, alpha=1, max_num_it=1e5, tol=1e-3, num_bisection_it=30, eps_ball_graph=False): """Graph p-eikonal classifier =================== Semi-supervised learning by via the solution of the graph `graph.peikonal` equation. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None (n,n) Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class. D : numpy array or scipy sparse matrix (optional) (n,n) Distance matrix, giving distances between neighbors. If provided, this is used to construct a knn density estimator for reweighting the p-eikonal equation. p : float (optional), default=1 Value of exponent p in the p-eikonal equation alpha : float (optional), default=1 Reweighting exponent. max_num_it : int (optional), default=1e5 Maximum number of iterations. tol : float (optional), default=1e-3 Tolerance with which to solve the equation. num_bisection_it : int (optional), default=30 Number of bisection iterations for solver. eps_ball_graph : bool (optional), default=False Whether the graph is an epsilon-ball graph or not. If it is, then the density reweighting will be done with the degree vector, which is a kernel density estimator in this case """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) self.p = p self.alpha = alpha self.max_num_it = max_num_it self.tol = tol self.num_bisection_it = num_bisection_it self.onevsrest = True self.similarity = False #Cannot reweight if distance matrix not provided if D is None: if eps_ball_graph: d = self.graph.degree_vector() self.f = (d/np.max(d))**(-alpha) else: self.f = 1 else: d = D.max(axis=1).toarray().flatten() #distance to furtherest neighbor self.f = (d/np.max(d))**alpha #Setup accuracy filename and model name self.accuracy_filename = '_peikonal_p%.2f_alpha%.2f'%(self.p,self.alpha) = 'p-eikonal (p=%.2f, alpha=%.2f)'%(self.p,self.alpha) def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): u = self.graph.peikonal(train_ind[train_labels], bdy_val=0, f=self.f, p=self.p, max_num_it=self.max_num_it, tol=self.tol, num_bisection_it=self.num_bisection_it, prog=False) return u
Inherited members
class plaplace (W=None, class_priors=None, p=10, max_num_it=1000000.0, tol=0.1, fast=True)
Graph p-laplace classifier
Semi-supervised learning by via the solution of the game-theoretic p-Laplace equation [1].
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- (n,n) Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class.
:float (optional)
, default=10
- Value of p in the p-Laplace equation (( 2 \leq p \leq \infty).
:int (optional)
, default=1e5
- Maximum number of iterations
:float (optional)
- Tolerance with which to solve the equation. Default tol=0.1 for fast=False and tol=1e-5 otherwise.
:bool (optional)
, default=True
- Whether to use constant w_{ij}=1 weights for the infinity-Laplacian which allows a faster algorithm to be used.
[1] M. Flores Rios, J. Calder, and G. Lerman. Algorithms for \ell_p-based semi-supervised learning on graphs. arXiv:1901.05031, 2019.
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class plaplace(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, p=10, max_num_it=1e6, tol=1e-1, fast=True): """Graph p-laplace classifier =================== Semi-supervised learning by via the solution of the game-theoretic p-Laplace equation [1]. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None (n,n) Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class. p : float (optional), default=10 Value of p in the p-Laplace equation (\\( 2 \\leq p \\leq \\infty\\). max_num_it : int (optional), default=1e5 Maximum number of iterations tol : float (optional) Tolerance with which to solve the equation. Default tol=0.1 for fast=False and tol=1e-5 otherwise. fast : bool (optional), default=True Whether to use constant \\(w_{ij}=1\\) weights for the infinity-Laplacian which allows a faster algorithm to be used. References ---------- [1] M. Flores Rios, J. Calder, and G. Lerman. [Algorithms for \\( \\ell_p\\)-based semi-supervised learning on graphs.]( arXiv:1901.05031, 2019. """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) self.p = p self.max_num_it = max_num_it self.tol = tol self.onevsrest = True = fast if fast: self.tol = 1e-5 #Setup accuracy filename and model name self.accuracy_filename = '_plaplace_p%.2f'%self.p = 'p-Laplace (p=%.2f)'%self.p def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): u = self.graph.plaplace(train_ind, train_labels, self.p, max_num_it=self.max_num_it, tol=self.tol, return u
Inherited members
class poisson (W=None, class_priors=None, solver='conjugate_gradient', p=1, use_cuda=False, min_iter=50, max_iter=1000, tol=0.001, spectral_cutoff=10)
Poisson Learning
Semi-supervised learning via the solution of the Poisson equation L^p u = \sum_{j=1}^m \delta_j(y_j - \overline{y})^T, where L=D-W is the combinatorial graph Laplacian, y_j are the label vectors, \overline{y} = \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m y_j is the average label vector, m is the number of training points, and \delta_j are standard basis vectors. See the reference for more details.
Implements 3 different solvers, spectral, gradient_descent, and conjugate_gradient. GPU acceleration is available for gradient descent. See [1] for details.
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class.
:{'spectral', 'conjugate_gradient', 'gradient_descent'} (optional)
, default='conjugate_gradient'
- Choice of solver for Poisson learning.
:int (optional)
, default=1
- Power for Laplacian, can be any positive real number. Solver will default to 'spectral' if p!=1.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to use GPU acceleration for gradient descent solver.
:int (optional)
, default=50
- Minimum number of iterations of gradient descent before checking stopping condition.
:int (optional)
, default=1000
- Maximum number of iterations of gradient descent.
:float (optional)
, default=1e-3
- Tolerance for conjugate gradient solver.
:int (optional)
, default=10
- Number of eigenvectors to use for spectral solver.
