Module graphlearning.graph
Graph Class
This module contains the graph
class, which implements many graph-based algorithms, including
spectral decompositions, distance functions (via Dijkstra and peikonal), PageRank, AMLE (Absolutely
Minimal Lipschitz Extensions), p-Laplace equations, and basic calculus on graphs.
Expand source code
Graph Class
This module contains the `graph` class, which implements many graph-based algorithms, including
spectral decompositions, distance functions (via Dijkstra and peikonal), PageRank, AMLE (Absolutely
Minimal Lipschitz Extensions), p-Laplace equations, and basic calculus on graphs.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import sparse
from scipy import spatial
import scipy.sparse.linalg as splinalg
import scipy.sparse.csgraph as csgraph
import time
import sys
import pickle
from . import utils
class graph:
def __init__(self, W, labels=None, features=None, label_names=None, node_names=None):
"""Graph class
A class for graphs, including routines to compute Laplacians and their
eigendecompositions, which are useful in graph learning.
W : (n,n) numpy array, matrix, or scipy sparse matrix
Weight matrix representing the graph.
labels : (n,) numpy array (optional)
Node labels.
features : (n,k) numpy array (optional)
Node features.
label_names : list (optional)
Names corresponding to each label.
node_names : list (optional)
Names for each node in the graph.
self.weight_matrix = sparse.csr_matrix(W)
self.labels = labels
self.features = features
self.num_nodes = W.shape[0]
self.label_names = label_names
self.node_names = node_names
self.eigendata = {}
normalizations = ['combinatorial','randomwalk','normalized']
for norm in normalizations:
self.eigendata[norm] = {}
self.eigendata[norm]['eigenvectors'] = None
self.eigendata[norm]['eigenvalues'] = None
self.eigendata[norm]['method'] = None
self.eigendata[norm]['k'] = None
self.eigendata[norm]['c'] = None
self.eigendata[norm]['gamma'] = None
self.eigendata[norm]['tol'] = None
self.eigendata[norm]['q'] = None
def __ccode_init__(self):
#Coordinates of sparse matrix for passing to C code
I,J,V = sparse.find(self.weight_matrix)
ind = np.argsort(I)
self.I,self.J,self.V = I[ind], J[ind], V[ind]
self.K = np.array((self.I[1:] - self.I[:-1]).nonzero()) + 1
self.K = np.append(0,np.append(self.K,len(self.I)))
self.Vinv = 1/self.V
#For passing to C code
self.I = np.ascontiguousarray(self.I, dtype=np.int32)
self.J = np.ascontiguousarray(self.J, dtype=np.int32)
self.V = np.ascontiguousarray(self.V, dtype=np.float64)
self.Vinv = np.ascontiguousarray(self.Vinv, dtype=np.float64)
self.K = np.ascontiguousarray(self.K, dtype=np.int32)
def subgraph(self,ind):
Returns the subgraph corresponding to the supplied indices.
ind : numpy array, int
Indices for subgraph.
G : graph object
Subgraph corresponding to the indices contained in `ind`.
W = self.weight_matrix
return graph(W[ind,:][:,ind])
def degree_vector(self):
"""Degree Vector
Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns the diagonal degree vector
\\[d_{i} = \\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}.\\]
d : numpy array, float
Degree vector for weight matrix.
d = self.weight_matrix*np.ones(self.num_nodes)
return d
def neighbors(self, i, return_weights=False):
Returns neighbors of node i.
i : int
Index of vertex to return neighbors of.
return_weights : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to return the weights of neighbors as well.
N : numpy array, int
Array of nearest neighbor indices.
W : numpy array, float
Weights of edges to neighbors.
N = self.weight_matrix[i,:].nonzero()[1]
N = N[N != i]
if return_weights:
return N, self.weight_matrix[i,N].toarray().flatten()
return N
def fiedler_vector(self, return_value=False, tol=1e-8):
"""Fiedler Vector
Computes the Fiedler vector for graph, which is the eigenvector
of the graph Laplacian correpsonding to the second smallest eigenvalue.
return_value : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to return Fiedler value.
tol : float (optional), default=0
Tolerance for eigensolvers.
v : numpy array, float
Fiedler vector
l : float (optional)
Fiedler value
#vals, vecs = self.eigen_decomp(k=2,method=method,tol=tol)
#if return_value:
# return vecs[:,1], vals[1]
# return vecs[:,1]
L = self.laplacian()
m = self.num_nodes
v = np.random.rand(m,1)
o = np.ones((m,1))/m
v -= np.sum(v)*o
d = self.degree_vector()
lam = 2*np.max(d)
M = lam*sparse.identity(m) - L
fval_old = v.T@(L@v)
err = 1
while err > tol:
x = M@v
x -= np.sum(x)*o
v = x/np.linalg.norm(x)
fval = v.T@(L@v)
err = abs(fval_old-fval)
fval_old = fval
v = v.flatten()
#Fix consistent sign
if v[0] > 0:
v = -v
if return_value:
return v, fval
return v
def degree_matrix(self, p=1):
"""Degree Matrix
Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns the diagonal degree matrix
in the form
\\[D_{ii} = \\left(\\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}\\right)^p.\\]
p : float (optional), default=1
Optional exponent to apply to the degree.
D : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
Sparse diagonal degree matrix.
#Construct sparse degree matrix
d = self.degree_vector()
D = sparse.spdiags(d**p, 0, self.num_nodes, self.num_nodes)
return D.tocsr()
def rand(self):
"""Uniform random matrix with same sparsity structure
Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns a random matrix \\(A\\),
where the entry \\(A_{ij}\\) is a uniform random variable on \\([0,1]\\)
whenever \\(w_{ij}>0\\), and \\(A_{ij}=0\\) otherwise.
A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
Sparse rand_like matrix.
n = self.num_nodes
vals = np.random.rand(len(self.I),1).flatten()
A = sparse.coo_matrix((vals,(self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr()
return A
def randn(self):
"""Gaussian random matrix with same sparsity structure
Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns a random matrix \\(A\\),
where the entry \\(A_{ij}\\) is a uniform random variable on \\([0,1]\\)
whenever \\(w_{ij}>0\\), and \\(A_{ij}=0\\) otherwise.
A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
Sparse rand_like matrix.
n = self.num_nodes
vals = np.random.randn(len(self.I),1).flatten()
A = sparse.coo_matrix((vals,(self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr()
return A
def adjacency(self):
"""Adjacency matrix
Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns the adjacency matrix \\(A\\),
which satisfies \\(A_{ij}=1\\) whenever \\(w_{ij}>0\\), and \\(A_{ij}=0\\)
A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
Sparse adjacency matrix.
n = self.num_nodes
A = sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones(len(self.V),),(self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr()
return A
def gradient(self, u, weighted=False, p=0.0):
"""Graph Gradient
Computes the graph gradient \\(\\nabla u\\) of \\(u\\in \\mathbb{R}^n\\), which is
the sparse matrix with the form
\\[\\nabla u_{ij} = u_j - u_i,\\]
whenever \\(w_{ij}>0\\), and \\(\\nabla u_{ij}=0\\) otherwise.
If `weighted=True` is chosen, then the gradient is weighted by the graph weight
matrix as follows
\\[\\nabla u_{ij} = w_{ij}^p(u_j - u_i).\\]
u : numpy array, float
Vector (graph function) to take gradient of
weighted : bool (optional), default=False,True
Whether to weight the gradient by the graph weight matrix. Default is False when p=0 and True when \\(p\\neq 0\\).
p : float (optional), default=0,1
Power for weights on weighted gradient. Default is 0 when unweighted and 1 when weighted.
G : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
Sparse graph gradient matrix
n = self.num_nodes
if p != 0.0:
weighted = True
if weighted == True and p==0.0:
p = 1.0
if weighted:
G = sparse.coo_matrix(((self.V**p)*(u[self.J]-u[self.I]), (self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr()
G = sparse.coo_matrix((u[self.J]-u[self.I], (self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr()
return G
def divergence(self, V, weighted=True):
"""Graph Divergence
Computes the graph divergence \\(\\text{div} V\\) of a vector field \\(V\\in \\mathbb{R}^{n\\times n}\\),
which is the vector
\\[\\nabla u_{ij} = u_j - u_i,\\]
If `weighted=True` is chosen, then the divergence is weighted by the graph weight
matrix as follows
\\[\\nabla u_{ij} = w_{ij}(u_j - u_i).\\]
V : scipy sparse matrix, float
Sparse matrix representing a vector field over the graph.
weighted : bool (optional), default=True
Whether to weight the divergence by the graph weight matrix.
divV : numpy array
Divergence of V.
V = V - V.transpose()
if weighted:
V = V.multiply(self.weight_matrix)
divV = V*np.ones(self.num_nodes)/2
return divV
def reweight(self, idx, method='poisson', normalization='combinatorial', tau=0, X=None, alpha=2, zeta=1e7, r=0.1):
"""Reweight a weight matrix
Reweights the graph weight matrix more heavily near labeled nodes. Used in semi-supervised
learning at very low label rates. [Need to describe all methods...]
idx : numpy array (int)
Indices of points to reweight near (typically labeled points).
method : {'poisson','wnll','properly'}, default='poisson'
Reweighting method. 'poisson' is described in [1], 'wnll' is described in [2], and 'properly'
is described in [3]. If 'properly' is selected, the user must supply the data features `X`.
normalization : {'combinatorial','normalized'}, default='combinatorial'
Type of normalization to apply for the graph Laplacian when method='poisson'.
tau : float or numpy array (optional), default=0
Zeroth order term in Laplace equation. Can be a scalar or vector.
X : numpy array (optional)
Data features, used to construct the graph. This is required for the `properly` weighted
graph Laplacian method.
alpha : float (optional), default=2
Parameter for `properly` reweighting.
zeta : float (optional), default=1e7
Parameter for `properly` reweighting.
r : float (optional), default=0.1
Radius for `properly` reweighting.
W : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
Reweighted weight matrix as sparse scipy matrix.
[1] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. [Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised Learning at Very Low Label Rates.](,
Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020.
[2] Z. Shi, S. Osher, and W. Zhu. [Weighted nonlocal laplacian on interpolation from sparse data.](
Journal of Scientific Computing 73.2 (2017): 1164-1177.
