Module graphlearning.utils
This module implements several useful functions that are used throughout the package.
Expand source code
This module implements several useful functions that are used throughout the package.
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from scipy import sparse
from scipy import spatial
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ssl, os, urllib.request, sys, re, csv
from . import weightmatrix
from . import graph
def boundary_statistic(X, r, knn=False, return_normals=False, second_order=True, cutoff=True, knn_data=None):
"""Boundary test statistic
Computes the boundary test statistics from [1] for identifying the boundary of a point cloud.
X : (n,d) numpy array (float)
Point cloud in dimension d.
r : float or int,
Radius for test (or numgber of neighbors if knn=True)
knn : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to ues the k-nearest neighbor version of the test, or the radius search version.
return_normals : bool (optional), default=False
Wehther to return estimated normal vectors as well.
second_order : bool (optional), default=True
Whether to use the second order version of the test.
cutoff : bool (optional), default=True
Whether to use the cutoff for the second order test.
knn_data : tuple (optional), default=None
Output of `weightmatrix.knnsearch`, which can be provided to accelerate the computation.
T : numpy array
Test statistic as a length n numpy array.
nu : (n,d) numpy array
Estimated normals, if `return_normals=True`.
[1] J. Calder, S. Park, and D. Slepčev. [Boundary Estimation from Point Clouds: Algorithms, Guarantees and Applications.]( arXiv:2111.03217, 2021.
#Estimation of normal vectors
n = X.shape[0]
d = X.shape[1]
if knn:
k = r
#Run knnsearch only if knn_data is not provided
if knn_data is None:
J,D = weightmatrix.knnsearch(X,k)
J,D = knn_data
W = weightmatrix.knn(X, k, kernel='uniform', symmetrize=False, knn_data=(J,D))
W = weightmatrix.epsilon_ball(X, r, kernel='uniform')
deg = W*np.ones(n)
if np.min(deg)==1:
print('\nWarning: Some points have no neighbors!!!\n')
#Estimation of normals
if second_order:
if knn:
theta = graph.graph(W).degree_matrix(p=-1)
W2 = weightmatrix.epsilon_ball(X, r/2, kernel='uniform')
theta = graph.graph(W).degree_matrix(p=-1)
nu = -graph.graph(W*theta).laplacian()*X
nu = -graph.graph(W).laplacian()*X
#Normalize to unit norm
norms = np.sqrt(np.sum(nu*nu,axis=1))
nu = nu/norms[:,np.newaxis]
#Switch to knn if not selected
if not knn:
k = int(np.max(W*np.ones(W.shape[0]))) #Number of neighbors to use in knnsearch
J,D = weightmatrix.knnsearch(X,k); J=J[:,1:]; D=D[:,1:] #knnsearch and remove self
#Difference between center point and neighbors
V = X[:,np.newaxis,:] - X[J] #(x^0-x^i), nxkxd array
#Compute boundary statistic to all neighbors
if second_order:
nu2 = (nu[:,np.newaxis,:] + nu[J])/2
if cutoff:
nn_mask = np.sum(nu[:,np.newaxis,:]*nu[J],axis=2) > 0
nn_mask = nn_mask[:,:,np.newaxis]
nu2 = nn_mask*nu2 + (1-nn_mask)*nu[:,np.newaxis,:]
xd = np.sum(V*nu2,axis=2) #xd coordinate (nxk)
else: #First order boundary test
xd = np.sum(V*nu[:,np.newaxis,:],axis=2) #xd coordinate (nxk)
#Return test statistic, masking out to B(x,r), and normals if return_normals=True
if knn:
T = np.max(xd,axis=1)
T = np.max(xd*(D<=r),axis=1)
if return_normals:
return T,nu
return T
def class_priors(labels):
"""Class priors
Computes class priors (fraction of data in each class). Ignores labels that are negative.
labels : numpy array (int)
Labels as integers \\(0,1,\\dots,k-1\\), where \\(k\\) is the number of classes.
class_priors : numpy array
Fraction of data in each class
L = np.unique(labels)
L = L[L>=0]
k = len(L)
n = np.sum(labels>=0)
class_priors = np.zeros((k,))
for i in range(k):
class_priors[i] = np.sum(labels==L[i])/n
return class_priors
def _boundary_handling(bdy_set,bdy_val):
"""Boundary value handling
Converts boundary values from boolean or scalar to numpy arrays.
bdy_set : numpy array (int or bool), or list
Indices of boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\) or boolean mask of boundary.
bdy_val : numpy array or single float (optioanl), default=0
Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is
interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\).
bdy_set : numpy array
Indices of boundary points.
bdy_val : numpy array
Array of boundary values.
if type(bdy_set) == list:
bdy_set = np.array(bdy_set)
if bdy_set.dtype == bool: #If bdy_set is boolean
bdy_set = np.where(bdy_set)[0]
m = len(bdy_set)
if type(bdy_val) != np.ndarray:
bdy_val = np.ones((m,))*bdy_val
return bdy_set, bdy_val
def csvread(filename):
"""CSV Read
Reads numerical data from a csv file.
filename : String
Name of csv file
X : numpy array
Contents of csv file
X = []
with open(filename) as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file,delimiter=',')
n = 0
for row in csv_reader:
#Skip if the row has letters
if not row[0].lower().islower():
X += [float(i) for i in row]
m = len(row)
n += 1
X = np.array(X).reshape((n,m))
return X
#This is to santize url names so they agree with the specific cases on github
def _sanitize_pathname(name):
name = re.sub('mnist', 'MNIST', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub('fashionmnist', 'FashionMNIST', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub('cifar', 'cifar', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub('webkb', 'WEBKB', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub('mult', 'Mult', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
name = re.sub('modrate', 'ModRate', name, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
return name
def numpy_load(file, field):
"""Load an array from a numpy file
Loads a numpy .npz file and returns a specific field.
file : string
Namename of .npz file
field : string
Name of field to load
M = np.load(file,allow_pickle=True)
d = M[field]
sys.exit('Error: Cannot open '+file+'.')
return d
def download_file(url, file):
"""Download a file from a url
Attemps to download from a url.
url : string
Web address of file to download.
file : string
Name of file to download to.
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
url = _sanitize_pathname(url)
print('Downloading '+url+' to '+file+'...')
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, file)
sys.exit('Error: Cannot download '+url+'.')
def sparse_max(A,B):
"""Max of two sparse matrices
Computes the elementwise max of two sparse matrices.
Matrices should both be nonegative and square.
A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix
First matrix.
B : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix
Second matrix.
C : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix
Sparse max of A and B
I = (A + B) > 0
IB = B>A
IA = I - IB
return A.multiply(IA) + B.multiply(IB)
def torch_sparse(A):
"""Torch sparse matrix, from scipy sparse
Converts a scipy sparse matrix into a torch sparse matrix.