Poisson learning works on directed (i.e., nonsymmetric) graphs with the gradient descent solver:
import numpy as np import graphlearning as gl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sklearn.datasets as datasets X,labels = datasets.make_moons(n_samples=500,noise=0.1) W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,10,symmetrize=False) train_ind = gl.trainsets.generate(labels, rate=5) train_labels = labels[train_ind] model = gl.ssl.poisson(W, solver='gradient_descent') pred_labels = model.fit_predict(train_ind, train_labels) accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(pred_labels, labels, train_ind) print("Accuracy: %.2f%%"%accuracy) plt.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=pred_labels) plt.scatter(X[train_ind,0],X[train_ind,1], c='r')
[1] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised Learning at Very Low Label Rates., Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020.
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class poisson(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, solver='conjugate_gradient', p=1, use_cuda=False, min_iter=50, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-3, spectral_cutoff=10): """Poisson Learning =================== Semi-supervised learning via the solution of the Poisson equation \\[L^p u = \\sum_{j=1}^m \\delta_j(y_j - \\overline{y})^T,\\] where \\(L=D-W\\) is the combinatorial graph Laplacian, \\(y_j\\) are the label vectors, \\(\\overline{y} = \\frac{1}{m}\\sum_{i=1}^m y_j\\) is the average label vector, \\(m\\) is the number of training points, and \\(\\delta_j\\) are standard basis vectors. See the reference for more details. Implements 3 different solvers, spectral, gradient_descent, and conjugate_gradient. GPU acceleration is available for gradient descent. See [1] for details. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class. solver : {'spectral', 'conjugate_gradient', 'gradient_descent'} (optional), default='conjugate_gradient' Choice of solver for Poisson learning. p : int (optional), default=1 Power for Laplacian, can be any positive real number. Solver will default to 'spectral' if p!=1. use_cuda : bool (optional), default=False Whether to use GPU acceleration for gradient descent solver. min_iter : int (optional), default=50 Minimum number of iterations of gradient descent before checking stopping condition. max_iter : int (optional), default=1000 Maximum number of iterations of gradient descent. tol : float (optional), default=1e-3 Tolerance for conjugate gradient solver. spectral_cutoff : int (optional), default=10 Number of eigenvectors to use for spectral solver. Examples -------- Poisson learning works on directed (i.e., nonsymmetric) graphs with the gradient descent solver: []( ```py import numpy as np import graphlearning as gl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sklearn.datasets as datasets X,labels = datasets.make_moons(n_samples=500,noise=0.1) W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,10,symmetrize=False) train_ind = gl.trainsets.generate(labels, rate=5) train_labels = labels[train_ind] model = gl.ssl.poisson(W, solver='gradient_descent') pred_labels = model.fit_predict(train_ind, train_labels) accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(pred_labels, labels, train_ind) print("Accuracy: %.2f%%"%accuracy) plt.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=pred_labels) plt.scatter(X[train_ind,0],X[train_ind,1], c='r') ``` Reference --------- [1] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. [Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised Learning at Very Low Label Rates.](, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020. """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) if solver not in ['conjugate_gradient', 'spectral', 'gradient_descent']: sys.exit("Invalid Poisson solver") self.solver = solver self.p = p if p != 1: self.solver = 'spectral' self.use_cuda = use_cuda self.min_iter = min_iter self.max_iter = max_iter self.tol = tol self.spectral_cutoff = spectral_cutoff #Setup accuracy filename fname = '_poisson' if self.p != 1: fname += '_p%.2f'%p if self.solver == 'spectral': fname += '_N%d'%self.spectral_cutoff self.requries_eig = True self.accuracy_filename = fname #Setup Algorithm name = 'Poisson Learning' def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): n = self.graph.num_nodes unique_labels = np.unique(train_labels) k = len(unique_labels) #Zero out diagonal for faster convergence W = self.graph.weight_matrix W = W - sparse.spdiags(W.diagonal(),0,n,n) G = graph.graph(W) #Poisson source term onehot = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k) source = np.zeros((n, onehot.shape[1])) source[train_ind] = onehot - np.mean(onehot, axis=0) if self.solver == 'conjugate_gradient': #Conjugate gradient solver L = G.laplacian(normalization='normalized') D = G.degree_matrix(p=-0.5) u = utils.conjgrad(L, D*source, tol=self.tol) u = D*u elif self.solver == "gradient_descent": #Setup matrices D = G.degree_matrix(p=-1) P = D*W.transpose() Db = D*source #Invariant distribution v = np.zeros(n) v[train_ind]=1 v = v/np.sum(v) deg = G.degree_vector() vinf = deg/np.sum(deg) RW = W.transpose()*D u = np.zeros((n,k)) #Number of iterations T = 0 if self.use_cuda: import torch Pt = utils.torch_sparse(P).cuda() ut = torch.from_numpy(u).float().cuda() Dbt = torch.from_numpy(Db).float().cuda() while (T < self.min_iter or np.max(np.absolute(v-vinf)) > 1/n) and (T < self.max_iter): ut = torch.sparse.addmm(Dbt,Pt,ut) v = RW*v T = T + 1 #Transfer to CPU and convert to numpy u = ut.cpu().numpy() else: #Use CPU while (T < self.min_iter or np.max(np.absolute(v-vinf)) > 1/n) and (T < self.max_iter): u = Db + P*u v = RW*v T = T + 1 #Compute accuracy if all labels are provided if all_labels is not None: self.prob = u labels = self.predict() acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind) print('%d,Accuracy = %.2f'%(T,acc)) #Use spectral solver elif self.solver == 'spectral': vals, vecs = G.eigen_decomp(normalization='randomwalk', k=self.spectral_cutoff+1) V = vecs[:,1:] vals = vals[1:] if self.p != 1: vals = vals**self.p L = sparse.spdiags(1/vals, 0, self.spectral_cutoff, self.spectral_cutoff) u = V@(L@(V.T@source)) else: sys.exit("Invalid Poisson solver " + self.solver) return u
Inherited members
class poisson_mbo (W=None, class_priors=None, solver='conjugate_gradient', use_cuda=False, min_iter=50, max_iter=1000, tol=0.001, spectral_cutoff=10, Ns=40, mu=1, T=20)
Semi-supervised learning via Poisson MBO method [1]. class_priors must be provided.