[3] J. Calder, D. Slepčev. [Properly-weighted graph Laplacian for semi-supervised learning.]( Applied mathematics & optimization (2019): 1-49.
if method == 'poisson':
n = self.num_nodes
f = np.zeros(n)
f[idx] = 1
if normalization == 'combinatorial':
f -= np.mean(f)
L = self.laplacian()
elif normalization == 'normalized':
d = self.degree_vector()**(0.5)
c = np.sum(d*f)/np.sum(d)
f -= c
L = self.laplacian(normalization=normalization)
sys.exit('Unsupported normalization '+normalization+' for graph.reweight.')
w = utils.conjgrad(L, f, tol=1e-5)
w -= np.min(w)
w += 1e-5
D = sparse.spdiags(w,0,n,n).tocsr()
return D*self.weight_matrix*D
elif method == 'wnll':
n = self.num_nodes
m = len(idx)
a = np.ones((n,))
a[idx] = n/m
D = sparse.spdiags(a,0,n,n).tocsr()
return D*self.weight_matrix + self.weight_matrix*D
elif method == 'properly':
if X is None:
sys.exit('Must provide data features X for properly weighted graph Laplacian.')
n = self.num_nodes
m = len(idx)
rzeta = r/(zeta-1)**(1/alpha)
Xtree = spatial.cKDTree(X[idx,:])
D, J = Xtree.query(X)
D[D < rzeta] = rzeta
gamma = 1 + (r/D)**alpha
D = sparse.spdiags(gamma,0,n,n).tocsr()
return D*self.weight_matrix + self.weight_matrix*D
sys.exit('Invalid reweighting method ' + method + '.')
def laplacian(self, normalization="combinatorial", alpha=1):
"""Graph Laplacian
Computes various normalizations of the graph Laplacian for a
given weight matrix \\(W\\). The choices are
\\[L_{\\rm combinatorial} = D - W,\\]
\\[L_{\\rm randomwalk} = I - D^{-1}W,\\]
\\[L_{\\rm normalized} = I - D^{-1/2}WD^{-1/2},\\]
where \\(D\\) is the diagonal degree matrix, which is defined as
\\[D_{ii} = \\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}.\\]
The Coifman-Lafon Laplacian is also supported.
normalization : {'combinatorial','randomwalk','normalized','coifmanlafon'}, default='combinatorial'
Type of normalization to apply.
alpha : float (optional)
Parameter for Coifman-Lafon Laplacian
L : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
Graph Laplacian as sparse scipy matrix.
I = sparse.identity(self.num_nodes)
D = self.degree_matrix()
if normalization == "combinatorial":
L = D - self.weight_matrix
elif normalization == "randomwalk":
Dinv = self.degree_matrix(p=-1)
L = I - Dinv*self.weight_matrix
elif normalization == "normalized":
Dinv2 = self.degree_matrix(p=-0.5)
L = I - Dinv2*self.weight_matrix*Dinv2
elif normalization == "coifmanlafon":
D = self.degree_matrix(p=-alpha)
L = graph(D*self.weight_matrix*D).laplacian(normalization='randomwalk')
sys.exit("Invalid option for graph Laplacian normalization.")
return L.tocsr()
def infinity_laplacian(self,u):
"""Graph Infinity Laplacian
Computes the graph infinity Laplacian of a vector \\(u\\), given by
\\[L_\\infty u_i= \\min_j w_{ij}(u_j-u_i) + \\max_j w_{ij} (u_j-u_i).\\]
Lu : numpy array
Graph infinity Laplacian.
n = self.num_nodes
M = sparse.coo_matrix((self.V*(u[self.J]-u[self.I]), (self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr()
M = M.min(axis=1) + M.max(axis=1)
Lu = M.toarray().flatten()
return Lu
def isconnected(self):
"""Is Connected
Checks if the graph is connected.
connected : bool
True or False, depending on connectivity.
num_comp,comp = csgraph.connected_components(self.weight_matrix)
connected = False
if num_comp == 1:
connected = True
return connected
def largest_connected_component(self):
"""Largest connected component
Finds the largest connected component of the graph. Returns the restricted
graph, as well as a boolean mask indicating the nodes belonging to
the component.
G : graph object
Largest connected component graph.
ind : numpy array (bool)
Mask indicating which nodes from the original graph belong to the
largest component.
ncomp,labels = csgraph.connected_components(self.weight_matrix,directed=False)
num_verts = np.zeros((ncomp,))
for i in range(ncomp):
num_verts[i] = np.sum(labels==i)
i_max = np.argmax(num_verts)
ind = labels==i_max
A = self.weight_matrix[ind,:]
A = A[:,ind]
G = graph(A)
return G, ind
def eigen_decomp(self, normalization='combinatorial', method='exact', k=10, c=None, gamma=0, tol=0, q=1):
"""Eigen Decomposition of Graph Laplacian
Computes the the low-lying eigenvectors and eigenvalues of
various normalizations of the graph Laplacian. Computations can
be either exact, or use a fast low-rank approximation via
randomized SVD.
normalization : {'combinatorial','randomwalk','normalized'}, default='combinatorial'
Type of normalization of graph Laplacian to apply.
method : {'exact','lowrank'}, default='exact'
Method for computing eigenvectors. 'exact' uses scipy.sparse.linalg.svds, while
'lowrank' uses a low rank approximation via randomized SVD. Lowrank is not
implemented for gamma > 0.
k : int (optional), default=10
Number of eigenvectors to compute.
c : int (optional), default=2*k
Cutoff for randomized SVD.
gamma : float (optional), default=0
Parameter for modularity (add more details)
tol : float (optional), default=0
tolerance for eigensolvers.
q : int (optional), default=1
Exponent to use in randomized svd.
vals : numpy array, float
eigenvalues in increasing order.
vecs : (n,k) numpy array, float
eigenvectors as columns.
This example compares the exact and lowrank (ranomized svd) methods for computing the spectrum: [](
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sklearn.datasets as datasets
import graphlearning as gl
X,L = datasets.make_moons(n_samples=500,noise=0.1)
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,10)
G = gl.graph(W)
num_eig = 7
vals_exact, vecs_exact = G.eigen_decomp(normalization='normalized', k=num_eig, method='exact')
vals_rsvd, vecs_rsvd = G.eigen_decomp(normalization='normalized', k=num_eig, method='lowrank', q=50, c=50)
for i in range(1,num_eig):
rsvd = vecs_rsvd[:,i]
exact = vecs_exact[:,i]
sign = np.sum(rsvd*exact)
if sign < 0:
rsvd *= -1
err = np.max(np.absolute(rsvd - exact))/max(np.max(np.absolute(rsvd)),np.max(np.absolute(exact)))
fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(10,5))
fig.suptitle('Eigenvector %d, err=%f'%(i,err))
ax1.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=rsvd)
ax1.set_title('Random SVD')
ax2.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=exact)
#Default choice for c
if c is None:
c = 2*k
same_method = self.eigendata[normalization]['method'] == method
same_k = self.eigendata[normalization]['k'] == k
same_c = self.eigendata[normalization]['c'] == c
same_gamma = self.eigendata[normalization]['gamma'] == gamma
same_tol = self.eigendata[normalization]['tol'] == tol
same_q = self.eigendata[normalization]['q'] == q
#If already computed, then return eigenvectors
if same_method and same_k and same_c and same_gamma and same_tol and same_q:
return self.eigendata[normalization]['eigenvalues'], self.eigendata[normalization]['eigenvectors']
#Else, we need to compute the eigenvectors
self.eigendata[normalization]['method'] = method
self.eigendata[normalization]['k'] = k
self.eigendata[normalization]['c'] = c
self.eigendata[normalization]['gamma'] = gamma
self.eigendata[normalization]['tol'] = tol
self.eigendata[normalization]['q'] = q
n = self.num_nodes
#If not using modularity
if gamma == 0:
if normalization == 'randomwalk' or normalization == 'normalized':
D = self.degree_matrix(p=-0.5)
A = D*self.weight_matrix*D
if method == 'exact':
u,s,vt = splinalg.svds(A, k=k, tol=tol)
elif method == 'lowrank':
u,s,vt = utils.randomized_svd(A, k=k, c=c, q=q)
sys.exit('Invalid eigensolver method '+method)
vals = 1 - s
ind = np.argsort(vals)
vals = vals[ind]
vecs = u[:,ind]
if normalization == 'randomwalk':
vecs = D@vecs
elif normalization == 'combinatorial':
L = self.laplacian()
deg = self.degree_vector()
M = 2*np.max(deg)
A = M*sparse.identity(n) - L
if method == 'exact':
u,s,vt = splinalg.svds(A, k=k, tol=tol)
elif method == 'lowrank':
u,s,vt = utils.randomized_svd(A, k=k, c=c, q=q)
sys.exit('Invalid eigensolver method '+method)
vals = M - s
ind = np.argsort(vals)
vals = vals[ind]
vecs = u[:,ind]
sys.exit('Invalid choice of normalization')
if method == 'lowrank':
sys.exit('Low rank not implemented for modularity')
if normalization == 'randomwalk':
lap = self.laplacian(normalization='normalized')
P = self.degree_matrix(p=-0.5)
p1,p2 = 1.5,0.5
lap = self.laplacian(normalization=normalization)
P = sparse.identity(n)
p1,p2 = 1,1
#If using modularity
deg = self.degree_vector()
deg1 = deg**p1
deg2 = deg**p2
m = np.sum(deg)/2
def M(v):
v = v.flatten()
return (lap*v).flatten() + (gamma/m)*(deg2.T@v)*deg1
L = sparse.linalg.LinearOperator((n,n), matvec=M)
vals, vecs = sparse.linalg.eigsh(L, k=k, which='SM', tol=tol)
#Correct for random walk Laplacian if chosen
vecs = P@vecs
#Store eigenvectors for resuse later
self.eigendata[normalization]['eigenvalues'] = vals
self.eigendata[normalization]['eigenvectors'] = vecs
return vals, vecs
def peikonal(self, bdy_set, bdy_val=0, f=1, p=1, nl_bdy=False, u0=None, solver='fmm',
max_num_it=1e5, tol=1e-3, num_bisection_it=30, prog=False,):
"""p-eikonal equation
Sovles the graph p-eikonal equation
\\[ \\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij} (u_i - u_j)_+^p = f_i\\]
for \\(i\\not\\in \\Gamma\\), subject to \\(u_i=g_i\\) for \\(i\\in \\Gamma\\).
bdy_set : numpy array (int or bool)
Indices or boolean mask indicating the boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\).
bdy_val : numpy array or single float (optional), default=0
Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is
interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\).
f : numpy array or single float (optional), default=1
Right hand side of the p-eikonal equation, a single float
is interpreted as a constant vector of the graph.
p : float (optional), default=1
Value of exponent p in the p-eikonal equation.
nl_bdy : bool (optional), default = False
Whether to extend the boundary conditions to non-local ones (to graph neighbors).
solver : {'fmm', 'gauss-seidel'}, default='fmm'
Solver for p-eikonal equation.
u0 : numpy array (float, optional), default=None
Initialization of solver. If not provided, then u0=0.
max_num_it : int (optional), default=1e5
Maximum number of iterations for 'gauss-seidel' solver.
tol : float (optional), default=1e-3
Tolerance with which to solve the equation for 'gauss-seidel' solver.
num_bisection_it : int (optional), default=30
Number of bisection iterations for solver for 'gauss-seidel' solver with \\(p>1\\).
prog : bool (optional), default=False
Toggles whether to print progress information.
u : numpy array (float)
Solution of p-eikonal equation.
