Module graphlearning.trainsets
This module allows for generating training sets randomly for graph-based semi-supervised learning. It also allows for loading of pre-saved training sets, and to create and save training sets for future use and reproducibility of experiments.
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This module allows for generating training sets randomly for graph-based semi-supervised learning.
It also allows for loading of pre-saved training sets, and to create and save training sets for future use
and reproducibility of experiments.
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
from . import utils
trainset_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'trainsets'))
def load(dataset, trainset_name = ''):
"""Load training sets
Add a new dataset to graph learning by saving the data and labels.
dataset : string
Name of dataset.
trainset_name : string (optional), default=''
A modifier to uniquely identify different training sets for each dataset.
dataFile = dataset.lower() + trainset_name.lower() +"_permutations.npz" #Change this eventually
dataFile_path = os.path.join(trainset_dir, dataFile)
#Check if Data directory exists
if not os.path.exists(trainset_dir):
#Download trainset if needed
if not os.path.exists(dataFile_path):
urlpath = ''+dataFile
utils.download_file(urlpath, dataFile_path)
trainset = utils.numpy_load(dataFile_path, 'perm')
return trainset
def generate(labels, rate=1, num_trials=1, mask=None, dataset=None, trainset_name='', overwrite=False, seed=None):
"""Generate training sets
Generates training sets at different labeling rates over multiple trials,
including features to store the training set indices to file for reproducibility.
labels : numpy array, int
Labels for the dataset as nonnegative integers.
rate : int, float, or numpy array
Controls the number of labels per class. Functionality depends on the data type.
1. A single integer is interpreted as the number of labels per class.
2. A single float in the range [0,1] is interpreted as the fraction of training data.
3. A numpy array of size (m,C) indicating different label rates, as int or float, for
m different subtrials. If C=1, then the rate is extended to all classes, while if C=num classes,
then the rates are interpreted on a per-class basis.
num_trials : int (optional), default=1
Number of training sets to generate.
mask : numpy array (optional), bool, default=None
If provided, then the generated training set will be selected only from points where mask=True.
dataset : string (optional), default=None
Name of dataset. If provided, the generated training set is saved to a file
so it can be loaded later for reproducibility.
trainset_name : string (optional), default=''
A modifier to uniquely identify different training sets for each dataset.
overwrite : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to overwrite an exisiting training set file.
seed : int (optional), default=None
Option to seed the random number generator.
trainset : numpy array or list of numpy arrays
If m=1 and num_trials=1 then a numpy array with indices of training points is returned.
Otherwise, a list of numpy arrays are returned, one for each trial.
if seed is not None:
unique_labels = np.unique(labels)
num_per_class = np.bincount(labels)
num_classes = len(unique_labels)
num_points = len(labels)
#Generate (m,C) integer numpy array giving number of
#training points per class per trial
if type(rate) == int:
rate = (np.ones(num_classes)[None,:]*rate).astype(int)
elif type(rate) == float:
rate = (rate*num_per_class[None,:]).astype(int)
elif type(rate) == np.ndarray:
ratetype = rate.dtype
if rate.ndim != 2:
sys.exit('Must provide a 2-dimensional array for rate')
if rate.shape[1] == 1:
rate = rate@np.ones((1,num_classes))
if np.issubdtype(ratetype,np.integer):
rate = rate.astype(int)
elif np.issubdtype(ratetype,np.floating):
rate = (rate*num_per_class).astype(int)
sys.exit('Invalid numpy array type '+rate.dtype)
sys.exit('Invalid rate type '+str(type(rate)))
if mask is None:
mask = np.ones(num_points,dtype=bool)
#Draw training sets at random
trainset = list()
for k in range(num_trials):
for i in range(rate.shape[0]):
L = list()
for j, l in enumerate(unique_labels):
p = ((labels == l) & mask).astype(float)
p = p/np.sum(p)
L = L + np.random.choice(num_points,size=rate[i,j],p=p,replace=False).tolist()
L = np.array(L)
#Remove outer list if only one trial
if len(trainset)==1:
trainset = trainset[0]
#If dataset name is provided, save permutations to file
if not dataset is None:
trainset = np.array(trainset,dtype=object)
#data file name
dataFile = dataset.lower() + trainset_name.lower() + '_permutations.npz'
#Full path to file
dataFile_path = os.path.join(trainset_dir, dataFile)
#Check if Data directory exists
if not os.path.exists(trainset_dir):
#Save permutations to file
if os.path.isfile(dataFile_path) and not overwrite:
print('Training set file '+dataFile_path+' already exists. Not saving.')
return trainset
def generate(labels, rate=1, num_trials=1, mask=None, dataset=None, trainset_name='', overwrite=False, seed=None)
Generate training sets
Generates training sets at different labeling rates over multiple trials, including features to store the training set indices to file for reproducibility.
:numpy array, int
- Labels for the dataset as nonnegative integers.
:int, float,
ornumpy array
Controls the number of labels per class. Functionality depends on the data type.
- A single integer is interpreted as the number of labels per class.
- A single float in the range [0,1] is interpreted as the fraction of training data.