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class).
:{'spectral', 'conjugate_gradient', 'gradient_descent'} (optional)
, default='conjugate_gradient'
- Choice of solver for Poisson learning.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to use GPU acceleration for gradient descent solver.
:int (optional)
, default=50
- Minimum number of iterations of gradient descent before checking stopping condition.
:int (optional)
, default=1000
- Maximum number of iterations of gradient descent.
:float (optional)
, default=1e-3
- Tolerance for conjugate gradient solver.
:int (optional)
, default=10
- Number of eigenvectors to use for spectral solver.
:int (optional)
, default=40
- Number of inner iterations in PoissonMBO.
:float (optional)
, default=1
- Fidelity parameter.
:int (optional)
, default=20
- Number of MBO iterations.
Running PoissonMBO on MNIST at 1 label per class:
import graphlearning as gl labels = gl.datasets.load('mnist', labels_only=True) W = gl.weightmatrix.knn('mnist', 10, metric='vae') num_train_per_class = 1 train_ind = gl.trainsets.generate(labels, rate=num_train_per_class) train_labels = labels[train_ind] class_priors = gl.utils.class_priors(labels) model = gl.ssl.poisson_mbo(W, class_priors) pred_labels = model.fit_predict(train_ind,train_labels,all_labels=labels) accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(labels,pred_labels,train_ind) print( + ': %.2f%%'%accuracy)
[1] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised Learning at Very Low Label Rates., Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020.
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class poisson_mbo(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, solver='conjugate_gradient', use_cuda=False, min_iter=50, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-3, spectral_cutoff=10, Ns=40, mu=1, T=20): """PoissonMBO =================== Semi-supervised learning via Poisson MBO method [1]. class_priors must be provided. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). solver : {'spectral', 'conjugate_gradient', 'gradient_descent'} (optional), default='conjugate_gradient' Choice of solver for Poisson learning. use_cuda : bool (optional), default=False Whether to use GPU acceleration for gradient descent solver. min_iter : int (optional), default=50 Minimum number of iterations of gradient descent before checking stopping condition. max_iter : int (optional), default=1000 Maximum number of iterations of gradient descent. tol : float (optional), default=1e-3 Tolerance for conjugate gradient solver. spectral_cutoff : int (optional), default=10 Number of eigenvectors to use for spectral solver. Ns : int (optional), default=40 Number of inner iterations in PoissonMBO. mu : float (optional), default=1 Fidelity parameter. T : int (optional), default=20 Number of MBO iterations. Example ------- Running PoissonMBO on MNIST at 1 label per class: []( ```py import graphlearning as gl labels = gl.datasets.load('mnist', labels_only=True) W = gl.weightmatrix.knn('mnist', 10, metric='vae') num_train_per_class = 1 train_ind = gl.trainsets.generate(labels, rate=num_train_per_class) train_labels = labels[train_ind] class_priors = gl.utils.class_priors(labels) model = gl.ssl.poisson_mbo(W, class_priors) pred_labels = model.fit_predict(train_ind,train_labels,all_labels=labels) accuracy = gl.ssl.ssl_accuracy(labels,pred_labels,train_ind) print( + ': %.2f%%'%accuracy) ``` Reference --------- [1] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. [Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised Learning at Very Low Label Rates.](, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020. """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) self.poisson_model = poisson(W, solver=solver, use_cuda=use_cuda, min_iter=min_iter, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, spectral_cutoff=spectral_cutoff) self.Ns = Ns = mu self.T = T self.use_cuda = use_cuda #Setup accuracy filename fname = '_poisson_mbo' if solver == 'spectral': fname += '_N%d'%spectral_cutoff self.requries_eig = True fname += '_Ns_%d_mu_%.2f_T_%d'%(Ns,mu,T) self.accuracy_filename = fname #Setup Algorithm name = 'Poisson MBO' def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): #Short forms Ns = self.Ns mu = T = self.T use_cuda = self.use_cuda n = self.graph.num_nodes unique_labels = np.unique(train_labels) k = len(unique_labels) #Zero out diagonal for faster convergence W = self.graph.weight_matrix W = W - sparse.spdiags(W.diagonal(),0,n,n) G = graph.graph(W) #Poisson source term onehot = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k) source = np.zeros((n, onehot.shape[1])) source[train_ind] = onehot - np.mean(onehot, axis=0) #Initialize via Poisson learning labels = self.poisson_model.fit_predict(train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=all_labels) u = utils.labels_to_onehot(labels,k) #Time step for stability dt = 1/np.max(G.degree_vector()) #Precompute some things P = sparse.identity(n) - dt*G.laplacian() Db = mu*dt*source if use_cuda: import torch Pt = utils.torch_sparse(P).cuda() Dbt = torch.from_numpy(Db).float().cuda() for i in range(T): #Heat equation step if use_cuda: #Put on GPU and run heat equation ut = torch.from_numpy(u).float().cuda() for j in range(Ns): ut = torch.sparse.addmm(Dbt,Pt,ut) #Put back on CPU u = ut.cpu().numpy() else: #Use CPU for j in range(Ns): u = P*u + Db #Projection step self.prob = u labels = self.volume_label_projection() u = utils.labels_to_onehot(labels,k) #Compute accuracy if all labels are provided if all_labels is not None: acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind) print('%d, Accuracy = %.2f'%(i,acc)) return u
Inherited members
class randomwalk (W=None, class_priors=None, alpha=0.95)
Lazy random walk classification
Add description.
The original method was introduced in [1], and can be interpreted as a lazy random walk.
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class.
:float (optional)
, default=0.95
- Parameter in model.
[1] D. Zhou and B. Schölkopf. Learning from labeled and unlabeled data using random walks. Joint Pattern Recognition Symposium. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004.