This example uses the peikonal equation to compute a data depth: [](
import graphlearning as gl
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X = np.random.rand(int(1e4),2)
x,y = X[:,0],X[:,1]
eps = 0.02
W = gl.weightmatrix.epsilon_ball(X, eps)
G = gl.graph(W)
bdy_set = (x < eps) | (x > 1-eps) | (y < eps) | (y > 1-eps)
u = G.peikonal(bdy_set)
#Import c extensions
from . import cextensions
n = self.num_nodes
#Set initial data
if u0 is None:
u = np.zeros((n,))
u = u0.copy()
#Convert f to an array if scalar is given
if type(f) != np.ndarray:
f = np.ones((n,))*f
#Convert boundary data to standard format
bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val)
#Extend boundary data if nl_bdy=True
if nl_bdy:
D = self.degree_matrix(p=-1)
bdy_mask = np.zeros(n)
bdy_mask[bdy_set] = 1
bdy_dilate = (D*self.weight_matrix*bdy_mask) > 0
bdy_set = bdy_set = np.where(bdy_dilate)[0]
bdy_val_all = np.zeros(n)
bdy_val_all[bdy_mask==1] = bdy_val
bdy_val = D*self.weight_matrix*bdy_val_all
bdy_val = bdy_val[bdy_set]
#Type casting and memory blocking
u = np.ascontiguousarray(u,dtype=np.float64)
bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32)
f = np.ascontiguousarray(f,dtype=np.float64)
bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64)
if solver == 'fmm':
return u
def dijkstra_hl(self, bdy_set, bdy_val=0, f=1, max_dist=np.inf, return_cp=False):
"""Dijkstra's algorithm (Hopf-Lax Version)
Solves the graph Hamilton-Jacobi equation
\\[ \\max_j w_{ji}^{-1} (u(x_i)^2 - u(x_j)^2) = u(x_i)f_i\\]
subject to \\(u=g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\).
bdy_set : numpy array (int)
Indices or boolean mask identifying the boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\).
bdy_val : numpy array (float), optional
Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is
interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\).
f : numpy array or scalar float, default=1
Right hand side of eikonal equation. If a scalar, it is extended to a vector
over the graph.
max_dist : float or np.inf (optional), default = np.inf
Distance at which to terminate Dijkstra's algorithm. Nodes with distance
greater than `max_dist` will contain the value `np.inf`.
return_cp : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to return closest point. Nodes with distance greater than max_dist
contain `-1` for closest point index.
dist_func : numpy array, float
Distance function computed via Dijkstra's algorithm.
cp : numpy array, int
Closest point indices. Only returned if `return_cp=True`
This example uses Dijkstra's algorithm to compute the distance function to a single point,
and compares the result to a cone: [](
import graphlearning as gl
import numpy as np
for n in [int(10**i) for i in range(3,6)]:
X = np.random.rand(n,2)
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,50,kernel='distance')
G = gl.graph(W)
u = G.dijkstra([0])
u_true = np.linalg.norm(X - [0.5,0.5],axis=1)
error = np.linalg.norm(u-u_true, ord=np.inf)
print('n = %d, Error = %f'%(n,error))
#Import c extensions
from . import cextensions
#Convert boundary data to standard format
bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val)
n = self.num_nodes
dist_func = np.ones((n,))*np.inf
cp = -np.ones((n,),dtype=int)
#Right hand side
if type(f) != np.ndarray:
f = np.ones((n,))*f
#Type casting and memory blocking
dist_func = np.ascontiguousarray(dist_func,dtype=np.float64)
cp = np.ascontiguousarray(cp,dtype=np.int32)
bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32)
bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64)
f = np.ascontiguousarray(f,dtype=np.float64)
if return_cp:
return dist_func, cp
return dist_func
def distance(self, i, j, return_path=False, return_distance_vector=False):
"""Graph distance
Computes the shortest path distance between two points. Can also return the shortest path.
Edges are weighted by the reciprocals of the edge weights \\(w_{ij}^{-1}\\).
i : int
First index
j : int
Second index
return_path : bool (optional), default = False
Whether to return optimal path.
return_distance_vector : bool (optional), default = False
Whether to return distance vector to node i.
d : float
path : numpy array, int (optional)
Indices of optimal path
v : numpy array, float (optional)
Distance vector to node i
v = self.dijkstra([i],reciprocal_weights=True)
d = v[j]
if return_path:
p = j
path = [p]
while p != i:
nn, w = self.neighbors(p, return_weights=True)
k = np.argmin(v[nn] + w**-1)
p = nn[k]
path += [p]
path = np.array(path)
if return_distance_vector:
return d,path,v
return d,path
if return_distance_vector:
return d,v
return d
def distance_matrix(self, centered=False):
"""Graph distance matrix
Computes the shortest path distance between all pairs of points in the graph.
Edges are weighted by the reciprocals of the edge weights \\(w_{ij}^{-1}\\).
centered : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to center the distance matrix, as in ISOMAP.
T : numpy array, float
Distance matrix
n = self.num_nodes
T = np.zeros((n,n))
for i in range(n):
d,T[i,:] = self.distance(i,i,return_distance_vector=True)
if centered:
J = np.eye(n) - (1/n)*np.ones((n,n))
T = -0.5*J@T@J
return T
def dijkstra(self, bdy_set, bdy_val=0, f=1, max_dist=np.inf, return_cp=False, reciprocal_weights=False):
"""Dijkstra's algorithm
Computes a graph distance function with Dijkstra's algorithm. The graph distance is
\\[ d(x,y) = \\min_p \\sum_{i=1}^M w_{p_i,p_{i+1}}f_{p_{i+1}},\\]
where the minimum is over paths \\(p\\) connecting \\(x\\) and \\(y\\), \\(w_{ij}\\) is
the weight from \\(i\\) to \\(j\\), and \\(f_i\\) is an additional per-vertex weights.
A path must satisfy \\(w_{p_i,p_{i+1}}>0\\) for all \\(i\\). Dijkstra's algorithm returns the
distance function to a terminal set \\(\\Gamma\\), given by
\\[u(x) = \\min_{i\\in \\Gamma} \\{g(x_i) + d(x,x_i)\\},\\]
where \\(g\\) are boundary values.
An optional feature also returns the closest point information
\\[cp(x) = \\text{argmin}_{i\\in \\Gamma} \\{g(x_i) + d(x,x_i)\\}.\\]
We note that the distance function \\(u\\) can also be interpreted as the solution of the
graph eikonal equation
\\[ \\max_j w_{ji}^{-1} (u(x_i) - u(x_j)) = f_i\\]
subject to \\(u=g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\).
bdy_set : numpy array (int)
Indices or boolean mask identifying the boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\).
bdy_val : numpy array (float), optional
Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is
interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\).
f : numpy array or scalar float, default=1
Right hand side of eikonal equation. If a scalar, it is extended to a vector
over the graph.
max_dist : float or np.inf (optional), default = np.inf
Distance at which to terminate Dijkstra's algorithm. Nodes with distance
greater than `max_dist` will contain the value `np.inf`.
return_cp : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to return closest point. Nodes with distance greater than max_dist
contain `-1` for closest point index.
reciprocal_weights : bool (optional), default=False
Whether to use the reciprocals of the weights \\(w_{ij}^{-1}\\) in the definition of
graph distance.
dist_func : numpy array, float
Distance function computed via Dijkstra's algorithm.
cp : numpy array, int
Closest point indices. Only returned if `return_cp=True`
This example uses Dijkstra's algorithm to compute the distance function to a single point,
and compares the result to a cone: [](
import graphlearning as gl
import numpy as np
for n in [int(10**i) for i in range(3,6)]:
X = np.random.rand(n,2)
W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,50,kernel='distance')
G = gl.graph(W)
u = G.dijkstra([0])
u_true = np.linalg.norm(X - [0.5,0.5],axis=1)
error = np.linalg.norm(u-u_true, ord=np.inf)
print('n = %d, Error = %f'%(n,error))
#Import c extensions
from . import cextensions
#Convert boundary data to standard format
bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val)
n = self.num_nodes
dist_func = np.ones((n,))*np.inf
cp = -np.ones((n,),dtype=int)
#Right hand side
if type(f) != np.ndarray:
f = np.ones((n,))*f
#Type casting and memory blocking
dist_func = np.ascontiguousarray(dist_func,dtype=np.float64)
cp = np.ascontiguousarray(cp,dtype=np.int32)
bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32)
bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64)
f = np.ascontiguousarray(f,dtype=np.float64)
if reciprocal_weights:
if return_cp:
return dist_func, cp
return dist_func
def plaplace(self, bdy_set, bdy_val, p, tol=1e-1, max_num_it=1e6, prog=False, fast=True):
"""Game-theoretic p-Laplacian
Computes the solution of the game-theoretic p-Laplace equation \\(L_p u_i=0\\)
for \\(i\\not\\in \\Gamma\\), subject to \\(u_i=g_i\\) for \\(i\\in \\Gamma\\).