A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix
Matrix to convert to torch sparse
A_torch : (n,n) torch.sparse.FloatTensor
Sparse matrix in torch form.
import torch
A = A.tocoo()
values =
indices = np.vstack((A.row, A.col))
i = torch.LongTensor(indices)
v = torch.FloatTensor(values)
shape = A.shape
A_torch = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(i, v, torch.Size(shape))
return A_torch
#Constrained linear solve
#Solves Lu = f subject to u(I)=g
def constrained_solve(L,I,g,f=None,x0=None,tol=1e-10):
"""Constrained Solve
Uses preconditioned [Conjugate Gradient Method](
to solve the equation \\(Lx=f\\) subject to \\(x=g\\) on a contraint set. \\(L\\) must be positive
definite and symmetric.
L : (n,n) numpy array or scipy sparse matrix
Left hand side of linear equation.
I : numpy array (bool or int)
Indices of contraint set.
g : numpy array (float)
Constrained values
f : numpy array (optional), default=None
Right hand side of linear equation. Default is interpreted as \\(f=0\\).
x0 : numpy array (optional), default=None
Initial condition. Default is zero.
tol : float (optional), default = 1e-10
Tolerance for the conjugate gradient method.
x : numpy array
Solution of linear equation with constraints.
L = L.tocsr()
n = L.shape[0]
#Locations of labels
idx = np.full((n,), True, dtype=bool)
idx[I] = False
#Right hand side
b = -L[:,I]*g
b = b[idx]
if f is not None:
b = b + f[idx]
#Left hand side matrix
A = L[idx,:]
A = A[:,idx]
#Conjugate gradient with Jacobi preconditioner
m = A.shape[0]
M = A.diagonal()
M = sparse.spdiags(1/(M+1e-10),0,m,m).tocsr()
if x0 is None:
v,i =,b,tol=tol,M=M)
v,i =,b,x0=x0[idx],tol=tol,M=M)
#Add labels back into array
u = np.ones((n,))
u[idx] = v
u[I] = g
return u
def dirichlet_eigenvectors(L,ind,k):
"""Dirichlet eigenvectors
Finds the smallest magnitude Dirichlet eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix \\(L\\), which satisfy
\\(x_i=0\\) for \\(i\\in \\Gamma\\) and \\(Lx_i=\\lambda x_i\\) for \\(i\\not\\in \\Gamma\\).
L : (n,n) numpy array or scipy sparse matrix
Matrix to compute eigenvectors of.
ind : numpy array (bool or int)
Indices or boolean mask indicating contraint set \\(\\Gamma\\).
k : int
Number of eigenvectors to find.
vals : numpy array
Eigenvalues in increasing order.
vecs : numpy array
Corresponding eigenvectors as columns.
L = L.tocsr()
n = L.shape[0]
#Locations of labels
idx = np.full((n,), True, dtype=bool)
idx[ind] = False
#Left hand side matrix
A = L[idx,:]
A = A[:,idx]
#Eigenvector solver
vals, vec = sparse.linalg.eigsh(A,k=k,which='SM')
#Add labels back into array
vecs = np.zeros((n,k))
vecs[idx,:] = vec
if k == 1:
vecs = vecs.flatten()
return vals, vecs
def constrained_solve_gmres(L,f,R,g,ind,tol=1e-5):
"""Constrained GMRES Solve
Uses preconditioned [GMRES]( to solve
the equation \\(Lx=f\\) subject to \\(Rx=g\\) on a contraint set.
L : (n,n) numpy array or scipy sparse matrix
Left hand side of linear equation.
f : (n,1) numpy array
Right hand side of linear equation.
R : (n,n) numpy array or scipy sparse matrix
Constraint matrix.
g : numpy array
Length n numpy array for boundary constriants.
ind : numpy array (bool or int)
Indices or boolean mask indicating contraint set.
tol : float (optional), default = 1e-5
Tolerance for GMRES.
x : numpy array
Solution of linear equation with constraints.
#Mix matrices based on boundary points
A = L.copy()
A = A.tolil()
A[ind,:] = R[ind,:]
A = A.tocsr()
#Right hand side
b = f.copy()
b[ind] = g[ind]
m = A.shape[0]
M = A.diagonal()
M = sparse.spdiags(1/M,0,m,m).tocsr()
#GMRES solver
u,info = sparse.linalg.gmres(A, b, M=M, tol=tol)
return u
def conjgrad(A, b, x0=None, max_iter=1e5, tol=1e-10):
"""Conjugate Gradient Method
Conjugate gradient method for solving the linear equation
\\[ Ax = b\\]
where \\(A\\) is \\(n\\times n\\), and \\(x\\) and \\(b\\) are \\(n\\times m\\).
A : (n,n) numpy array or scipy sparse matrix
Left hand side of linear equation.
b : (n,k) numpy array
Right hand side of linear equation.
x0 : (n,k) numpy array (optional)
Initial guess. If not provided, then x0=0.
max_iter : int (optional), default = 1e5
Maximum number of iterations.
tol : float (optional), default = 1e-10
Tolerance for stopping conjugate gradient iterations.
x : (n,k) numpy array
Solution of \\(Ax=b\\) with conjugate gradient
if x0 is None:
x = np.zeros_like(b)
x = x0.copy()
r = b - A@x
p = r.copy()
rsold = np.sum(r**2,axis=0)
err = 1
i = 0
while (err > tol) and (i < max_iter):
i += 1
Ap = A@p
alpha = rsold / np.sum(p*Ap,axis=0)
x += alpha * p
r -= alpha * Ap
rsnew = np.sum(r**2,axis=0)
err = np.sqrt(np.sum(rsnew))
p = r + (rsnew / rsold) * p
rsold = rsnew
return x
def labels_to_onehot(labels, k, standardize=False):
"""Onehot labels
Converts numerical labels to one hot vectors.
labels : numpy array, int
Labels as integers.
k : int
Number of classes.
standardize : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to map labels to 0,1,...,k-1 first, before encoding.
onehot_labels : (n,k) numpy array, float
One hot representation of labels.
n = labels.shape[0]
k = max(int(np.max(labels))+1,k) #Make sure the given k is not too small
if standardize:
#First convert to standard 0,1,...,k-1
unique_labels = np.unique(L)
k = len(unique_labels)
for i in range(k):
labels[labels==unique_labels[i]] = i
#Now convert to onehot
labels = labels.astype(int)
onehot_labels = np.zeros((n,k))
onehot_labels[range(n),labels] = 1
return onehot_labels
def randomized_svd(A, k=10, c=None, q=1):
"""Randomized SVD
Approximates top k singular values and vectors of A with a randomized
SVD algorithm.
A : numpy array or matrix, scipy sparse matrix, or sparse linear operator
Matrix to compute SVD of.
k : int (optional), default=10
Number of eigenvectors to compute.
q : int (optional), default=1
Exponent to use in randomized svd.
c : int (optional), default=2*k
Cutoff for randomized SVD.
u : (n,k) numpy array, float
Unitary matrix having left singular vectors as columns.
s : numpy array, float
The singular values.
vt : (k,n) numpy array, float
Unitary matrix having right singular vectors as rows.