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class randomwalk(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, alpha=0.95): """Lazy random walk classification =================== Add description. The original method was introduced in [1], and can be interpreted as a lazy random walk. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class. alpha : float (optional), default=0.95 Parameter in model. References --------- [1] D. Zhou and B. Schölkopf. [Learning from labeled and unlabeled data using random walks.]( Joint Pattern Recognition Symposium. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004. """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) self.alpha = alpha #Setup accuracy filename and model name self.accuracy_filename = '_randomwalk' = 'Lazy Random Walks' def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): alpha = self.alpha #Zero diagonals n = self.graph.num_nodes W = self.graph.weight_matrix W = W - sparse.spdiags(W.diagonal(),0,n,n) G = graph.graph(W) #Construct Laplacian matrix L = (1-alpha)*sparse.identity(n) + alpha*G.laplacian(normalization='normalized') #Preconditioner m = L.shape[0] M = L.diagonal() M = sparse.spdiags(1/np.sqrt(M+1e-10),0,m,m).tocsr() #Right hand side k = len(np.unique(train_labels)) onehot = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k) Y = np.zeros((n, onehot.shape[1])) Y[train_ind,:] = onehot #Conjugate gradient solver u = utils.conjgrad(M*L*M, M*Y, tol=1e-6) u = M*u return u
Inherited members
class sparse_label_propagation (W=None, class_priors=None, T=100)
Sparse Label Propagation
Semi-supervised learning via the sparse label propagation method of [1].
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class.
:int (optional)
, default=100
- Number of iterations
[1] A. Jung, A.O. Hero III, A. Mara, and S. Jahromi. Semi-supervised learning via sparse label propagation. arXiv:1612.01414, 2016.
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class sparse_label_propagation(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, T=100): """Sparse Label Propagation =================== Semi-supervised learning via the sparse label propagation method of [1]. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array (optional), default=None Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). If provided, the predict function will attempt to automatic balance the label predictions to predict the correct number of nodes in each class. T : int (optional), default=100 Number of iterations References --------- [1] A. Jung, A.O. Hero III, A. Mara, and S. Jahromi. [Semi-supervised learning via sparse label propagation.]( arXiv:1612.01414, 2016. """ super().__init__(W, class_priors) self.T = T self.accuracy_filename = '_sparse_label_propagation' = 'Sparse LP' def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): n = self.graph.num_nodes k = len(np.unique(train_labels)) #Sparse matrix with ones in all entries B = self.graph.adjacency() #Construct matrix 1/2W and 1/deg lam = 2*self.graph.weight_matrix - (1-1e-10)*B lam = -lam.log1p() lam = lam.expm1() + B Id = sparse.identity(n) gamma = self.graph.degree_matrix(p=-1) #Random initial labeling u = np.zeros((k,n)) #Indicator of train_ind one_hot_labels = utils.labels_to_onehot(train_labels,k).T #Initialization Y = list() for j in range(k): Gu = self.graph.gradient(u[j,:], weighted=True) Y.append(Gu) #Main loop for sparse label propagation for i in range(self.T): u_prev = np.copy(u) #Compute div for j in range(k): div = 2*self.graph.divergence(Y[j]) u[j,:] = u_prev[j,:] - gamma*div u[j,train_ind] = one_hot_labels[j,:] #Set labels u_tilde = 2*u[j,:] - u_prev[j,:] Gu = -self.graph.gradient(u_tilde, weighted=True) Y[j] = Y[j] + Gu.multiply(lam) ind1 = B.multiply(abs(Y[j])>1) ind2 = B - ind1 Y[j] = ind1.multiply(Y[j].sign()) + ind2.multiply(Y[j]) #Compute accuracy if all labels are provided if all_labels is not None: self.prob = u.T labels = self.predict() acc = ssl_accuracy(labels,all_labels,train_ind) print('%d,Accuracy = %.2f'%(i,acc)) return u.T
Inherited members
class ssl (W, class_priors)
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class ssl: __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, W, class_priors): if W is None: self.graph = None else: self.set_graph(W) self.prob = None self.fitted = False = '' self.accuracy_filename = '' self.requires_eig = False self.onevsrest = False self.similarity = True self.class_priors = class_priors if self.class_priors is not None: self.class_priors = self.class_priors / np.sum(self.class_priors) self.weights = 1 self.class_priors_error = 1 def set_graph(self, W): """Set Graph =================== Sets the graph object for semi-supervised learning. Implements 3 different solvers, spectral, gradient_descent, and conjugate_gradient. GPU acceleration is available for gradient descent. See [1] for details. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. """ if type(W) == graph.graph: self.graph = W else: self.graph = graph.graph(W) def volume_label_projection(self): """Volume label projection ====== Projects class probabilities to labels while enforcing a constraint on class priors (i.e., class volumes). Does not return anything, just modifies `self.weights`. Returns ------- labels : numpy array (int) Predicted labels after volume correction. """ n = self.graph.num_nodes k = self.prob.shape[1] if type(self.weights) == int: self.weights = np.ones((k,)) #Time step dt = 0.1 if self.similarity: dt *= -1 #np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': lambda x: "{0:0.3f}".format(x)}) i = 0 err = 1 while i < 1e4 and err > 1e-3: i += 1 class_size = np.mean(utils.labels_to_onehot(self.predict(),k),axis=0) #print(class_size-self.class_priors) grad = class_size - self.class_priors err = np.max(np.absolute(grad)) self.weights += dt*grad self.weights = self.weights/self.weights[0] self.class_priors_error = err return self.predict() def get_accuracy_filename(self): """Get accuracy filename ======== Returns name of the file that will store the accuracy results for ``. Returns ------- fname : str Accuracy filename. """ fname = self.accuracy_filename if self.class_priors is not None: fname += '_classpriors' fname += '_accuracy.csv' return fname def predict(self, ignore_class_priors=False): """Predict ======== Makes label predictions based on the probabilities computed by `fit()`. Will use a volume label projection if `class_priors` were given, to ensure the number of nodes predicted in each class is correct. Parameters ---------- ignore_class_priors : bool (optional), default=False Used