The game-theoretic p-Laplacian is given by
\\[ L_p u = \\frac{1}{p}L_{\\rm randomwalk} + \\left(1-\\frac{2}{p}\\right)L_\\infty u,\\]
where \\(L_{\\rm randomwalk}\\) is the random walk graph Laplacian and \\(L_\\infty\\) is the
graph infinity-Laplace operator, given by
\\[ L_\\infty u_i = \\min_j w_{ij}(u_i-u_j) + \\max_j w_{ij} (u_i-u_j).\\]
bdy_set : numpy array (int or bool)
Indices or boolean mask indicating the boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\).
bdy_val : numpy array or single float (optional), default=0
Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is
interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\).
p : float
Value of \\(p\\).
tol : float (optional), default=1e-1
Tolerance with which to solve the equation.
max_num_it : int (optional), default=1e6
Maximum number of iterations.
prog : bool (optional), default=False
Toggles whether to print progress information.
fast : bool (optional), default=True
Whether to use constant \\(w_{ij}=1\\) weights for the infinity-Laplacian
which allows a faster algorithm to be used.
u : numpy array, float
Solution of graph p-Laplace equation.
This example uses the p-Laplace equation to interpolate boundary values: [](
import graphlearning as gl
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X = np.random.rand(int(1e4),2)
x,y = X[:,0],X[:,1]
eps = 0.02
W = gl.weightmatrix.epsilon_ball(X, eps)
G = gl.graph(W)
bdy_set = (x < eps) | (x > 1-eps) | (y < eps) | (y > 1-eps)
bdy_val = x**2 - y**2
u = G.plaplace(bdy_set, bdy_val[bdy_set], p=10)
#Import c extensions
from . import cextensions
n = self.num_nodes
alpha = 1/(p-1)
beta = 1-alpha
#Convert boundary data to standard format
bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val)
#If fast solver
if fast:
u = np.zeros((n,)) #Initial condition
#Type casting and memory blocking
u = np.ascontiguousarray(u,dtype=np.float64)
bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32)
bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64)
weighted = False
tol = 1e-6
uu = np.max(bdy_val)*np.ones((n,))
ul = np.min(bdy_val)*np.ones((n,))
#Set labels
uu[bdy_set] = bdy_val
ul[bdy_set] = bdy_val
#Type casting and memory blocking
uu = np.ascontiguousarray(uu,dtype=np.float64)
ul = np.ascontiguousarray(ul,dtype=np.float64)
bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32)
bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64)
u = (uu+ul)/2
return u
def amle(self, bdy_set, bdy_val, tol=1e-5, max_num_it=1000, weighted=True, prog=False):
"""Absolutely Minimal Lipschitz Extension (AMLE)
Computes the absolutely minimal Lipschitz extension (AMLE) of boundary values on a graph.
The AMLE is the solution of the graph infinity Laplace equation
\\[ \\min_j w_{ij}(u_i-u_j) + \\max_j w_{ij} (u_i-u_j) = 0\\]
for \\(i\\not\\in \\Gamma\\), subject to \\(u_i=g_i\\) for \\(i\\in \\Gamma\\).
bdy_set : numpy array (int)
Indices of boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\).
bdy_val : numpy array (float)
Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\).
tol : float (optional), default=1e-5
Tolerance with which to solve the equation.
max_num_it : int (optional), default=1000
Maximum number of iterations.
weighted : bool (optional), default=True
When set to False, the weights are converted to a 0/1 adjacency matrix,
which allows for a much faster solver.
prog : bool (optional), default=False
Toggles whether to print progress information.
u : numpy array, float
Absolutely minimal Lipschitz extension.
#Import c extensions
from . import cextensions
n = self.num_nodes
u = np.zeros((n,)) #Initial condition
max_num_it = float(max_num_it)
alpha = 0
beta = 1
#Convert boundary data to standard format
bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val)
#Type casting and memory blocking
u = np.ascontiguousarray(u,dtype=np.float64)
bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32)
bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64)
return u
def save(self, filename):
Saves the graph and all its attributes to a file.
filename : string
File to save graph to, without any extension.
filename += '.pkl'
with open(filename, 'wb') as outp:
pickle.dump(self, outp, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def load(filename):
Load a graph from a file.
filename : string
File to load graph from, without any extension.
filename += '.pkl'
with open(filename, 'rb') as inp:
G = pickle.load(inp)
return G
def page_rank(self,alpha=0.85,v=None,tol=1e-10):
Solves for the PageRank vector, which is the solution of the PageRank equation
\\[ (I - \\alpha P)u = (1-\\alpha) v, \\]
where \\(P = W^T D^{-1}\\) is the probability transition matrix, with \\(D\\) the diagonal
degree matrix, \\(v\\) is the teleportation distribution, and \\(\\alpha\\) is the
teleportation paramter. Solution is computed with the power iteration
\\[ u_{k+1} = \\alpha P u_k + (1-\\alpha) v.\\]
alpha : float (optional), default=0.85
Teleportation parameter.
v : numpy array (optional), default=None
Teleportation distribution. Default is the uniform distribution.
tol : float (optional), default=1e-10
Tolerance with which to solve the PageRank equation.
u : numpy array, float
PageRank vector.
n = self.num_nodes
u = np.ones((n,))/n
if v is None:
v = np.ones((n,))/n
D = self.degree_matrix(p=-1)
P = self.weight_matrix.T@D
err = tol+1
while err > tol:
w = alpha*P@u + (1-alpha)*v
err = np.max(np.absolute(w-u))
u = w.copy()
return u
def draw(self,X=None,c=None,cmap='viridis',markersize=None,linewidth=None,edges=True,linecolor='black'):
"""Draw Graph
Draws a planar representation of a graph using metric MDS.
X : (n,2) numpy array (optional)
Coordinates of graph vertices to draw. If not provided, uses metric MDS.
c : (n,) numpy array (optional)
Colors of vertices. If not provided, vertices are colored black.
cmap : string (optional)
Colormap. Default is 'viridis'.
markersize : float (optional)
linewidth : float (optional)
edges : bool (optional)
Whether to plot edges (default=True)
linecolor : string (optional)
Color for lines (default='black')
X : (n,2) numpy array
Returns coordinates of points.
n = self.num_nodes
#If points are not provided, we use metric MDS
if X is None:
#J = np.eye(n) - (1/n)*np.ones((n,n))
#dist = np.zeros((n,n))
#for i in range(n):
# dist[i,:] = self.dijkstra([i])
#H = -(1/2)*J@dist@J
H = self.distance_matrix(centered=True)
#Need to sort eigenvalues, since H may not be positive semidef
vals,V = sparse.linalg.eigsh(H,k=10,which='LM')
ind = np.argsort(-vals)
V = V[:,ind]
vals = vals[ind]
#Get top eigenvectors and square roots of positive parts of eigenvalues
P = V[:,:2]
S = np.maximum(vals[:2],0)**(1/2)
#MDS embedding
X = P@np.diag(S)
#Plot points
x,y = X[:,0],X[:,1]
if c is None:
if markersize is None:
if markersize is None:
#Draw edges
if edges:
for i in range(n):
nn = self.weight_matrix[i,:].nonzero()[1]
for j in nn:
if linewidth is None:
return X
def ars(X, dim=2, perplexity=30, kappa=0.5, iters=1000, time_step=1, theta1=2,
theta2=3, alpha=10, num_early=250, use_pca=True, init_dim=50, prog = False):
"""Attraction-Repulsion Swarming t-SNE
Computes a low dimensional embedding (visualization) of a graph or data set using the Attraction-Repulsion Swarming method of [1]. Uses the Barnes-Hut approximation.
X : numpy array (float)
Data matrix, rows are data points.
dim : int (optional, default=2)
Dimension of embedding (usually 2 or 3).
perplexity : float (optional, default=30.0)
Perplexity for graph construction.
kappa : float (optional, default = 0.5)
Parameter for Barnes-Hut tree decomposition.
iters : int (optional, default=1000)
Number of iterations.
time_step : float (optional, default=1.0)
Time step for ARS iterations.
theta1 : float (optional, default = 2.0)
Attraction scaling exponent.
theta2 : float (optional, default = 3.0)
Repulsion scaling exponent.
alpha : float (optional, default = 10.0)
Early exaggeration factor.
num_early : int (optional, default = 250)
Number of early exaggeration iterations.
use_pca : bool (optional, default = true)
Whether to use PCA to reduce the dimension to d=init_dim.
init_dim : int (optional, default = 50)
PCA dimension.
prog : bool (optional, default = False)
Whether to print out progress.
Y : numpy array, float
Matrix whose rows are the embedded points.
This example uses ARS t-SNE to visualize the MNIST data set: [](
import graphlearning as gl
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Load the MNIST data
data,labels = gl.datasets.load('mnist')
#In order to run the code more quickly,
#you may want to subsample MNIST.
size = 70000
if size < data.shape[0]: #If less than 70000
ind = np.random.choice(data.shape[0], size=size, replace=False)
data = data[ind,:]
labels = labels[ind]
#Run ARS t-SNE and plot the result
Y = gl.graph.ars(data, prog=True)
[1] J. Lu, J. Calder. [Attraction-Repulsion Swarming: A Generalized Framework of t-SNE via Force Normalization and Tunable Interactions](, Submitted, 2024.
#Import c extensions
from . import cextensions
if use_pca and (X.shape[1] > init_dim):
X = X - np.mean(X, axis=0)
vals, Q = sparse.linalg.eigsh(X.T@X, k=init_dim, which='LM')
X = X@Q
#Type casting and memory blocking
X = np.ascontiguousarray(X,dtype=np.float64)
Y = np.zeros((X.shape[0],dim),dtype=float)
Y = np.ascontiguousarray(Y,dtype=np.float64)
return Y
class graph (W, labels=None, features=None, label_names=None, node_names=None)
Graph class
A class for graphs, including routines to compute Laplacians and their eigendecompositions, which are useful in graph learning.
:(n,n) numpy array, matrix,
orscipy sparse matrix
- Weight matrix representing the graph.
:(n,) numpy array (optional)
- Node labels.
:(n,k) numpy array (optional)
- Node features.
:list (optional)
- Names corresponding to each label.