Halko, Nathan, Per-Gunnar Martinsson, and Joel A. Tropp. [Finding structure
with randomness: Probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix
decompositions.]( SIAM review 53.2 (2011): 217-288.
if c is None:
c = 2*k
n = A.shape[1]
#Random Gaussian projection
Omega = np.random.randn(n,c)
Y = A@Omega
for i in range(q):
Y = A@(A.T@Y)
#QR Factorization
Q,R = np.linalg.qr(Y)
B = Q.T@A
u,s,vt = linalg.svd(B, full_matrices=False)
u = Q@u
#Sort singular values from largest to smallest
ind = np.argsort(-s)
u = u[:,ind]
s = s[ind]
vt = vt[ind,:]
#Truncate to k
u = u[:,:k]
s = s[:k]
vt = vt[:k,:]
return u,s,vt
def rand_annulus(n,d,r1,r2):
"""Random points in annulus
Generates independent and uniformly distributed random variables in the annulus
\\(B_{r_2} \\setminus B_{r_1}\\).
n : int
Number of points.
d : int
r1 : float
Inner radius.
r2 : float
Outer radius
X : (n,d) numpy array
Random points in annulus.
N = 0
X = np.zeros((1,d))
while X.shape[0] <= n:
Y = r2*(2*np.random.rand(n,d) - 1)
dist2 = np.sum(Y*Y,axis=1)
I = (dist2 < r2*r2)&(dist2 > r1*r1)
Y = Y[I,:]
X = np.vstack((X,Y))
X = X[1:(n+1)]
return X
def rand_ball(n,d):
"""Random points in a ball
Generates independent and uniformly distributed random variables in the unit ball.
n : int
Number of points.
d : int
X : (n,d) numpy array
Random points in unit ball.
N = 0
X = np.zeros((1,d))
while X.shape[0] <= n:
Y = 2*np.random.rand(n,d) - 1
I = np.sum(Y*Y,axis=1) < 1
Y = Y[I,:]
X = np.vstack((X,Y))
X = X[1:(n+1)]
return X
def bean_data(n,h):
"""Random bean data
Generates independent and uniformly distributed random variables in a bean shaped domain
in two dimensions.
n : int
Number of points.
h : float
Height of bridge between the two sides of the bean.
X : (n,2) numpy array
Random points in the bean.
x = a + (b-a)*np.random.rand(3*n);
y = c + (d-c)*np.random.rand(3*n);
in_bean = abs(y) <= dist_from_x_axis
X = X[in_bean,:]
if X.shape[0] < n:
print('Not enough samples');
X = X[:n,:]
return X
def mesh(X, boundary_improvement=False):
Creates a Delaunay triangulation of a 2D point cloud. Useful for visualizations.
X : (n,d) numpy array
Numpy array of \\(n\\) points in dimension \\(d\\). If \\(d\\geq 3\\), only
first 2 coordintes are used.
boundary_improvement : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to use improved meshing near the boundary to ensure there are no
boundary triangles with very large side lengths.
T : (n,3) numpy array
if boundary_improvement:
n = X.shape[0]
d = X.shape[1]
if d > 2:
X = X[:,0:2]
#Normalize data to unit box
x1 = X[:,0].min()
x2 = X[:,0].max()
y1 = X[:,1].min()
y2 = X[:,1].max()
X = X - [x1,y1]
X[:,0] = X[:,0]/(x2-x1)
X[:,1] = X[:,1]/(y2-y1)
#Add padding data around
pad = 10/np.sqrt(n)
m = int(pad*n)
Y = np.random.rand(m,2)
Y[:,0] = Y[:,0]*pad - pad
Z = np.vstack((X,Y))
Y = np.random.rand(m,2)
Y[:,0] = Y[:,0]*pad + 1
Z = np.vstack((Z,Y))
Y = np.random.rand(m,2)
Y[:,1] = Y[:,1]*pad - pad
Z = np.vstack((Z,Y))
Y = np.random.rand(m,2)
Y[:,1] = Y[:,1]*pad + 1
Z = np.vstack((Z,Y))
#Delaunay triangulation
T = spatial.Delaunay(Z);
Tri = T.simplices
J = np.sum(Tri >= n,axis=1)==0;
T = Tri[J,:]
T = spatial.Delaunay(X[:,:2])
T = T.simplices
return T
def image_grid(X, n_rows=10, n_cols=10, padding=2, title=None, normalize=False,
fontsize=None, transpose=False, return_image=False):
"""Image Grid
Displays (or returns) a grid of images.
X : numpy array
(n,m) numpy array of n grayscale images, flattened to length m arrays.
Alternatively, X can have shape (n_rows, n_cols, m), in which case the
parameters n_rows and n_cols below are overridden.
n_rows : int (optional), default=10
Number of rows in image grid.
n_cols : int (optional), default=10
Number of columns in image grid.
padding : int (optional), default=2
Amount of padding between images in the grid.
title : str (optional), default=None
Optional title to add to image.
normalize : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to normalie pixel intensities for viewing.
fontsize : int (optional), default=None
Font size for title, if provided. None uses the default in matplotlib.
transpose : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to transpose the images or not.
return_image : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to return the image or display it to a matplotlib window.
I : numpy array
Image grid as a grayscale image (if `return_image=True).
#Basic dimensions
if X.ndim == 3:
n_rows = X.shape[0]
n_cols = X.shape[1]
m = X.shape[2]
im_width = int(np.sqrt(m))
X = np.reshape(X,(n_rows*n_cols,im_width,im_width))
n = X.shape[0]
n = X.shape[0]
m = X.shape[1]
im_width = int(np.sqrt(m))
X = np.reshape(X,(n,im_width,im_width))
if normalize:
X = X - X.min()
X = X/X.max()
#Declare memory for large image that contains the whole grid
I = np.ones(((n_rows-1)*padding+n_rows*im_width,(n_cols-1)*padding+n_cols*im_width))
#Loop over the grid, placing each image in the correct position
c = 0
for j in range(n_rows):
row_pos = j*(im_width+padding)
for i in range(n_cols):
col_pos = i*(im_width+padding)
if c < n:
im = X[c,:,:]
if transpose:
im = im.T
I[row_pos:row_pos+im_width,col_pos:col_pos+im_width] = im
c += 1
if return_image:
return I
#Create a new window and plot the image
if title is not None:
if fontsize is not None:
def color_image_grid(X, n_rows=10, n_cols=10, padding=2, title=None, normalize=False,
fontsize=None, transpose=False, return_image=False):
"""Color Image Grid
Displays (or returns) a color grid of images.
X : numpy array
(n,m) numpy array of n color images in (RRRGGGBBB) format, flattened to length m arrays.
Alternatively, X can have shape (n_rows, n_cols, m), in which case the
parameters n_rows and n_cols below are overridden.
n_rows : int (optional), default=10
Number of rows in image grid.
n_cols : int (optional), default=10
Number of columns in image grid.
padding : int (optional), default=2
Amount of padding between images in the grid.
title : str (optional), default=None
Optional title to add to image.
normalize : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to normalie pixel intensities for viewing.
fontsize : int (optional), default=None
Font size for title, if provided. None uses the default in matplotlib.
transpose : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to transpose the images or not.
return_image : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to return the image or display it to a matplotlib window.