- A numpy array of size (m,C) indicating different label rates, as int or float, for m different subtrials. If C=1, then the rate is extended to all classes, while if C=num classes, then the rates are interpreted on a per-class basis.
:int (optional)
, default=1
- Number of training sets to generate.
:numpy array (optional), bool
, default=None
- If provided, then the generated training set will be selected only from points where mask=True.
:string (optional)
, default=None
- Name of dataset. If provided, the generated training set is saved to a file so it can be loaded later for reproducibility.
:string (optional)
, default=''
- A modifier to uniquely identify different training sets for each dataset.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to overwrite an exisiting training set file.
:int (optional)
, default=None
- Option to seed the random number generator.
:numpy array
ofnumpy arrays
- If m=1 and num_trials=1 then a numpy array with indices of training points is returned. Otherwise, a list of numpy arrays are returned, one for each trial.
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def generate(labels, rate=1, num_trials=1, mask=None, dataset=None, trainset_name='', overwrite=False, seed=None): """Generate training sets ====== Generates training sets at different labeling rates over multiple trials, including features to store the training set indices to file for reproducibility. Parameters ---------- labels : numpy array, int Labels for the dataset as nonnegative integers. rate : int, float, or numpy array Controls the number of labels per class. Functionality depends on the data type. 1. A single integer is interpreted as the number of labels per class. 2. A single float in the range [0,1] is interpreted as the fraction of training data. 3. A numpy array of size (m,C) indicating different label rates, as int or float, for m different subtrials. If C=1, then the rate is extended to all classes, while if C=num classes, then the rates are interpreted on a per-class basis. num_trials : int (optional), default=1 Number of training sets to generate. mask : numpy array (optional), bool, default=None If provided, then the generated training set will be selected only from points where mask=True. dataset : string (optional), default=None Name of dataset. If provided, the generated training set is saved to a file so it can be loaded later for reproducibility. trainset_name : string (optional), default='' A modifier to uniquely identify different training sets for each dataset. overwrite : bool (optional), default=False Whether to overwrite an exisiting training set file. seed : int (optional), default=None Option to seed the random number generator. Returns ------- trainset : numpy array or list of numpy arrays If m=1 and num_trials=1 then a numpy array with indices of training points is returned. Otherwise, a list of numpy arrays are returned, one for each trial. """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) unique_labels = np.unique(labels) num_per_class = np.bincount(labels) num_classes = len(unique_labels) num_points = len(labels) #Generate (m,C) integer numpy array giving number of #training points per class per trial if type(rate) == int: rate = (np.ones(num_classes)[None,:]*rate).astype(int) elif type(rate) == float: rate = (rate*num_per_class[None,:]).astype(int) elif type(rate) == np.ndarray: ratetype = rate.dtype if rate.ndim != 2: sys.exit('Must provide a 2-dimensional array for rate') if rate.shape[1] == 1: rate = rate@np.ones((1,num_classes)) if np.issubdtype(ratetype,np.integer): rate = rate.astype(int) elif np.issubdtype(ratetype,np.floating): rate = (rate*num_per_class).astype(int) else: sys.exit('Invalid numpy array type '+rate.dtype) else: sys.exit('Invalid rate type '+str(type(rate))) if mask is None: mask = np.ones(num_points,dtype=bool) #Draw training sets at random trainset = list() for k in range(num_trials): for i in range(rate.shape[0]): L = list() for j, l in enumerate(unique_labels): p = ((labels == l) & mask).astype(float) p = p/np.sum(p) L = L + np.random.choice(num_points,size=rate[i,j],p=p,replace=False).tolist() L = np.array(L) trainset.append(L) #Remove outer list if only one trial if len(trainset)==1: trainset = trainset[0] #If dataset name is provided, save permutations to file if not dataset is None: trainset = np.array(trainset,dtype=object) #data file name dataFile = dataset.lower() + trainset_name.lower() + '_permutations.npz' #Full path to file dataFile_path = os.path.join(trainset_dir, dataFile) #Check if Data directory exists if not os.path.exists(trainset_dir): os.makedirs(trainset_dir) #Save permutations to file if os.path.isfile(dataFile_path) and not overwrite: print('Training set file '+dataFile_path+' already exists. Not saving.') else: np.savez_compressed(dataFile_path,perm=trainset) return trainset
def load(dataset, trainset_name='')
Load training sets
Add a new dataset to graph learning by saving the data and labels.
- Name of dataset.
:string (optional)
, default=''
- A modifier to uniquely identify different training sets for each dataset.
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def load(dataset, trainset_name = ''): """Load training sets ====== Add a new dataset to graph learning by saving the data and labels. Parameters ---------- dataset : string Name of dataset. trainset_name : string (optional), default='' A modifier to uniquely identify different training sets for each dataset. """ dataFile = dataset.lower() + trainset_name.lower() +"_permutations.npz" #Change this eventually dataFile_path = os.path.join(trainset_dir, dataFile) #Check if Data directory exists if not os.path.exists(trainset_dir): os.makedirs(trainset_dir) #Download trainset if needed if not os.path.exists(dataFile_path): urlpath = ''+dataFile utils.download_file(urlpath, dataFile_path) trainset = utils.numpy_load(dataFile_path, 'perm') return trainset