:list (optional)
- Names for each node in the graph.
Expand source code
class graph: def __init__(self, W, labels=None, features=None, label_names=None, node_names=None): """Graph class ======== A class for graphs, including routines to compute Laplacians and their eigendecompositions, which are useful in graph learning. Parameters ---------- W : (n,n) numpy array, matrix, or scipy sparse matrix Weight matrix representing the graph. labels : (n,) numpy array (optional) Node labels. features : (n,k) numpy array (optional) Node features. label_names : list (optional) Names corresponding to each label. node_names : list (optional) Names for each node in the graph. """ self.weight_matrix = sparse.csr_matrix(W) self.labels = labels self.features = features self.num_nodes = W.shape[0] self.label_names = label_names self.node_names = node_names self.__ccode_init__() self.eigendata = {} normalizations = ['combinatorial','randomwalk','normalized'] for norm in normalizations: self.eigendata[norm] = {} self.eigendata[norm]['eigenvectors'] = None self.eigendata[norm]['eigenvalues'] = None self.eigendata[norm]['method'] = None self.eigendata[norm]['k'] = None self.eigendata[norm]['c'] = None self.eigendata[norm]['gamma'] = None self.eigendata[norm]['tol'] = None self.eigendata[norm]['q'] = None def __ccode_init__(self): #Coordinates of sparse matrix for passing to C code I,J,V = sparse.find(self.weight_matrix) ind = np.argsort(I) self.I,self.J,self.V = I[ind], J[ind], V[ind] self.K = np.array((self.I[1:] - self.I[:-1]).nonzero()) + 1 self.K = np.append(0,np.append(self.K,len(self.I))) self.Vinv = 1/self.V #For passing to C code self.I = np.ascontiguousarray(self.I, dtype=np.int32) self.J = np.ascontiguousarray(self.J, dtype=np.int32) self.V = np.ascontiguousarray(self.V, dtype=np.float64) self.Vinv = np.ascontiguousarray(self.Vinv, dtype=np.float64) self.K = np.ascontiguousarray(self.K, dtype=np.int32) def subgraph(self,ind): """Sub-Graph ====== Returns the subgraph corresponding to the supplied indices. Parameters ---------- ind : numpy array, int Indices for subgraph. Returns ---------- G : graph object Subgraph corresponding to the indices contained in `ind`. """ W = self.weight_matrix return graph(W[ind,:][:,ind]) def degree_vector(self): """Degree Vector ====== Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns the diagonal degree vector \\[d_{i} = \\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}.\\] Returns ------- d : numpy array, float Degree vector for weight matrix. """ d = self.weight_matrix*np.ones(self.num_nodes) return d def neighbors(self, i, return_weights=False): """Neighbors ====== Returns neighbors of node i. Parameters ---------- i : int Index of vertex to return neighbors of. return_weights : bool (optional), default=False Whether to return the weights of neighbors as well. Returns ------- N : numpy array, int Array of nearest neighbor indices. W : numpy array, float Weights of edges to neighbors. """ N = self.weight_matrix[i,:].nonzero()[1] N = N[N != i] if return_weights: return N, self.weight_matrix[i,N].toarray().flatten() else: return N def fiedler_vector(self, return_value=False, tol=1e-8): """Fiedler Vector ====== Computes the Fiedler vector for graph, which is the eigenvector of the graph Laplacian correpsonding to the second smallest eigenvalue. Parameters ---------- return_value : bool (optional), default=False Whether to return Fiedler value. tol : float (optional), default=0 Tolerance for eigensolvers. Returns ------- v : numpy array, float Fiedler vector l : float (optional) Fiedler value """ #vals, vecs = self.eigen_decomp(k=2,method=method,tol=tol) #if return_value: # return vecs[:,1], vals[1] #else: # return vecs[:,1] L = self.laplacian() m = self.num_nodes v = np.random.rand(m,1) o = np.ones((m,1))/m v -= np.sum(v)*o d = self.degree_vector() lam = 2*np.max(d) M = lam*sparse.identity(m) - L fval_old = v.T@(L@v) err = 1 while err > tol: x = M@v x -= np.sum(x)*o v = x/np.linalg.norm(x) fval = v.T@(L@v) err = abs(fval_old-fval) fval_old = fval v = v.flatten() #Fix consistent sign if v[0] > 0: v = -v if return_value: return v, fval else: return v def degree_matrix(self, p=1): """Degree Matrix ====== Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns the diagonal degree matrix in the form \\[D_{ii} = \\left(\\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}\\right)^p.\\] Parameters ---------- p : float (optional), default=1 Optional exponent to apply to the degree. Returns ------- D : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Sparse diagonal degree matrix. """ #Construct sparse degree matrix d = self.degree_vector() D = sparse.spdiags(d**p, 0, self.num_nodes, self.num_nodes) return D.tocsr() def rand(self): """Uniform random matrix with same sparsity structure ====== Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns a random matrix \\(A\\), where the entry \\(A_{ij}\\) is a uniform random variable on \\([0,1]\\) whenever \\(w_{ij}>0\\), and \\(A_{ij}=0\\) otherwise. Returns ------- A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Sparse rand_like matrix. """ n = self.num_nodes vals = np.random.rand(len(self.I),1).flatten() A = sparse.coo_matrix((vals,(self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr() return A def randn(self): """Gaussian random matrix with same sparsity structure ====== Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns a random matrix \\(A\\), where the entry \\(A_{ij}\\) is a uniform random variable on \\([0,1]\\) whenever \\(w_{ij}>0\\), and \\(A_{ij}=0\\) otherwise. Returns ------- A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Sparse rand_like matrix. """ n = self.num_nodes vals = np.random.randn(len(self.I),1).flatten() A = sparse.coo_matrix((vals,(self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr() return A def adjacency(self): """Adjacency matrix ====== Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns the adjacency matrix \\(A\\), which satisfies \\(A_{ij}=1\\) whenever \\(w_{ij}>0\\), and \\(A_{ij}=0\\) otherwise. Returns ------- A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Sparse adjacency matrix. """ n = self.num_nodes A = sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones(len(self.V),),(self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr() return A def gradient(self, u, weighted=False, p=0.0): """Graph Gradient ====== Computes the graph gradient \\(\\nabla u\\) of \\(u\\in \\mathbb{R}^n\\), which is the sparse matrix with the form \\[\\nabla u_{ij} = u_j - u_i,\\] whenever \\(w_{ij}>0\\), and \\(\\nabla u_{ij}=0\\) otherwise. If `weighted=True` is chosen, then the gradient is weighted by the graph weight matrix as follows \\[\\nabla u_{ij} = w_{ij}^p(u_j - u_i).\\] Parameters ---------- u : numpy array, float Vector (graph function) to take gradient of weighted : bool (optional), default=False,True Whether to weight the gradient by the graph weight matrix. Default is False when p=0 and True when \\(p\\neq 0\\). p : float (optional), default=0,1 Power for weights on weighted gradient. Default is 0 when unweighted and 1 when weighted. Returns ------- G : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Sparse graph gradient matrix """ n = self.num_nodes if p != 0.0: weighted = True if weighted == True and p==0.0: p = 1.0 if weighted: G = sparse.coo_matrix(((self.V**p)*(u[self.J]-u[self.I]), (self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr() else: G = sparse.coo_matrix((u[self.J]-u[self.I], (self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr() return G def divergence(self, V, weighted=True): """Graph Divergence ====== Computes the graph divergence \\(\\text{div} V\\) of a vector field \\(V\\in \\mathbb{R}^{n\\times n}\\), which is the vector \\[\\nabla u_{ij} = u_j - u_i,\\] If `weighted=True` is chosen, then the divergence is weighted by the graph weight matrix as follows \\[\\nabla u_{ij} = w_{ij}(u_j - u_i).\\] Parameters ---------- V : scipy sparse matrix, float Sparse matrix representing a vector field over the graph. weighted : bool (optional), default=True Whether to weight the divergence by the graph weight matrix. Returns ------- divV : numpy array Divergence of V. """ V = V - V.transpose() if weighted: V = V.multiply(self.weight_matrix) divV = V*np.ones(self.num_nodes)/2 return divV def reweight(self, idx, method='poisson', normalization='combinatorial', tau=0, X=None, alpha=2, zeta=1e7, r=0.1): """Reweight a weight matrix ====== Reweights the graph weight matrix more heavily near labeled nodes. Used in semi-supervised learning at very low label rates. [Need to describe all methods...] Parameters ---------- idx : numpy array (int) Indices of points to reweight near (typically labeled points). method : {'poisson','wnll','properly'}, default='poisson' Reweighting method. 'poisson' is described in [1], 'wnll' is described in [2], and 'properly' is described in [3]. If 'properly' is selected, the user must supply the data features `X`. normalization : {'combinatorial','normalized'}, default='combinatorial' Type of normalization to apply for the graph Laplacian when method='poisson'. tau : float or numpy array (optional), default=0 Zeroth order term in Laplace equation. Can be a scalar or vector. X : numpy array (optional) Data features, used to construct the graph. This is required for the `properly` weighted graph Laplacian method. alpha : float (optional), default=2 Parameter for `properly` reweighting. zeta : float (optional), default=1e7 Parameter for `properly` reweighting. r : float (optional), default=0.1 Radius for `properly` reweighting. Returns ------- W : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Reweighted weight matrix as sparse scipy matrix. References ---------- [1] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. [Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised Learning at Very Low Label Rates.](, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020. [2] Z. Shi, S. Osher, and W. Zhu. [Weighted nonlocal laplacian on interpolation from sparse data.]( Journal of Scientific Computing 73.2 (2017): 1164-1177. [3] J. Calder, D. Slepčev. [Properly-weighted graph Laplacian for semi-supervised learning.]