I : numpy array
Image grid as a color image (if `return_image=True).
m = int(X.shape[1]/3)
imgs = []
for i in range(3):
imgs += [image_grid(X[:,m*i:m*(i+1)], n_rows=n_rows, n_cols=n_cols, padding=padding, title=title, normalize=normalize, fontsize=fontsize, transpose=transpose, return_image=True)]
I = np.stack((imgs[0],imgs[1],imgs[2]),axis=2)
if return_image:
return I
#Create a new window and plot the image
if title is not None:
if fontsize is not None:
def image_to_patches(I,patch_size=(16,16)):
"""Image to Patches
Converts an image into an array of patches.
Supports color or grayscale images.
I : numpy array
Image to convert into patches
patch_size : tuple (optional)
Size of patches to use
P : numpy array
Numpy array of size (num_patches,num_pixels_per_patch).
if I.ndim == 2:
return _image_to_patches(I,patch_size=patch_size)
elif I.ndim == 3:
imgs = []
for i in range(I.shape[2]):
imgs += [_image_to_patches(I[:,:,i],patch_size=patch_size)]
img = imgs[0]
for J in imgs[1:]:
img = np.hstack((img,J))
return img
print('Error: Number of dimensions not supported.')
return 0
def _image_to_patches(I,patch_size=(16,16)):
#Compute number of patches and enlarge image if necessary
num_patches = (np.ceil(np.array(I.shape)/np.array(patch_size))).astype(int)
image_size = num_patches*patch_size
J = np.zeros(tuple(image_size.astype(int)))
patches = np.zeros((num_patches[0]*num_patches[1],patch_size[0]*patch_size[1]))
p = 0
for i in range(int(num_patches[0])):
for j in range(int(num_patches[1])):
patches[p,:] = J[patch_size[0]*i:patch_size[0]*(i+1),patch_size[1]*j:patch_size[1]*(j+1)].flatten()
return patches
def patches_to_image(patches,image_shape,patch_size=(16,16)):
"""Patches to image
Converts an array of patches back into an image.
Supports color or grayscale images.
patches : numpy array
Array containing patches along the rows.
image_shape : tuple
Shape of output image.
patch_size : tuple (optional)
Size of patches.
I : numpy array
Numpy array of reconstructed image.
m = patch_size[0]*patch_size[1]
num_channels = int(patches.shape[1]/m)
if num_channels == 1:
return _patches_to_image(patches,image_shape,patch_size=patch_size)
img = np.zeros((image_shape[0],image_shape[1],num_channels))
for i in range(num_channels):
img[:,:,i] = _patches_to_image(patches[:,i*m:(i+1)*m],image_shape,patch_size=patch_size)
return img
def _patches_to_image(patches,image_shape,patch_size=(16,16)):
#Compute number of patches and enlarge image if necessary
num_patches = (np.ceil(np.array(image_shape)/np.array(patch_size))).astype(int)
image_size = num_patches*np.array(patch_size)
I = np.zeros(tuple(image_size.astype(int)))
p = 0
for i in range(num_patches[0]):
for j in range(num_patches[1]):
I[patch_size[0]*i:patch_size[0]*(i+1),patch_size[1]*j:patch_size[1]*(j+1)] = np.reshape(patches[p,:],patch_size)
return I[:image_shape[0],:image_shape[1]]
def bean_data(n, h)
Random bean data
Generates independent and uniformly distributed random variables in a bean shaped domain in two dimensions.
- Number of points.
- Height of bridge between the two sides of the bean.
:(n,2) numpy array
- Random points in the bean.
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def bean_data(n,h): """Random bean data ====== Generates independent and uniformly distributed random variables in a bean shaped domain in two dimensions. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of points. h : float Height of bridge between the two sides of the bean. Returns ------- X : (n,2) numpy array Random points in the bean. """ a=-1 b=1 x = a + (b-a)*np.random.rand(3*n); c=-0.6 d=0.6; y = c + (d-c)*np.random.rand(3*n); X=np.transpose(np.vstack((x,y))) dist_from_x_axis=0.4*np.sqrt(1-x**2)*(1+h-np.cos(3*x)) in_bean = abs(y) <= dist_from_x_axis X = X[in_bean,:] if X.shape[0] < n: print('Not enough samples'); else: X = X[:n,:] return X
def boundary_statistic(X, r, knn=False, return_normals=False, second_order=True, cutoff=True, knn_data=None)
Boundary test statistic
Computes the boundary test statistics from [1] for identifying the boundary of a point cloud.
:(n,d) numpy array (float)
- Point cloud in dimension d.
- Radius for test (or numgber of neighbors if knn=True)
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to ues the k-nearest neighbor version of the test, or the radius search version.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Wehther to return estimated normal vectors as well.
:bool (optional)
, default=True
- Whether to use the second order version of the test.
:bool (optional)
, default=True
- Whether to use the cutoff for the second order test.
:tuple (optional)
, default=None
- Output of
, which can be provided to accelerate the computation.
:numpy array
- Test statistic as a length n numpy array.
:(n,d) numpy array
- Estimated normals, if
[1] J. Calder, S. Park, and D. Slepčev. Boundary Estimation from Point Clouds: Algorithms, Guarantees and Applications. arXiv:2111.03217, 2021.