to disable the volume constrained label decision, when `class_priors` has been provided. Returns ------- pred_labels : (int) numpy array Predicted labels as integers for all datapoints in the graph. """ if self.fitted == False: sys.exit('Model has not been fitted yet.') if ignore_class_priors: w = 1 else: w = self.weights scores = self.prob - np.min(self.prob) scores = scores/np.max(scores) #Check if scores are similarity or distance if self.similarity: pred_labels = np.argmax(scores*w,axis=1) else: #Then distances pred_labels = np.argmin(scores*w,axis=1) return pred_labels def fit_predict(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): """Fit and predict ====== Calls fit() and predict() sequentially. Parameters ---------- train_ind : numpy array, int Indicies of training points. train_labels : numpy array, int Training labels as integers \\(0,1,\\dots,k-1\\) for \\(k\\) classes. all_labels : numpy array, int (optional) True labels for all datapoints. Returns ------- pred_labels : (int) numpy array Predicted labels as integers for all datapoints in the graph. """, train_labels, all_labels=all_labels) return self.predict() def ssl_trials(self, trainsets, labels, num_cores=1, tag='', save_results=True, overwrite=False, num_trials=-1): """Semi-supervised learning trials =================== Runs a semi-supervised learning algorithm on a list of training sets, recording the label rates and saves the results to a csv file in the local folder results/. The filename is controlled by the member function model.get_accuracy_filename(). The trial will abort if the accuracy result file already exists, unless `overwrite=True`. Parameters ---------- trainsets : list of numpy arrays Collection of training sets to run semi-supervised learning on. This is the output of `graphlearning.trainsets.generate` or `graphlearning.trainsets.load`. labels : numpy array (int) Integer array of labels for entire dataset. num_cores : int Number of cores to use for parallel processing over trials tag : str (optional), default='' An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename. save_results : bool (optional), default=True Whether to save results to csv file or just print to the screen. overwrite : bool (optional), default = False Whether to overwrite existing results file, if found. If `overwrite=False`, `save_results=True`, and the results file is found, the trial is aborted. num_trials: int (optional), defualt = -1 Number of trials. Any negative number runs all trials. """ if num_trials > 0: trainsets = trainsets[:num_trials] #Print name print('\nModel: ' if save_results: if not os.path.exists(results_dir): os.makedirs(results_dir) outfile = os.path.join(results_dir, tag+self.get_accuracy_filename()) if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(outfile): print('Aborting: SSL trial ('+self.get_accuracy_filename()+') already completed , and overwrite is False.') return f = open(outfile,"w") #now = #f.write("Date/Time, "+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M")+"\n") if self.class_priors is None: f.write('Number of labels,Accuracy\n') else: f.write('Number of labels,Accuracy,Accuracy with class priors,Class priors error\n') f.close() if save_results: print('Results File: '+outfile) if self.class_priors is None: print('\nNumber of labels,Accuracy') else: print('\nNumber of labels,Accuracy,Accuracy with class priors,Class priors error') #Trial run to trigger eigensolvers, when needed if self.requires_eig: pred_labels = self.fit_predict(trainsets[0], labels[trainsets[0]]) def one_trial(train_ind): #Number of labels num_train = len(train_ind) train_labels = labels[train_ind] #Run semi-supervised learning pred_labels = self.fit_predict(train_ind, train_labels) #Compute accuracy accuracy = ssl_accuracy(pred_labels,labels,train_ind) #If class priors were provided, check accuracy without priors if self.class_priors is not None: pred_labels = self.predict(ignore_class_priors=True) accuracy_without_priors = ssl_accuracy(pred_labels,labels,train_ind) #Print to terminal if self.class_priors is None: print("%d" % num_train + ",%.2f" % accuracy) else: print("%d,%.2f,%.2f,%.5f" % (num_train,accuracy_without_priors,accuracy,self.class_priors_error)) #Write to file if save_results: f = open(outfile,"a+") if self.class_priors is None: f.write("%d" % num_train + ",%.2f\n" % accuracy) else: f.write("%d,%.2f,%.2f,%.5f\n" % (num_train,accuracy_without_priors,accuracy, self.class_priors_error)) f.close() num_cores = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(),num_cores) if num_cores == 1: for train_ind in trainsets: one_trial(train_ind) else: Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(one_trial)(train_ind) for train_ind in trainsets) def trials_statistics(self, tag=''): """Trials statistics =================== Loads accuracy scores from each trial from csv files created by `ssl_trials` and returns summary statistics (mean and standard deviation of accuracy). Parameters ---------- tag : str (optional), default='' An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename. Returns ------- num_train : numpy array Number of training examples in each label rate experiment. acc_mean : numpy array Mean accuracy over all trials in each experiment. acc_stddev : numpy array Standard deviation of accuracy over all trials in each experiment. num_trials : int Number of trials for each label rate. """ accuracy_filename = os.path.join(results_dir, tag+self.get_accuracy_filename()) X = utils.csvread(accuracy_filename) num_train = np.unique(X[:,0]) acc_mean = [] acc_stddev = [] for n in num_train: Y = X[X[:,0]==n,1:] acc_mean += [np.mean(Y,axis=0)] acc_stddev += [np.std(Y,axis=0)] num_trials = int(len(X[:,0])/len(num_train)) acc_mean = np.array(acc_mean) acc_stddev = np.array(acc_stddev) return num_train, acc_mean, acc_stddev, num_trials def fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): """Fit ====== Solves graph-based learning problem, computing the probability that each node belongs to each class. If `all_labels` is provided, then the solver operates in verbose mode, printing out accuracy at each iteration. Parameters ---------- train_ind : numpy array, int Indicies of training points. train_labels : numpy array, int Training labels as integers \\(0,1,\\dots,k-1\\) for \\(k\\) classes. all_labels : numpy array, int (optional) True labels for all datapoints. Returns ------- u : (n,k) numpy array, float Per-class scores computed by graph-based learning for each node and each class. For some methods these are probabilities (i.e., for Laplace learning), while