( Applied mathematics & optimization (2019): 1-49. """ if method == 'poisson': n = self.num_nodes f = np.zeros(n) f[idx] = 1 if normalization == 'combinatorial': f -= np.mean(f) L = self.laplacian() elif normalization == 'normalized': d = self.degree_vector()**(0.5) c = np.sum(d*f)/np.sum(d) f -= c L = self.laplacian(normalization=normalization) else: sys.exit('Unsupported normalization '+normalization+' for graph.reweight.') w = utils.conjgrad(L, f, tol=1e-5) w -= np.min(w) w += 1e-5 D = sparse.spdiags(w,0,n,n).tocsr() return D*self.weight_matrix*D elif method == 'wnll': n = self.num_nodes m = len(idx) a = np.ones((n,)) a[idx] = n/m D = sparse.spdiags(a,0,n,n).tocsr() return D*self.weight_matrix + self.weight_matrix*D elif method == 'properly': if X is None: sys.exit('Must provide data features X for properly weighted graph Laplacian.') n = self.num_nodes m = len(idx) rzeta = r/(zeta-1)**(1/alpha) Xtree = spatial.cKDTree(X[idx,:]) D, J = Xtree.query(X) D[D < rzeta] = rzeta gamma = 1 + (r/D)**alpha D = sparse.spdiags(gamma,0,n,n).tocsr() return D*self.weight_matrix + self.weight_matrix*D else: sys.exit('Invalid reweighting method ' + method + '.') def laplacian(self, normalization="combinatorial", alpha=1): """Graph Laplacian ====== Computes various normalizations of the graph Laplacian for a given weight matrix \\(W\\). The choices are \\[L_{\\rm combinatorial} = D - W,\\] \\[L_{\\rm randomwalk} = I - D^{-1}W,\\] and \\[L_{\\rm normalized} = I - D^{-1/2}WD^{-1/2},\\] where \\(D\\) is the diagonal degree matrix, which is defined as \\[D_{ii} = \\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}.\\] The Coifman-Lafon Laplacian is also supported. Parameters ---------- normalization : {'combinatorial','randomwalk','normalized','coifmanlafon'}, default='combinatorial' Type of normalization to apply. alpha : float (optional) Parameter for Coifman-Lafon Laplacian Returns ------- L : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Graph Laplacian as sparse scipy matrix. """ I = sparse.identity(self.num_nodes) D = self.degree_matrix() if normalization == "combinatorial": L = D - self.weight_matrix elif normalization == "randomwalk": Dinv = self.degree_matrix(p=-1) L = I - Dinv*self.weight_matrix elif normalization == "normalized": Dinv2 = self.degree_matrix(p=-0.5) L = I - Dinv2*self.weight_matrix*Dinv2 elif normalization == "coifmanlafon": D = self.degree_matrix(p=-alpha) L = graph(D*self.weight_matrix*D).laplacian(normalization='randomwalk') else: sys.exit("Invalid option for graph Laplacian normalization.") return L.tocsr() def infinity_laplacian(self,u): """Graph Infinity Laplacian ====== Computes the graph infinity Laplacian of a vector \\(u\\), given by \\[L_\\infty u_i= \\min_j w_{ij}(u_j-u_i) + \\max_j w_{ij} (u_j-u_i).\\] Returns ------- Lu : numpy array Graph infinity Laplacian. """ n = self.num_nodes M = sparse.coo_matrix((self.V*(u[self.J]-u[self.I]), (self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr() M = M.min(axis=1) + M.max(axis=1) Lu = M.toarray().flatten() return Lu def isconnected(self): """Is Connected ====== Checks if the graph is connected. Returns ------- connected : bool True or False, depending on connectivity. """ num_comp,comp = csgraph.connected_components(self.weight_matrix) connected = False if num_comp == 1: connected = True return connected def largest_connected_component(self): """Largest connected component ====== Finds the largest connected component of the graph. Returns the restricted graph, as well as a boolean mask indicating the nodes belonging to the component. Returns ------- G : graph object Largest connected component graph. ind : numpy array (bool) Mask indicating which nodes from the original graph belong to the largest component. """ ncomp,labels = csgraph.connected_components(self.weight_matrix,directed=False) num_verts = np.zeros((ncomp,)) for i in range(ncomp): num_verts[i] = np.sum(labels==i) i_max = np.argmax(num_verts) ind = labels==i_max A = self.weight_matrix[ind,:] A = A[:,ind] G = graph(A) return G, ind def eigen_decomp(self, normalization='combinatorial', method='exact', k=10, c=None, gamma=0, tol=0, q=1): """Eigen Decomposition of Graph Laplacian ====== Computes the the low-lying eigenvectors and eigenvalues of various normalizations of the graph Laplacian. Computations can be either exact, or use a fast low-rank approximation via randomized SVD. Parameters ---------- normalization : {'combinatorial','randomwalk','normalized'}, default='combinatorial' Type of normalization of graph Laplacian to apply. method : {'exact','lowrank'}, default='exact' Method for computing eigenvectors. 'exact' uses scipy.sparse.linalg.svds, while 'lowrank' uses a low rank approximation via randomized SVD. Lowrank is not implemented for gamma > 0. k : int (optional), default=10 Number of eigenvectors to compute. c : int (optional), default=2*k Cutoff for randomized SVD. gamma : float (optional), default=0 Parameter for modularity (add more details) tol : float (optional), default=0 tolerance for eigensolvers. q : int (optional), default=1 Exponent to use in randomized svd. Returns ------- vals : numpy array, float eigenvalues in increasing order. vecs : (n,k) numpy array, float eigenvectors as columns. Example ------- This example compares the exact and lowrank (ranomized svd) methods for computing the spectrum: []( ```py import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sklearn.datasets as datasets import graphlearning as gl X,L = datasets.make_moons(n_samples=500,noise=0.1) W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,10) G = gl.graph(W) num_eig = 7 vals_exact, vecs_exact = G.eigen_decomp(normalization='normalized', k=num_eig, method='exact') vals_rsvd, vecs_rsvd = G.eigen_decomp(normalization='normalized', k=num_eig, method='lowrank', q=50, c=50) for i in range(1,num_eig): rsvd = vecs_rsvd[:,i] exact = vecs_exact[:,i] sign = np.sum(rsvd*exact) if sign < 0: rsvd *= -1 err = np.max(np.absolute(rsvd - exact))/max(np.max(np.absolute(rsvd)),np.max(np.absolute(exact))) fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(10,5)) fig.suptitle('Eigenvector %d, err=%f'%(i,err)) ax1.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=rsvd) ax1.set_title('Random SVD') ax2.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=exact) ax2.set_title('Exact') ``` """ #Default choice for c if c is None: c = 2*k same_method = self.eigendata[normalization]['method'] == method same_k = self.eigendata[normalization]['k'] == k same_c = self.eigendata[normalization]['c'] == c same_gamma = self.eigendata[normalization]['gamma'] == gamma same_tol = self.eigendata[normalization]['tol'] == tol same_q = self.eigendata[normalization]['q'] == q #If already computed, then return eigenvectors if same_method and same_k and same_c and same_gamma and same_tol and same_q: return self.eigendata[normalization]['eigenvalues'], self.eigendata[normalization]['eigenvectors'] #Else, we need to compute the eigenvectors else: self.eigendata[normalization]['method'] = method self.eigendata[normalization]['k'] = k self.eigendata[normalization]['c'] = c self.eigendata[normalization]['gamma'] = gamma self.eigendata[normalization]['tol'] = tol self.eigendata[normalization]['q'] = q n = self.num_nodes #If not using modularity if gamma == 0: if normalization == 'randomwalk' or normalization == 'normalized': D = self.degree_matrix(p=-0.5) A = D*self.weight_matrix*D if method == 'exact': u,s,vt = splinalg.svds(A, k=k, tol=tol) elif method == 'lowrank': u,s,vt = utils.randomized_svd(A, k=k, c=c, q=q) else: sys.exit('Invalid eigensolver method '+method) vals = 1 - s ind = np.argsort(vals) vals = vals[ind] vecs = u[:,ind] if normalization == 'randomwalk': vecs = D@vecs elif normalization == 'combinatorial': L = self.laplacian() deg = self.degree_vector() M = 2*np.max(deg) A = M*sparse.identity(n) - L if method == 'exact': u,s,vt = splinalg.svds(A, k=k, tol=tol) elif method == 'lowrank': u,s,vt = utils.randomized_svd(A, k=k, c=c, q=q) else: sys.exit('Invalid eigensolver method '+method) vals = M - s ind = np.argsort(vals) vals = vals[ind] vecs = u[:,ind] else: sys.exit('Invalid choice of normalization') #Modularity else: if method == 'lowrank': sys.exit('Low rank not implemented for modularity') if normalization == 'randomwalk': lap = self.laplacian(normalization='normalized') P = self.degree_matrix(p=-0.5) p1,p2 = 1.5,0.5 else: lap = self.laplacian(normalization=normalization) P = sparse.identity(n) p1,p2 = 1,1 #If using modularity deg = self.degree_vector() deg1 = deg**p1 deg2 = deg**p2 m = np.sum(deg)/2 def M(v): v = v.flatten() return (lap*v).flatten() + (gamma/m)*(deg2.T@v)*deg1 L = sparse.linalg.LinearOperator((n,n), matvec=M) vals, vecs = sparse.linalg.eigsh(L, k=k, which='SM', tol=tol) #Correct for random walk Laplacian if chosen vecs = P@vecs #Store eigenvectors for resuse later self.eigendata[normalization]['eigenvalues'] = vals self.eigendata[normalization]['eigenvectors'] = vecs return vals, vecs def peikonal(self, bdy_set, bdy_val=0, f=1, p=1, nl_bdy=False, u0=None, solver='fmm', max_num_it=1e5, tol=1e-3, num_bisection_it=30, prog=False,): """p-eikonal equation ===================== Sovles the graph p-eikonal equation \\[ \\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij} (u_i - u_j)_+^p = f_i\\] for \\(i\\not\\in \\Gamma\\), subject to \\(u_i=g_i\\) for \\(i\\in \\Gamma\\). Parameters ---------- bdy_set : numpy array (int or bool) Indices or boolean mask indicating the boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\). bdy_val : numpy array or single float (optional), default=0 Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\). f : numpy array or single float (optional), default=1 Right hand side of the p-eikonal equation, a single float is interpreted as a constant vector of the graph. p : float (optional), default=1 Value of exponent p in the p-eikonal equation. nl_bdy : bool (optional), default = False Whether to extend the boundary conditions to non-local ones (to graph neighbors). solver : {'fmm', 'gauss-seidel'}, default='fmm' Solver