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def boundary_statistic(X, r, knn=False, return_normals=False, second_order=True, cutoff=True, knn_data=None): """Boundary test statistic =================== Computes the boundary test statistics from [1] for identifying the boundary of a point cloud. Parameters ---------- X : (n,d) numpy array (float) Point cloud in dimension d. r : float or int, Radius for test (or numgber of neighbors if knn=True) knn : bool (optional), default=False Whether to ues the k-nearest neighbor version of the test, or the radius search version. return_normals : bool (optional), default=False Wehther to return estimated normal vectors as well. second_order : bool (optional), default=True Whether to use the second order version of the test. cutoff : bool (optional), default=True Whether to use the cutoff for the second order test. knn_data : tuple (optional), default=None Output of `weightmatrix.knnsearch`, which can be provided to accelerate the computation. Returns ------- T : numpy array Test statistic as a length n numpy array. nu : (n,d) numpy array Estimated normals, if `return_normals=True`. References --------- [1] J. Calder, S. Park, and D. Slepčev. [Boundary Estimation from Point Clouds: Algorithms, Guarantees and Applications.]( arXiv:2111.03217, 2021. """ #Estimation of normal vectors n = X.shape[0] d = X.shape[1] if knn: k = r #Run knnsearch only if knn_data is not provided if knn_data is None: J,D = weightmatrix.knnsearch(X,k) else: J,D = knn_data W = weightmatrix.knn(X, k, kernel='uniform', symmetrize=False, knn_data=(J,D)) else: W = weightmatrix.epsilon_ball(X, r, kernel='uniform') deg = W*np.ones(n) if np.min(deg)==1: print('\nWarning: Some points have no neighbors!!!\n') #Estimation of normals if second_order: if knn: theta = graph.graph(W).degree_matrix(p=-1) else: W2 = weightmatrix.epsilon_ball(X, r/2, kernel='uniform') theta = graph.graph(W).degree_matrix(p=-1) nu = -graph.graph(W*theta).laplacian()*X else: nu = -graph.graph(W).laplacian()*X #Normalize to unit norm norms = np.sqrt(np.sum(nu*nu,axis=1)) nu = nu/norms[:,np.newaxis] #Switch to knn if not selected if not knn: k = int(np.max(W*np.ones(W.shape[0]))) #Number of neighbors to use in knnsearch J,D = weightmatrix.knnsearch(X,k); J=J[:,1:]; D=D[:,1:] #knnsearch and remove self #Difference between center point and neighbors V = X[:,np.newaxis,:] - X[J] #(x^0-x^i), nxkxd array #Compute boundary statistic to all neighbors if second_order: nu2 = (nu[:,np.newaxis,:] + nu[J])/2 if cutoff: nn_mask = np.sum(nu[:,np.newaxis,:]*nu[J],axis=2) > 0 nn_mask = nn_mask[:,:,np.newaxis] nu2 = nn_mask*nu2 + (1-nn_mask)*nu[:,np.newaxis,:] xd = np.sum(V*nu2,axis=2) #xd coordinate (nxk) else: #First order boundary test xd = np.sum(V*nu[:,np.newaxis,:],axis=2) #xd coordinate (nxk) #Return test statistic, masking out to B(x,r), and normals if return_normals=True if knn: T = np.max(xd,axis=1) else: T = np.max(xd*(D<=r),axis=1) if return_normals: return T,nu else: return T
def class_priors(labels)
Class priors
Computes class priors (fraction of data in each class). Ignores labels that are negative.
:numpy array (int)
- Labels as integers 0,1,\dots,k-1, where k is the number of classes.
:numpy array
- Fraction of data in each class
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def class_priors(labels): """Class priors ====== Computes class priors (fraction of data in each class). Ignores labels that are negative. Parameters ---------- labels : numpy array (int) Labels as integers \\(0,1,\\dots,k-1\\), where \\(k\\) is the number of classes. Returns ------- class_priors : numpy array Fraction of data in each class """ L = np.unique(labels) L = L[L>=0] k = len(L) n = np.sum(labels>=0) class_priors = np.zeros((k,)) for i in range(k): class_priors[i] = np.sum(labels==L[i])/n return class_priors
def color_image_grid(X, n_rows=10, n_cols=10, padding=2, title=None, normalize=False, fontsize=None, transpose=False, return_image=False)
Color Image Grid
Displays (or returns) a color grid of images.
:numpy array
- (n,m) numpy array of n color images in (RRRGGGBBB) format, flattened to length m arrays. Alternatively, X can have shape (n_rows, n_cols, m), in which case the parameters n_rows and n_cols below are overridden.
:int (optional)
, default=10
- Number of rows in image grid.
:int (optional)
, default=10
- Number of columns in image grid.
:int (optional)
, default=2
- Amount of padding between images in the grid.
:str (optional)
, default=None
- Optional title to add to image.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to normalie pixel intensities for viewing.
:int (optional)
, default=None
- Font size for title, if provided. None uses the default in matplotlib.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to transpose the images or not.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to return the image or display it to a matplotlib window.
:numpy array
- Image grid as a color image (if `return_image=True).
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def color_image_grid(X, n_rows=10, n_cols=10, padding=2, title=None, normalize=False, fontsize=None, transpose=False, return_image=False): """Color Image Grid ====== Displays (or returns) a color grid of images. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array (n,m) numpy array of n color images in (RRRGGGBBB) format, flattened to length m arrays. Alternatively, X can have shape (n_rows, n_cols, m), in which case the parameters n_rows and n_cols below are overridden. n_rows : int (optional), default=10 Number of rows in image grid. n_cols : int (optional), default=10 Number of columns in image grid. padding : int (optional), default=2 Amount of padding between images in the grid. title : str (optional), default=None Optional title to add to image. normalize : bool (optional), default=False Whether to normalie pixel intensities for viewing. fontsize : int (optional), default=None Font size for title, if provided. None uses the default in matplotlib. transpose : bool (optional), default=False Whether to transpose the images or not. return_image : bool (optional), default=False Whether to return the image or display it to a matplotlib window. Returns ------- I : numpy array Image grid as a color image (if `return_image=True). """ m = int(X.shape[1]/3) imgs = [] for i in range(3): imgs += [image_grid(X[:,m*i:m*(i+1)], n_rows=n_rows, n_cols=n_cols, padding=padding, title=title, normalize=normalize, fontsize=fontsize, transpose=transpose, return_image=True)] I = np.stack((imgs[0],imgs[1],imgs[2]),axis=2) if return_image: return I else: #Create a new window and plot the image plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.imshow(I) plt.axis('off') if title is not None: if fontsize is not None: plt.title(title,fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.title(title)
def conjgrad(A, b, x0=None, max_iter=100000.0, tol=1e-10)
Conjugate Gradient Method
Conjugate gradient method for solving the linear equation Ax = b where A is n\times n, and x and b are n\times m.
:(n,n) numpy array
orscipy sparse matrix
- Left hand side of linear equation.
:(n,k) numpy array
- Right hand side of linear equation.
:(n,k) numpy array (optional)
- Initial guess. If not provided, then x0=0.
:int (optional)
, default= 1e5
- Maximum number of iterations.
:float (optional)
, default= 1e-10
- Tolerance for stopping conjugate gradient iterations.
:(n,k) numpy array
- Solution of Ax=b with conjugate gradient
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def conjgrad(A, b, x0=None, max_iter=1e5, tol=1e-10): """Conjugate Gradient Method ====== Conjugate gradient method for solving the linear equation \\[ Ax = b\\] where \\(A\\) is \\(n\\times n\\), and \\(x\\) and \\(b\\) are \\(n\\times m\\). Parameters ---------- A : (n,n) numpy array or scipy sparse matrix Left hand side of linear equation. b : (n,k) numpy array Right hand side of linear equation. x0 : (n,k) numpy array (optional) Initial guess. If not provided, then x0=0. max_iter : int (optional), default = 1e5 Maximum number of iterations. tol : float (optional), default = 1e-10 Tolerance for stopping conjugate gradient iterations. Returns ------- x : (n,k) numpy array Solution of \\(Ax=b\\) with conjugate gradient """ if x0 is None: x = np.zeros_like(b) else: x = x0.copy() r = b - A@x p = r.copy() rsold = np.sum(r**2,axis=0) err = 1 i = 0 while (err > tol) and (i < max_iter): i += 1 Ap = A@p alpha = rsold / np.sum(p*Ap,axis=0) x += alpha * p r -= alpha * Ap rsnew = np.sum(r**2,axis=0) err = np.sqrt(np.sum(rsnew)) p = r + (rsnew / rsold) * p rsold = rsnew return x
def constrained_solve(L, I, g, f=None, x0=None, tol=1e-10)
Constrained Solve
Uses preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method to solve the equation Lx=f subject to x=g on a contraint set. L must be positive definite and symmetric.