for others they can take on negative values (e.g., Poisson learning). The class label prediction is either the argmax or argmin over the rows of u (most methods are argmax, except distance-function based methods like nearest neighbor and peikonal). """ if self.graph is None: sys.exit('SSL object has no graph. Use graph.set_graph() to provide a graph for SSL.') self.fitted = True #If a one-vs-rest classifier if self.onevsrest: unique_labels = np.unique(train_labels) num_labels = len(unique_labels) self.prob = np.zeros((self.graph.num_nodes,num_labels)) for i,l in enumerate(unique_labels): self.prob[:,i] = self._fit(train_ind, train_labels==l) else: self.prob = self._fit(train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=all_labels) if self.class_priors is not None: self.volume_label_projection() return self.prob @abstractmethod def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): """Internal Fit Function ====== Internal fit function that any ssl object must override. If `self.onevsrest=True` then `train_labels` are binary in the one-vs-rest framework, and `_fit` must return a scalar numpy array. Otherwise the labels are integer and `_fit` must return an (n,k) numpy array of probabilities, where `k` is the number of classes. Parameters ---------- train_ind : numpy array, int Indicies of training points. train_labels : numpy array, int Training labels as integers \\(0,1,\\dots,k-1\\) for \\(k\\) classes, or binary if `self.onevsrest=True`. all_labels : numpy array, int (optional) True labels for all datapoints. Returns ------- u : numpy array, float (n,k) array of probabilities computed by graph-based learning for each node and each class, unless `self.onevsrest=True`, in which case it is a length n numpy array of probablities for the current class. """ raise NotImplementedError("Must override _fit")
- amle
- centered_kernel
- dynamic_label_propagation
- graph_nearest_neighbor
- laplace
- modularity_mbo
- multiclass_mbo
- peikonal
- plaplace
- poisson
- poisson_mbo
- randomwalk
- sparse_label_propagation
- volume_mbo
def fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None)
Solves graph-based learning problem, computing the probability that each node belongs to each class. If
is provided, then the solver operates in verbose mode, printing out accuracy at each iteration.Parameters
:numpy array, int
- Indicies of training points.
:numpy array, int
- Training labels as integers 0,1,\dots,k-1 for k classes.
:numpy array, int (optional)
- True labels for all datapoints.
:(n,k) numpy array, float
- Per-class scores computed by graph-based learning for each node and each class. For some methods these are probabilities (i.e., for Laplace learning), while for others they can take on negative values (e.g., Poisson learning). The class label prediction is either the argmax or argmin over the rows of u (most methods are argmax, except distance-function based methods like nearest neighbor and peikonal).
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def fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): """Fit ====== Solves graph-based learning problem, computing the probability that each node belongs to each class. If `all_labels` is provided, then the solver operates in verbose mode, printing out accuracy at each iteration. Parameters ---------- train_ind : numpy array, int Indicies of training points. train_labels : numpy array, int Training labels as integers \\(0,1,\\dots,k-1\\) for \\(k\\) classes. all_labels : numpy array, int (optional) True labels for all datapoints. Returns ------- u : (n,k) numpy array, float Per-class scores computed by graph-based learning for each node and each class. For some methods these are probabilities (i.e., for Laplace learning), while for others they can take on negative values (e.g., Poisson learning). The class label prediction is either the argmax or argmin over the rows of u (most methods are argmax, except distance-function based methods like nearest neighbor and peikonal). """ if self.graph is None: sys.exit('SSL object has no graph. Use graph.set_graph() to provide a graph for SSL.') self.fitted = True #If a one-vs-rest classifier if self.onevsrest: unique_labels = np.unique(train_labels) num_labels = len(unique_labels) self.prob = np.zeros((self.graph.num_nodes,num_labels)) for i,l in enumerate(unique_labels): self.prob[:,i] = self._fit(train_ind, train_labels==l) else: self.prob = self._fit(train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=all_labels) if self.class_priors is not None: self.volume_label_projection() return self.prob
def fit_predict(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None)
Fit and predict
Calls fit() and predict() sequentially.
:numpy array, int
- Indicies of training points.
:numpy array, int
- Training labels as integers 0,1,\dots,k-1 for k classes.
:numpy array, int (optional)
- True labels for all datapoints.
:(int) numpy array
- Predicted labels as integers for all datapoints in the graph.
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def fit_predict(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): """Fit and predict ====== Calls fit() and predict() sequentially. Parameters ---------- train_ind : numpy array, int Indicies of training points. train_labels : numpy array, int Training labels as integers \\(0,1,\\dots,k-1\\) for \\(k\\) classes. all_labels : numpy array, int (optional) True labels for all datapoints. Returns ------- pred_labels : (int) numpy array Predicted labels as integers for all datapoints in the graph. """, train_labels, all_labels=all_labels) return self.predict()
def get_accuracy_filename(self)
Get accuracy filename
Returns name of the file that will store the accuracy results for
- Accuracy filename.
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def get_accuracy_filename(self): """Get accuracy filename ======== Returns name of the file that will store the accuracy results for ``. Returns ------- fname : str Accuracy filename. """ fname = self.accuracy_filename if self.class_priors is not None: fname += '_classpriors' fname += '_accuracy.csv' return fname
def predict(self, ignore_class_priors=False)
Makes label predictions based on the probabilities computed by
. Will use a volume label projection ifclass_priors
were given, to ensure the number of nodes predicted in each class is correct.Parameters
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Used to disable the volume constrained label decision, when
has been provided.
:(int) numpy array
- Predicted labels as integers for all datapoints in the graph.