for p-eikonal equation. u0 : numpy array (float, optional), default=None Initialization of solver. If not provided, then u0=0. max_num_it : int (optional), default=1e5 Maximum number of iterations for 'gauss-seidel' solver. tol : float (optional), default=1e-3 Tolerance with which to solve the equation for 'gauss-seidel' solver. num_bisection_it : int (optional), default=30 Number of bisection iterations for solver for 'gauss-seidel' solver with \\(p>1\\). prog : bool (optional), default=False Toggles whether to print progress information. Returns ------- u : numpy array (float) Solution of p-eikonal equation. Example ------- This example uses the peikonal equation to compute a data depth: []( ```py import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt X = np.random.rand(int(1e4),2) x,y = X[:,0],X[:,1] eps = 0.02 W = gl.weightmatrix.epsilon_ball(X, eps) G = gl.graph(W) bdy_set = (x < eps) | (x > 1-eps) | (y < eps) | (y > 1-eps) u = G.peikonal(bdy_set) plt.scatter(x,y,c=u,s=0.25) plt.scatter(x[bdy_set],y[bdy_set],c='r',s=0.5) ``` """ #Import c extensions from . import cextensions n = self.num_nodes #Set initial data if u0 is None: u = np.zeros((n,)) else: u = u0.copy() #Convert f to an array if scalar is given if type(f) != np.ndarray: f = np.ones((n,))*f #Convert boundary data to standard format bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val) #Extend boundary data if nl_bdy=True if nl_bdy: D = self.degree_matrix(p=-1) bdy_mask = np.zeros(n) bdy_mask[bdy_set] = 1 bdy_dilate = (D*self.weight_matrix*bdy_mask) > 0 bdy_set = bdy_set = np.where(bdy_dilate)[0] bdy_val_all = np.zeros(n) bdy_val_all[bdy_mask==1] = bdy_val bdy_val = D*self.weight_matrix*bdy_val_all bdy_val = bdy_val[bdy_set] #Type casting and memory blocking u = np.ascontiguousarray(u,dtype=np.float64) bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32) f = np.ascontiguousarray(f,dtype=np.float64) bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64) if solver == 'fmm': cextensions.peikonal_fmm(u,self.J,self.K,self.V,bdy_set,f,bdy_val,p,num_bisection_it) else: cextensions.peikonal(u,self.J,self.K,self.V,bdy_set,f,bdy_val,p,max_num_it,tol,num_bisection_it,prog) return u def dijkstra_hl(self, bdy_set, bdy_val=0, f=1, max_dist=np.inf, return_cp=False): """Dijkstra's algorithm (Hopf-Lax Version) ====== Solves the graph Hamilton-Jacobi equation \\[ \\max_j w_{ji}^{-1} (u(x_i)^2 - u(x_j)^2) = u(x_i)f_i\\] subject to \\(u=g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). Parameters ---------- bdy_set : numpy array (int) Indices or boolean mask identifying the boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\). bdy_val : numpy array (float), optional Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\). f : numpy array or scalar float, default=1 Right hand side of eikonal equation. If a scalar, it is extended to a vector over the graph. max_dist : float or np.inf (optional), default = np.inf Distance at which to terminate Dijkstra's algorithm. Nodes with distance greater than `max_dist` will contain the value `np.inf`. return_cp : bool (optional), default=False Whether to return closest point. Nodes with distance greater than max_dist contain `-1` for closest point index. Returns ------- dist_func : numpy array, float Distance function computed via Dijkstra's algorithm. cp : numpy array, int Closest point indices. Only returned if `return_cp=True` Example ------- This example uses Dijkstra's algorithm to compute the distance function to a single point, and compares the result to a cone: []( ```py import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np for n in [int(10**i) for i in range(3,6)]: X = np.random.rand(n,2) X[0,:]=[0.5,0.5] W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,50,kernel='distance') G = gl.graph(W) u = G.dijkstra([0]) u_true = np.linalg.norm(X - [0.5,0.5],axis=1) error = np.linalg.norm(u-u_true, ord=np.inf) print('n = %d, Error = %f'%(n,error)) ``` """ #Import c extensions from . import cextensions #Convert boundary data to standard format bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val) #Variables n = self.num_nodes dist_func = np.ones((n,))*np.inf cp = -np.ones((n,),dtype=int) #Right hand side if type(f) != np.ndarray: f = np.ones((n,))*f #Type casting and memory blocking dist_func = np.ascontiguousarray(dist_func,dtype=np.float64) cp = np.ascontiguousarray(cp,dtype=np.int32) bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32) bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64) f = np.ascontiguousarray(f,dtype=np.float64) cextensions.dijkstra_hl(dist_func,cp,self.J,self.K,self.V,bdy_set,bdy_val,f,1.0,max_dist) if return_cp: return dist_func, cp else: return dist_func def distance(self, i, j, return_path=False, return_distance_vector=False): """Graph distance ====== Computes the shortest path distance between two points. Can also return the shortest path. Edges are weighted by the reciprocals of the edge weights \\(w_{ij}^{-1}\\). Parameters ---------- i : int First index j : int Second index return_path : bool (optional), default = False Whether to return optimal path. return_distance_vector : bool (optional), default = False Whether to return distance vector to node i. Returns ------- d : float Distance path : numpy array, int (optional) Indices of optimal path v : numpy array, float (optional) Distance vector to node i """ v = self.dijkstra([i],reciprocal_weights=True) d = v[j] if return_path: p = j path = [p] while p != i: nn, w = self.neighbors(p, return_weights=True) k = np.argmin(v[nn] + w**-1) p = nn[k] path += [p] path = np.array(path) if return_distance_vector: return d,path,v else: return d,path else: if return_distance_vector: return d,v else: return d def distance_matrix(self, centered=False): """Graph distance matrix ====== Computes the shortest path distance between all pairs of points in the graph. Edges are weighted by the reciprocals of the edge weights \\(w_{ij}^{-1}\\). Parameters ------- centered : bool (optional), default=False Whether to center the distance matrix, as in ISOMAP. Returns ------- T : numpy array, float Distance matrix """ n = self.num_nodes T = np.zeros((n,n)) for i in range(n): d,T[i,:] = self.distance(i,i,return_distance_vector=True) if centered: J = np.eye(n) - (1/n)*np.ones((n,n)) T = -0.5*J@T@J return T def dijkstra(self, bdy_set, bdy_val=0, f=1, max_dist=np.inf, return_cp=False, reciprocal_weights=False): """Dijkstra's algorithm ====== Computes a graph distance function with Dijkstra's algorithm. The graph distance is \\[ d(x,y) = \\min_p \\sum_{i=1}^M w_{p_i,p_{i+1}}f_{p_{i+1}},\\] where the minimum is over paths \\(p\\) connecting \\(x\\) and \\(y\\), \\(w_{ij}\\) is the weight from \\(i\\) to \\(j\\), and \\(f_i\\) is an additional per-vertex weights. A path must satisfy \\(w_{p_i,p_{i+1}}>0\\) for all \\(i\\). Dijkstra's algorithm returns the distance function to a terminal set \\(\\Gamma\\), given by \\[u(x) = \\min_{i\\in \\Gamma} \\{g(x_i) + d(x,x_i)\\},\\] where \\(g\\) are boundary values. An optional feature also returns the closest point information \\[cp(x) = \\text{argmin}_{i\\in \\Gamma} \\{g(x_i) + d(x,x_i)\\}.\\] We note that the distance function \\(u\\) can also be interpreted as the solution of the graph eikonal equation \\[ \\max_j w_{ji}^{-1} (u(x_i) - u(x_j)) = f_i\\] subject to \\(u=g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). Parameters ---------- bdy_set : numpy array (int) Indices or boolean mask identifying the boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\). bdy_val : numpy array (float), optional Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\). f : numpy array or scalar float, default=1 Right hand side of eikonal equation. If a scalar, it is extended to a vector over the graph. max_dist : float or np.inf (optional), default = np.inf Distance at which to terminate Dijkstra's algorithm. Nodes with distance greater than `max_dist` will contain the value `np.inf`. return_cp : bool (optional), default=False Whether to return closest point. Nodes with distance greater than max_dist contain `-1` for closest point index. reciprocal_weights : bool (optional), default=False Whether to use the reciprocals of the weights \\(w_{ij}^{-1}\\) in the definition of graph distance. Returns ------- dist_func : numpy array, float Distance function computed via Dijkstra's algorithm. cp : numpy array, int Closest point indices. Only returned if `return_cp=True` Example ------- This example uses Dijkstra's algorithm to compute the distance function to a single point, and compares the result to a cone: []( ```py import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np for n in [int(10**i) for i in range(3,6)]: X = np.random.rand(n,2) X[0,:]=[0.5,0.5] W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,50,kernel='distance') G = gl.graph(W) u = G.dijkstra([0]) u_true = np.linalg.norm(X - [0.5,0.5],axis=1) error = np.linalg.norm(u-u_true, ord=np.inf) print('n = %d, Error = %f'%(n,error)) ``` """ #Import c extensions from . import cextensions #Convert boundary data to standard format bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val) #Variables n = self.num_nodes dist_func = np.ones((n,))*np.inf cp = -np.ones((n,),dtype=int) #Right hand side if type(f) != np.ndarray: f = np.ones((n,))*f #Type casting and memory blocking dist_func = np.ascontiguousarray(dist_func,dtype=np.float64) cp = np.ascontiguousarray(cp,dtype=np.int32) bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32) bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64) f = np.ascontiguousarray(f,dtype=np.float64) if reciprocal_weights: cextensions.dijkstra(dist_func,cp,self.J,self.K,self.Vinv,bdy_set,bdy_val,f,1.0,max_dist) else: cextensions.dijkstra(dist_func,cp,self.J,self.K,self.V,bdy_set,bdy_val,f,1.0,max_dist) if return_cp: return dist_func, cp else: return dist_func def plaplace(self, bdy_set, bdy_val, p, tol=1e-1, max_num_it=1e6, prog=False, fast=True): """Game-theoretic p-Laplacian ====== Computes the solution of the game-theoretic p-Laplace equation \\(L_p u_i=0\\) for \\(i\\not\\in \\Gamma\\), subject to \\(u_i=g_i\\) for \\(i\\in \\Gamma\\). The game-theoretic p-Laplacian is given by \\[ L_p u = \\frac{1}{p}L_{\\rm randomwalk} + \\left(1-\\frac{2}{p}\\right)L_\\infty u,\\] where \\(L_{\\rm randomwalk}\\) is the random walk graph Laplacian and \\(L_\\infty\\) is the graph infinity-Laplace operator, given by \\[ L_\\infty u_i = \\min_j w_{ij}(u_i-u_j) + \\max_j w_{ij} (u_i-u_j).