:(n,n) numpy array
orscipy sparse matrix
- Left hand side of linear equation.
:numpy array (bool
- Indices of contraint set.
:numpy array (float)
- Constrained values
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Right hand side of linear equation. Default is interpreted as f=0.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Initial condition. Default is zero.
:float (optional)
, default= 1e-10
- Tolerance for the conjugate gradient method.
:numpy array
- Solution of linear equation with constraints.
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def constrained_solve(L,I,g,f=None,x0=None,tol=1e-10): """Constrained Solve ====== Uses preconditioned [Conjugate Gradient Method]( to solve the equation \\(Lx=f\\) subject to \\(x=g\\) on a contraint set. \\(L\\) must be positive definite and symmetric. Parameters ---------- L : (n,n) numpy array or scipy sparse matrix Left hand side of linear equation. I : numpy array (bool or int) Indices of contraint set. g : numpy array (float) Constrained values f : numpy array (optional), default=None Right hand side of linear equation. Default is interpreted as \\(f=0\\). x0 : numpy array (optional), default=None Initial condition. Default is zero. tol : float (optional), default = 1e-10 Tolerance for the conjugate gradient method. Returns ------- x : numpy array Solution of linear equation with constraints. """ L = L.tocsr() n = L.shape[0] #Locations of labels idx = np.full((n,), True, dtype=bool) idx[I] = False #Right hand side b = -L[:,I]*g b = b[idx] if f is not None: b = b + f[idx] #Left hand side matrix A = L[idx,:] A = A[:,idx] #Conjugate gradient with Jacobi preconditioner m = A.shape[0] M = A.diagonal() M = sparse.spdiags(1/(M+1e-10),0,m,m).tocsr() if x0 is None: v,i =,b,tol=tol,M=M) else: v,i =,b,x0=x0[idx],tol=tol,M=M) #Add labels back into array u = np.ones((n,)) u[idx] = v u[I] = g return u
def constrained_solve_gmres(L, f, R, g, ind, tol=1e-05)
Constrained GMRES Solve
Uses preconditioned GMRES to solve the equation Lx=f subject to Rx=g on a contraint set.
:(n,n) numpy array
orscipy sparse matrix
- Left hand side of linear equation.
:(n,1) numpy array
- Right hand side of linear equation.
:(n,n) numpy array
orscipy sparse matrix
- Constraint matrix.
:numpy array
- Length n numpy array for boundary constriants.
:numpy array (bool
- Indices or boolean mask indicating contraint set.
:float (optional)
, default= 1e-5
- Tolerance for GMRES.
:numpy array
- Solution of linear equation with constraints.
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def constrained_solve_gmres(L,f,R,g,ind,tol=1e-5): """Constrained GMRES Solve ====== Uses preconditioned [GMRES]( to solve the equation \\(Lx=f\\) subject to \\(Rx=g\\) on a contraint set. Parameters ---------- L : (n,n) numpy array or scipy sparse matrix Left hand side of linear equation. f : (n,1) numpy array Right hand side of linear equation. R : (n,n) numpy array or scipy sparse matrix Constraint matrix. g : numpy array Length n numpy array for boundary constriants. ind : numpy array (bool or int) Indices or boolean mask indicating contraint set. tol : float (optional), default = 1e-5 Tolerance for GMRES. Returns ------- x : numpy array Solution of linear equation with constraints. """ #Mix matrices based on boundary points A = L.copy() A = A.tolil() A[ind,:] = R[ind,:] A = A.tocsr() #Right hand side b = f.copy() b[ind] = g[ind] #Preconditioner m = A.shape[0] M = A.diagonal() M = sparse.spdiags(1/M,0,m,m).tocsr() #GMRES solver u,info = sparse.linalg.gmres(A, b, M=M, tol=tol) return u
def csvread(filename)
CSV Read
Reads numerical data from a csv file.
- Name of csv file
:numpy array
- Contents of csv file
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def csvread(filename): """CSV Read ====== Reads numerical data from a csv file. Parameters ---------- filename : String Name of csv file Returns ------- X : numpy array Contents of csv file """ X = [] with open(filename) as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file,delimiter=',') n = 0 for row in csv_reader: #Skip if the row has letters if not row[0].lower().islower(): X += [float(i) for i in row] m = len(row) n += 1 X = np.array(X).reshape((n,m)) return X
def dirichlet_eigenvectors(L, ind, k)
Dirichlet eigenvectors
Finds the smallest magnitude Dirichlet eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix L, which satisfy x_i=0 for i\in \Gamma and Lx_i=\lambda x_i for i\not\in \Gamma.
:(n,n) numpy array
orscipy sparse matrix
- Matrix to compute eigenvectors of.
:numpy array (bool
- Indices or boolean mask indicating contraint set \Gamma.
- Number of eigenvectors to find.
:numpy array
- Eigenvalues in increasing order.
:numpy array
- Corresponding eigenvectors as columns.
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def dirichlet_eigenvectors(L,ind,k): """Dirichlet eigenvectors ====== Finds the smallest magnitude Dirichlet eigenvectors/eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix \\(L\\), which satisfy \\(x_i=0\\) for \\(i\\in \\Gamma\\) and \\(Lx_i=\\lambda x_i\\) for \\(i\\not\\in \\Gamma\\). Parameters ---------- L : (n,n) numpy array or scipy sparse matrix Matrix to compute eigenvectors of. ind : numpy array (bool or int) Indices or boolean mask indicating contraint set \\(\\Gamma\\). k : int Number of eigenvectors to find. Returns ------- vals : numpy array Eigenvalues in increasing order. vecs : numpy array Corresponding eigenvectors as columns. """ L = L.tocsr() n = L.shape[0] #Locations of labels idx = np.full((n,), True, dtype=bool) idx[ind] = False #Left hand side matrix A = L[idx,:] A = A[:,idx] #Eigenvector solver vals, vec = sparse.linalg.eigsh(A,k=k,which='SM') #Add labels back into array vecs = np.zeros((n,k)) vecs[idx,:] = vec if k == 1: vecs = vecs.flatten() return vals, vecs
def download_file(url, file)
Download a file from a url
Attemps to download from a url.
- Web address of file to download.
- Name of file to download to.
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def download_file(url, file): """Download a file from a url ====== Attemps to download from a url. Parameters ---------- url : string Web address of file to download. file : string Name of file to download to. """ ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context url = _sanitize_pathname(url) try: print('Downloading '+url+' to '+file+'...') urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, file) except: sys.exit('Error: Cannot download '+url+'.')
def image_grid(X, n_rows=10, n_cols=10, padding=2, title=None, normalize=False, fontsize=None, transpose=False, return_image=False)
Image Grid
Displays (or returns) a grid of images.
:numpy array
- (n,m) numpy array of n grayscale images, flattened to length m arrays. Alternatively, X can have shape (n_rows, n_cols, m), in which case the parameters n_rows and n_cols below are overridden.