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def predict(self, ignore_class_priors=False): """Predict ======== Makes label predictions based on the probabilities computed by `fit()`. Will use a volume label projection if `class_priors` were given, to ensure the number of nodes predicted in each class is correct. Parameters ---------- ignore_class_priors : bool (optional), default=False Used to disable the volume constrained label decision, when `class_priors` has been provided. Returns ------- pred_labels : (int) numpy array Predicted labels as integers for all datapoints in the graph. """ if self.fitted == False: sys.exit('Model has not been fitted yet.') if ignore_class_priors: w = 1 else: w = self.weights scores = self.prob - np.min(self.prob) scores = scores/np.max(scores) #Check if scores are similarity or distance if self.similarity: pred_labels = np.argmax(scores*w,axis=1) else: #Then distances pred_labels = np.argmin(scores*w,axis=1) return pred_labels
def set_graph(self, W)
Set Graph
Sets the graph object for semi-supervised learning.
Implements 3 different solvers, spectral, gradient_descent, and conjugate_gradient. GPU acceleration is available for gradient descent. See [1] for details.
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
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def set_graph(self, W): """Set Graph =================== Sets the graph object for semi-supervised learning. Implements 3 different solvers, spectral, gradient_descent, and conjugate_gradient. GPU acceleration is available for gradient descent. See [1] for details. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. """ if type(W) == graph.graph: self.graph = W else: self.graph = graph.graph(W)
def ssl_trials(self, trainsets, labels, num_cores=1, tag='', save_results=True, overwrite=False, num_trials=-1)
Semi-supervised learning trials
Runs a semi-supervised learning algorithm on a list of training sets, recording the label rates and saves the results to a csv file in the local folder results/. The filename is controlled by the member function model.get_accuracy_filename(). The trial will abort if the accuracy result file already exists, unless
ofnumpy arrays
- Collection of training sets to run semi-supervised learning on. This is the output
. labels
:numpy array (int)
- Integer array of labels for entire dataset.
- Number of cores to use for parallel processing over trials
:str (optional)
, default=''
- An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename.
:bool (optional)
, default=True
- Whether to save results to csv file or just print to the screen.
:bool (optional)
, default= False
- Whether to overwrite existing results file, if found. If
, and the results file is found, the trial is aborted. num_trials
:int (optional), defualt = -1
- Number of trials. Any negative number runs all trials.
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def ssl_trials(self, trainsets, labels, num_cores=1, tag='', save_results=True, overwrite=False, num_trials=-1): """Semi-supervised learning trials =================== Runs a semi-supervised learning algorithm on a list of training sets, recording the label rates and saves the results to a csv file in the local folder results/. The filename is controlled by the member function model.get_accuracy_filename(). The trial will abort if the accuracy result file already exists, unless `overwrite=True`. Parameters ---------- trainsets : list of numpy arrays Collection of training sets to run semi-supervised learning on. This is the output of `graphlearning.trainsets.generate` or `graphlearning.trainsets.load`. labels : numpy array (int) Integer array of labels for entire dataset. num_cores : int Number of cores to use for parallel processing over trials tag : str (optional), default='' An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename. save_results : bool (optional), default=True Whether to save results to csv file or just print to the screen. overwrite : bool (optional), default = False Whether to overwrite existing results file, if found. If `overwrite=False`, `save_results=True`, and the results file is found, the trial is aborted. num_trials: int (optional), defualt = -1 Number of trials. Any negative number runs all trials. """ if num_trials > 0: trainsets = trainsets[:num_trials] #Print name print('\nModel: ' if save_results: if not os.path.exists(results_dir): os.makedirs(results_dir) outfile = os.path.join(results_dir, tag+self.get_accuracy_filename()) if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(outfile): print('Aborting: SSL trial ('+self.get_accuracy_filename()+') already completed , and overwrite is False.') return f = open(outfile,"w") #now = #f.write("Date/Time, "+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M")+"\n") if self.class_priors is None: f.write('Number of labels,Accuracy\n') else: f.write('Number of labels,Accuracy,Accuracy with class priors,Class priors error\n') f.close() if save_results: print('Results File: '+outfile) if self.class_priors is None: print('\nNumber of labels,Accuracy') else: print('\nNumber of labels,Accuracy,Accuracy with class priors,Class priors error') #Trial run to trigger eigensolvers, when needed if self.requires_eig: pred_labels = self.fit_predict(trainsets[0], labels[trainsets[0]]) def one_trial(train_ind): #Number of labels num_train = len(train_ind) train_labels = labels[train_ind] #Run semi-supervised learning pred_labels = self.fit_predict(train_ind, train_labels) #Compute accuracy accuracy = ssl_accuracy(pred_labels,labels,train_ind) #If class priors were provided, check accuracy without priors if self.class_priors is not None: pred_labels = self.predict(ignore_class_priors=True) accuracy_without_priors = ssl_accuracy(pred_labels,labels,train_ind) #Print to terminal if self.class_priors is None: print("%d" % num_train + ",%.2f" % accuracy) else: print("%d,%.2f,%.2f,%.5f" % (num_train,accuracy_without_priors,accuracy,self.class_priors_error)) #Write to file if save_results: f = open(outfile,"a+") if self.class_priors is None: f.write("%d" % num_train + ",%.2f\n" % accuracy) else: f.write("%d,%.2f,%.2f,%.5f\n" % (num_train,accuracy_without_priors,accuracy, self.class_priors_error)) f.close() num_cores = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(),num_cores) if num_cores == 1: for train_ind in trainsets: one_trial(train_ind) else: Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(one_trial)(train_ind) for train_ind in trainsets)
def trials_statistics(self, tag='')
Trials statistics
Loads accuracy scores from each trial from csv files created by
and returns summary statistics (mean and standard deviation of accuracy).Parameters
:str (optional)
, default=''
- An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename.
:numpy array
- Number of training examples in each label rate experiment.
:numpy array
- Mean accuracy over all trials in each experiment.