:int (optional)
, default=10
- Number of rows in image grid.
:int (optional)
, default=10
- Number of columns in image grid.
:int (optional)
, default=2
- Amount of padding between images in the grid.
:str (optional)
, default=None
- Optional title to add to image.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to normalie pixel intensities for viewing.
:int (optional)
, default=None
- Font size for title, if provided. None uses the default in matplotlib.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to transpose the images or not.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to return the image or display it to a matplotlib window.
:numpy array
- Image grid as a grayscale image (if `return_image=True).
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def image_grid(X, n_rows=10, n_cols=10, padding=2, title=None, normalize=False, fontsize=None, transpose=False, return_image=False): """Image Grid ====== Displays (or returns) a grid of images. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array (n,m) numpy array of n grayscale images, flattened to length m arrays. Alternatively, X can have shape (n_rows, n_cols, m), in which case the parameters n_rows and n_cols below are overridden. n_rows : int (optional), default=10 Number of rows in image grid. n_cols : int (optional), default=10 Number of columns in image grid. padding : int (optional), default=2 Amount of padding between images in the grid. title : str (optional), default=None Optional title to add to image. normalize : bool (optional), default=False Whether to normalie pixel intensities for viewing. fontsize : int (optional), default=None Font size for title, if provided. None uses the default in matplotlib. transpose : bool (optional), default=False Whether to transpose the images or not. return_image : bool (optional), default=False Whether to return the image or display it to a matplotlib window. Returns ------- I : numpy array Image grid as a grayscale image (if `return_image=True). """ #Basic dimensions if X.ndim == 3: n_rows = X.shape[0] n_cols = X.shape[1] m = X.shape[2] im_width = int(np.sqrt(m)) #Reshape X = np.reshape(X,(n_rows*n_cols,im_width,im_width)) n = X.shape[0] else: n = X.shape[0] m = X.shape[1] im_width = int(np.sqrt(m)) #Reshape X = np.reshape(X,(n,im_width,im_width)) if normalize: X = X - X.min() X = X/X.max() #Declare memory for large image that contains the whole grid I = np.ones(((n_rows-1)*padding+n_rows*im_width,(n_cols-1)*padding+n_cols*im_width)) #Loop over the grid, placing each image in the correct position c = 0 for j in range(n_rows): row_pos = j*(im_width+padding) for i in range(n_cols): col_pos = i*(im_width+padding) if c < n: im = X[c,:,:] if transpose: im = im.T I[row_pos:row_pos+im_width,col_pos:col_pos+im_width] = im c += 1 if return_image: return I else: #Create a new window and plot the image plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.imshow(I,cmap='gray') plt.axis('off') if title is not None: if fontsize is not None: plt.title(title,fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.title(title)
def image_to_patches(I, patch_size=(16, 16))
Image to Patches
Converts an image into an array of patches. Supports color or grayscale images.
:numpy array
- Image to convert into patches
:tuple (optional)
- Size of patches to use
:numpy array
- Numpy array of size (num_patches,num_pixels_per_patch).
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def image_to_patches(I,patch_size=(16,16)): """Image to Patches ======= Converts an image into an array of patches. Supports color or grayscale images. Parameters ---------- I : numpy array Image to convert into patches patch_size : tuple (optional) Size of patches to use Returns ------- P : numpy array Numpy array of size (num_patches,num_pixels_per_patch). """ if I.ndim == 2: return _image_to_patches(I,patch_size=patch_size) elif I.ndim == 3: imgs = [] for i in range(I.shape[2]): imgs += [_image_to_patches(I[:,:,i],patch_size=patch_size)] img = imgs[0] for J in imgs[1:]: img = np.hstack((img,J)) return img else: print('Error: Number of dimensions not supported.') return 0
def labels_to_onehot(labels, k, standardize=False)
Onehot labels
Converts numerical labels to one hot vectors.
:numpy array, int
- Labels as integers.
- Number of classes.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to map labels to 0,1,…,k-1 first, before encoding.
:(n,k) numpy array, float
- One hot representation of labels.
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def labels_to_onehot(labels, k, standardize=False): """Onehot labels ====== Converts numerical labels to one hot vectors. Parameters ---------- labels : numpy array, int Labels as integers. k : int Number of classes. standardize : bool (optional), default=False Whether to map labels to 0,1,...,k-1 first, before encoding. Returns ------- onehot_labels : (n,k) numpy array, float One hot representation of labels. """ n = labels.shape[0] k = max(int(np.max(labels))+1,k) #Make sure the given k is not too small if standardize: #First convert to standard 0,1,...,k-1 unique_labels = np.unique(L) k = len(unique_labels) for i in range(k): labels[labels==unique_labels[i]] = i #Now convert to onehot labels = labels.astype(int) onehot_labels = np.zeros((n,k)) onehot_labels[range(n),labels] = 1 return onehot_labels
def mesh(X, boundary_improvement=False)
Creates a Delaunay triangulation of a 2D point cloud. Useful for visualizations.
:(n,d) numpy array
- Numpy array of n points in dimension d. If d\geq 3, only first 2 coordintes are used.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to use improved meshing near the boundary to ensure there are no boundary triangles with very large side lengths.
:(n,3) numpy array
- Triangulation.
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def mesh(X, boundary_improvement=False): """Mesh ====== Creates a Delaunay triangulation of a 2D point cloud. Useful for visualizations. Parameters ---------- X : (n,d) numpy array Numpy array of \\(n\\) points in dimension \\(d\\). If \\(d\\geq 3\\), only first 2 coordintes are used. boundary_improvement : bool (optional), default=False Whether to use improved meshing near the boundary to ensure there are no boundary triangles with very large side lengths. Returns ------- T : (n,3) numpy array Triangulation. """ if boundary_improvement: n = X.shape[0] d = X.shape[1] if d > 2: X = X[:,0:2] #Normalize data to unit box x1 = X[:,0].min() x2 = X[:,0].max() y1 = X[:,1].min() y2 = X[:,1].max() X = X - [x1,y1] X[:,0] = X[:,0]/(x2-x1) X[:,1] = X[:,1]/(y2-y1) #Add padding data around pad = 10/np.sqrt(n) m = int(pad*n) Y = np.random.rand(m,2) Y[:,0] = Y[:,0]*pad - pad Z = np.vstack((X,Y)) Y = np.random.rand(m,2) Y[:,0] = Y[:,0]*pad + 1 Z = np.vstack((Z,Y)) Y = np.random.rand(m,2) Y[:,1] = Y[:,1]*pad - pad Z = np.vstack((Z,Y)) Y = np.random.rand(m,2) Y[:,1] = Y[:,1]*pad + 1 Z = np.vstack((Z,Y)) #Delaunay triangulation T = spatial.Delaunay(Z); Tri = T.simplices J = np.sum(Tri >= n,axis=1)==0; T = Tri[J,:] else: T = spatial.Delaunay(X[:,:2]) T = T.simplices return T
def numpy_load(file, field)
Load an array from a numpy file
Loads a numpy .npz file and returns a specific field.
- Namename of .npz file
- Name of field to load
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def numpy_load(file, field): """Load an array from a numpy file ====== Loads a numpy .npz file and returns a specific field. Parameters ---------- file : string Namename of .npz file field : string Name of field to load """ try: M = np.load(file,allow_pickle=True) d = M[field] except: sys.exit('Error: Cannot open '+file+'.') return d
def patches_to_image(patches, image_shape, patch_size=(16, 16))
Patches to image
Converts an array of patches back into an image. Supports color or grayscale images.
:numpy array
- Array containing patches along the rows.
- Shape of output image.
:tuple (optional)
- Size of patches.
:numpy array
- Numpy array of reconstructed image.
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def patches_to_image(patches,image_shape,patch_size=(16,16)): """Patches to image ======= Converts an array of patches back into an image. Supports color or grayscale images. Parameters ---------- patches : numpy array Array containing patches along the rows. image_shape : tuple Shape of output image. patch_size : tuple (optional) Size of patches. Returns ------- I : numpy array Numpy array of reconstructed image. """ m = patch_size[0]*patch_size[1] num_channels = int(patches.shape[1]/m) if num_channels == 1: return _patches_to_image(patches,image_shape,patch_size=patch_size) else: img = np.zeros((image_shape[0],image_shape[1],num_channels)) for i in range(num_channels): img[:,:,i] = _patches_to_image(patches[:,i*m:(i+1)*m],image_shape,patch_size=patch_size) return img
def rand_annulus(n, d, r1, r2)
Random points in annulus
Generates independent and uniformly distributed random variables in the annulus B_{r_2} \setminus B_{r_1}.
- Number of points.
- Dimension.
- Inner radius.
- Outer radius
:(n,d) numpy array
- Random points in annulus.
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def rand_annulus(n,d,r1,r2): """Random points in annulus ====== Generates independent and uniformly distributed random variables in the annulus \\(B_{r_2} \\setminus B_{r_1}\\). Parameters ---------- n : int Number of points. d : int Dimension. r1 : float Inner radius. r2 : float Outer radius Returns ------- X : (n,d) numpy array Random points in annulus. """ N = 0 X = np.zeros((1,d)) while X.shape[0] <= n: Y = r2*(2*np.random.rand(n,d) - 1) dist2 = np.sum(Y*Y,axis=1) I = (dist2 < r2*r2)&(dist2 > r1*r1) Y = Y[I,:] X = np.vstack((X,Y)) X = X[1:(n+1)] return X
def rand_ball(n, d)
Random points in a ball
Generates independent and uniformly distributed random variables in the unit ball.
- Number of points.
- Dimension.
:(n,d) numpy array
- Random points in unit ball.
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def rand_ball(n,d): """Random points in a ball ====== Generates independent and uniformly distributed random variables in the unit ball. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of points. d : int Dimension. Returns ------- X : (n,d) numpy array Random points in unit ball. """ N = 0 X = np.zeros((1,d)) while X.shape[0] <= n: Y = 2*np.random.rand(n,d) - 1 I = np.sum(Y*Y,axis=1) < 1 Y = Y[I,:] X = np.vstack((X,Y)) X = X[1:(n+1)] return X
def randomized_svd(A, k=10, c=None, q=1)
Randomized SVD
Approximates top k singular values and vectors of A with a randomized SVD algorithm.
:numpy array
ormatrix, scipy sparse matrix,
orsparse linear operator
- Matrix to compute SVD of.
:int (optional)
, default=10
- Number of eigenvectors to compute.
:int (optional)
, default=1
- Exponent to use in randomized svd.
:int (optional)
, default=2*k
- Cutoff for randomized SVD.
:(n,k) numpy array, float
- Unitary matrix having left singular vectors as columns.
:numpy array, float
- The singular values.
:(k,n) numpy array, float
- Unitary matrix having right singular vectors as rows.
Halko, Nathan, Per-Gunnar Martinsson, and Joel A. Tropp. Finding structure with randomness: Probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions. SIAM review 53.2 (2011): 217-288.
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def randomized_svd(A, k=10, c=None, q=1): """Randomized SVD ====== Approximates top k singular values and vectors of A with a randomized SVD algorithm. Parameters ---------- A : numpy array or matrix, scipy sparse matrix, or sparse linear operator Matrix to compute SVD of. k : int (optional), default=10 Number of eigenvectors to compute. q : int (optional), default=1 Exponent to use in randomized svd. c : int (optional), default=2*k Cutoff for randomized SVD. Returns ------- u : (n,k) numpy array, float Unitary matrix having left singular vectors as columns. s : numpy array, float The singular values. vt : (k,n) numpy array, float Unitary matrix having right singular vectors as rows. Reference --------- Halko, Nathan, Per-Gunnar Martinsson, and Joel A. Tropp. [Finding structure with randomness: Probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions.]( SIAM review 53.2 (2011): 217-288. """ if c is None: c = 2*k n = A.shape[1] #Random Gaussian projection Omega = np.random.randn(n,c) Y = A@Omega for i in range(q): Y = A@(A.T@Y) #QR Factorization Q,R = np.linalg.qr(Y) #SVD B = Q.T@A u,s,vt = linalg.svd(B, full_matrices=False) u = Q@u #Sort singular values from largest to smallest ind = np.argsort(-s) u = u[:,ind] s = s[ind] vt = vt[ind,:] #Truncate to k u = u[:,:k] s = s[:k] vt = vt[:k,:] return u,s,vt
def sparse_max(A, B)
Max of two sparse matrices
Computes the elementwise max of two sparse matrices. Matrices should both be nonegative and square.
:(n,n) scipy sparse matrix
- First matrix.
:(n,n) scipy sparse matrix
- Second matrix.
:(n,n) scipy sparse matrix
- Sparse max of A and B
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def sparse_max(A,B): """Max of two sparse matrices ====== Computes the elementwise max of two sparse matrices. Matrices should both be nonegative and square. Parameters ---------- A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix First matrix. B : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix Second matrix. Returns ------- C : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix Sparse max of A and B """ I = (A + B) > 0 IB = B>A IA = I - IB return A.multiply(IA) + B.multiply(IB)
def torch_sparse(A)
Torch sparse matrix, from scipy sparse
Converts a scipy sparse matrix into a torch sparse matrix.
:(n,n) scipy sparse matrix
- Matrix to convert to torch sparse
:(n,n) torch.sparse.FloatTensor
- Sparse matrix in torch form.
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def torch_sparse(A): """Torch sparse matrix, from scipy sparse ====== Converts a scipy sparse matrix into a torch sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix Matrix to convert to torch sparse Returns ------- A_torch : (n,n) torch.sparse.FloatTensor Sparse matrix in torch form. """ import torch A = A.tocoo() values = indices = np.vstack((A.row, A.col)) i = torch.LongTensor(indices) v = torch.FloatTensor(values) shape = A.shape A_torch = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(i, v, torch.Size(shape)) return A_torch