:numpy array
- Standard deviation of accuracy over all trials in each experiment.
- Number of trials for each label rate.
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def trials_statistics(self, tag=''): """Trials statistics =================== Loads accuracy scores from each trial from csv files created by `ssl_trials` and returns summary statistics (mean and standard deviation of accuracy). Parameters ---------- tag : str (optional), default='' An extra identifying tag to add to the accuracy filename. Returns ------- num_train : numpy array Number of training examples in each label rate experiment. acc_mean : numpy array Mean accuracy over all trials in each experiment. acc_stddev : numpy array Standard deviation of accuracy over all trials in each experiment. num_trials : int Number of trials for each label rate. """ accuracy_filename = os.path.join(results_dir, tag+self.get_accuracy_filename()) X = utils.csvread(accuracy_filename) num_train = np.unique(X[:,0]) acc_mean = [] acc_stddev = [] for n in num_train: Y = X[X[:,0]==n,1:] acc_mean += [np.mean(Y,axis=0)] acc_stddev += [np.std(Y,axis=0)] num_trials = int(len(X[:,0])/len(num_train)) acc_mean = np.array(acc_mean) acc_stddev = np.array(acc_stddev) return num_train, acc_mean, acc_stddev, num_trials
def volume_label_projection(self)
Volume label projection
Projects class probabilities to labels while enforcing a constraint on class priors (i.e., class volumes). Does not return anything, just modifies
:numpy array (int)
- Predicted labels after volume correction.
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def volume_label_projection(self): """Volume label projection ====== Projects class probabilities to labels while enforcing a constraint on class priors (i.e., class volumes). Does not return anything, just modifies `self.weights`. Returns ------- labels : numpy array (int) Predicted labels after volume correction. """ n = self.graph.num_nodes k = self.prob.shape[1] if type(self.weights) == int: self.weights = np.ones((k,)) #Time step dt = 0.1 if self.similarity: dt *= -1 #np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': lambda x: "{0:0.3f}".format(x)}) i = 0 err = 1 while i < 1e4 and err > 1e-3: i += 1 class_size = np.mean(utils.labels_to_onehot(self.predict(),k),axis=0) #print(class_size-self.class_priors) grad = class_size - self.class_priors err = np.max(np.absolute(grad)) self.weights += dt*grad self.weights = self.weights/self.weights[0] self.class_priors_error = err return self.predict()
class volume_mbo (W=None, class_priors=None, temperature=0.1, volume_constraint=0.5)
Volume MBO
Semi-supervised learning with the VolumeMBO method [1]. class_priors must be provided.
:numpy array, scipy sparse matrix,
orgraphlearning graph object (optional)
, default=None
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
:numpy array
- Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class).
:float (optional)
, default=0.1
- Temperature for volume constrained MBO.
:float (optional)
, default=0.5
- The number of points in each class is constrained to be a mulitple \lambda of the true
class size, where
\text{volume_constraint} \leq \lambda \leq 2-\text{volume_constraint}.
yields the tightest constraint.
[1] M. Jacobs, E. Merkurjev, and S. Esedoḡlu. Auction dynamics: A volume constrained MBO scheme. Journal of Computational Physics 354:288-310, 2018.
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class volume_mbo(ssl): def __init__(self, W=None, class_priors=None, temperature=0.1, volume_constraint=0.5): """Volume MBO =================== Semi-supervised learning with the VolumeMBO method [1]. class_priors must be provided. Parameters ---------- W : numpy array, scipy sparse matrix, or graphlearning graph object (optional), default=None Weight matrix representing the graph. class_priors : numpy array Class priors (fraction of data belonging to each class). temperature : float (optional), default=0.1 Temperature for volume constrained MBO. volume_constraint : float (optional), default=0.5 The number of points in each class is constrained to be a mulitple \\(\\lambda\\) of the true class size, where \\[ \\text{volume_constraint} \\leq \\lambda \\leq 2-\\text{volume_constraint}.\\] Setting `volume_constraint=1` yields the tightest constraint. References ---------- [1] M. Jacobs, E. Merkurjev, and S. Esedoḡlu. [Auction dynamics: A volume constrained MBO scheme.]( Journal of Computational Physics 354:288-310, 2018. """ super().__init__(W, None) if class_priors is None: sys.exit("Class priors must be provided for Volume MBO.") self.class_counts = (self.graph.num_nodes*class_priors).astype(int) self.temperature = temperature self.volume_constraint = volume_constraint #Setup accuracy filename and model name self.accuracy_filename = '_volume_mbo_temp_%.2f_vol_%.2f'%(temperature,volume_constraint) = 'Volume MBO (T=%.2f, V=%.2f)'%(temperature,volume_constraint) def _fit(self, train_ind, train_labels, all_labels=None): #Import c extensions from . import cextensions n = self.graph.num_nodes #Set diagonal entries to zero W = self.graph.weight_matrix W = W - sparse.spdiags(W.diagonal(),0,n,n) G = graph.graph(W) #Set up graph for C-code k = len(np.unique(train_labels)) u = np.zeros((n,)) WI,WJ,WV = sparse.find(W) #Type casting and memory blocking u = np.ascontiguousarray(u,dtype=np.int32) WI = np.ascontiguousarray(WI,dtype=np.int32) WJ = np.ascontiguousarray(WJ,dtype=np.int32) WV = np.ascontiguousarray(WV,dtype=np.float32) train_ind = np.ascontiguousarray(train_ind,dtype=np.int32) train_labels = np.ascontiguousarray(train_labels,dtype=np.int32) ClassCounts = np.ascontiguousarray(self.class_counts,dtype=np.int32) cextensions.volume_mbo(u,WJ,WI,WV,train_ind,train_labels,ClassCounts,k,1.0,self.temperature,self.volume_constraint) #Set given labels and convert to vector format u[train_ind] = train_labels u = utils.labels_to_onehot(u,k) return u
Inherited members