\\] Parameters ---------- bdy_set : numpy array (int or bool) Indices or boolean mask indicating the boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\). bdy_val : numpy array or single float (optional), default=0 Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\). p : float Value of \\(p\\). tol : float (optional), default=1e-1 Tolerance with which to solve the equation. max_num_it : int (optional), default=1e6 Maximum number of iterations. prog : bool (optional), default=False Toggles whether to print progress information. fast : bool (optional), default=True Whether to use constant \\(w_{ij}=1\\) weights for the infinity-Laplacian which allows a faster algorithm to be used. Returns ------- u : numpy array, float Solution of graph p-Laplace equation. Example ------- This example uses the p-Laplace equation to interpolate boundary values: []( ```py import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt X = np.random.rand(int(1e4),2) x,y = X[:,0],X[:,1] eps = 0.02 W = gl.weightmatrix.epsilon_ball(X, eps) G = gl.graph(W) bdy_set = (x < eps) | (x > 1-eps) | (y < eps) | (y > 1-eps) bdy_val = x**2 - y**2 u = G.plaplace(bdy_set, bdy_val[bdy_set], p=10) plt.scatter(x,y,c=u,s=0.25) plt.scatter(x[bdy_set],y[bdy_set],c='r',s=0.5) ``` """ #Import c extensions from . import cextensions n = self.num_nodes alpha = 1/(p-1) beta = 1-alpha #Convert boundary data to standard format bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val) #If fast solver if fast: u = np.zeros((n,)) #Initial condition #Type casting and memory blocking u = np.ascontiguousarray(u,dtype=np.float64) bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32) bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64) weighted = False tol = 1e-6 cextensions.lip_iterate(u,self.J,self.I,self.V,bdy_set,bdy_val,max_num_it,tol,float(prog),float(weighted),float(alpha),float(beta)) else: uu = np.max(bdy_val)*np.ones((n,)) ul = np.min(bdy_val)*np.ones((n,)) #Set labels uu[bdy_set] = bdy_val ul[bdy_set] = bdy_val #Type casting and memory blocking uu = np.ascontiguousarray(uu,dtype=np.float64) ul = np.ascontiguousarray(ul,dtype=np.float64) bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32) bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64) cextensions.lp_iterate(uu,ul,self.J,self.I,self.V,bdy_set,bdy_val,p,float(max_num_it),float(tol),float(prog)) u = (uu+ul)/2 return u def amle(self, bdy_set, bdy_val, tol=1e-5, max_num_it=1000, weighted=True, prog=False): """Absolutely Minimal Lipschitz Extension (AMLE) ====== Computes the absolutely minimal Lipschitz extension (AMLE) of boundary values on a graph. The AMLE is the solution of the graph infinity Laplace equation \\[ \\min_j w_{ij}(u_i-u_j) + \\max_j w_{ij} (u_i-u_j) = 0\\] for \\(i\\not\\in \\Gamma\\), subject to \\(u_i=g_i\\) for \\(i\\in \\Gamma\\). Parameters ---------- bdy_set : numpy array (int) Indices of boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\). bdy_val : numpy array (float) Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). tol : float (optional), default=1e-5 Tolerance with which to solve the equation. max_num_it : int (optional), default=1000 Maximum number of iterations. weighted : bool (optional), default=True When set to False, the weights are converted to a 0/1 adjacency matrix, which allows for a much faster solver. prog : bool (optional), default=False Toggles whether to print progress information. Returns ------- u : numpy array, float Absolutely minimal Lipschitz extension. """ #Import c extensions from . import cextensions #Variables n = self.num_nodes u = np.zeros((n,)) #Initial condition max_num_it = float(max_num_it) alpha = 0 beta = 1 #Convert boundary data to standard format bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val) #Type casting and memory blocking u = np.ascontiguousarray(u,dtype=np.float64) bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32) bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64) cextensions.lip_iterate(u,self.J,self.I,self.V,bdy_set,bdy_val,max_num_it,tol,float(prog),float(weighted),float(alpha),float(beta)) return u def save(self, filename): """Save ====== Saves the graph and all its attributes to a file. Parameters ---------- filename : string File to save graph to, without any extension. """ filename += '.pkl' with open(filename, 'wb') as outp: pickle.dump(self, outp, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def load(filename): """Load ====== Load a graph from a file. Parameters ---------- filename : string File to load graph from, without any extension. """ filename += '.pkl' with open(filename, 'rb') as inp: G = pickle.load(inp) G.__ccode_init__() return G def page_rank(self,alpha=0.85,v=None,tol=1e-10): """PageRank ====== Solves for the PageRank vector, which is the solution of the PageRank equation \\[ (I - \\alpha P)u = (1-\\alpha) v, \\] where \\(P = W^T D^{-1}\\) is the probability transition matrix, with \\(D\\) the diagonal degree matrix, \\(v\\) is the teleportation distribution, and \\(\\alpha\\) is the teleportation paramter. Solution is computed with the power iteration \\[ u_{k+1} = \\alpha P u_k + (1-\\alpha) v.\\] Parameters ---------- alpha : float (optional), default=0.85 Teleportation parameter. v : numpy array (optional), default=None Teleportation distribution. Default is the uniform distribution. tol : float (optional), default=1e-10 Tolerance with which to solve the PageRank equation. Returns ------- u : numpy array, float PageRank vector. """ n = self.num_nodes u = np.ones((n,))/n if v is None: v = np.ones((n,))/n D = self.degree_matrix(p=-1) P = self.weight_matrix.T@D err = tol+1 while err > tol: w = alpha*P@u + (1-alpha)*v err = np.max(np.absolute(w-u)) u = w.copy() return u def draw(self,X=None,c=None,cmap='viridis',markersize=None,linewidth=None,edges=True,linecolor='black'): """Draw Graph ====== Draws a planar representation of a graph using metric MDS. Parameters ---------- X : (n,2) numpy array (optional) Coordinates of graph vertices to draw. If not provided, uses metric MDS. c : (n,) numpy array (optional) Colors of vertices. If not provided, vertices are colored black. cmap : string (optional) Colormap. Default is 'viridis'. markersize : float (optional) Markersize. linewidth : float (optional) Linewidth. edges : bool (optional) Whether to plot edges (default=True) linecolor : string (optional) Color for lines (default='black') Parameters ---------- X : (n,2) numpy array Returns coordinates of points. """ plt.figure() n = self.num_nodes #If points are not provided, we use metric MDS if X is None: #J = np.eye(n) - (1/n)*np.ones((n,n)) #dist = np.zeros((n,n)) #for i in range(n): # dist[i,:] = self.dijkstra([i]) #H = -(1/2)*J@dist@J H = self.distance_matrix(centered=True) #Need to sort eigenvalues, since H may not be positive semidef vals,V = sparse.linalg.eigsh(H,k=10,which='LM') ind = np.argsort(-vals) V = V[:,ind] vals = vals[ind] #Get top eigenvectors and square roots of positive parts of eigenvalues P = V[:,:2] S = np.maximum(vals[:2],0)**(1/2) #MDS embedding X = P@np.diag(S) #Plot points x,y = X[:,0],X[:,1] if c is None: if markersize is None: plt.scatter(x,y,zorder=2) else: plt.scatter(x,y,s=markersize,zorder=2) else: if markersize is None: plt.scatter(x,y,c=c,cmap=cmap,zorder=2) else: plt.scatter(x,y,c=c,cmap=cmap,s=markersize,zorder=2) #Draw edges if edges: for i in range(n): nn = self.weight_matrix[i,:].nonzero()[1] for j in nn: if linewidth is None: plt.plot([x[i],x[j]],[y[i],y[j]],color=linecolor,zorder=0) else: plt.plot([x[i],x[j]],[y[i],y[j]],color=linecolor,linewidth=linewidth,zorder=0) return X def ars(X, dim=2, perplexity=30, kappa=0.5, iters=1000, time_step=1, theta1=2, theta2=3, alpha=10, num_early=250, use_pca=True, init_dim=50, prog = False): """Attraction-Repulsion Swarming t-SNE ====== Computes a low dimensional embedding (visualization) of a graph or data set using the Attraction-Repulsion Swarming method of [1]. Uses the Barnes-Hut approximation. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array (float) Data matrix, rows are data points. dim : int (optional, default=2) Dimension of embedding (usually 2 or 3). perplexity : float (optional, default=30.0) Perplexity for graph construction. kappa : float (optional, default = 0.5) Parameter for Barnes-Hut tree decomposition. iters : int (optional, default=1000) Number of iterations. time_step : float (optional, default=1.0) Time step for ARS iterations. theta1 : float (optional, default = 2.0) Attraction scaling exponent. theta2 : float (optional, default = 3.0) Repulsion scaling exponent. alpha : float (optional, default = 10.0) Early exaggeration factor. num_early : int (optional, default = 250) Number of early exaggeration iterations. use_pca : bool (optional, default = true) Whether to use PCA to reduce the dimension to d=init_dim. init_dim : int (optional, default = 50) PCA dimension. prog : bool (optional, default = False) Whether to print out progress. Returns ------- Y : numpy array, float Matrix whose rows are the embedded points. Example ------- This example uses ARS t-SNE to visualize the MNIST data set: []( ```py import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Load the MNIST data data,labels = gl.datasets.load('mnist') #In order to run the code more quickly, #you may want to subsample MNIST. size = 70000 if size < data.shape[0]: #If less than 70000 ind = np.random.choice(data.shape[0], size=size, replace=False) data = data[ind,:] labels = labels[ind] #Run ARS t-SNE and plot the result Y = gl.graph.ars(data, prog=True) plt.scatter(Y[:,0],Y[:,1],c=labels,s=1) ``` References ---------- [1] J. Lu, J. Calder. [Attraction-Repulsion Swarming: A Generalized Framework of t-SNE via Force Normalization and Tunable Interactions](, Submitted, 2024. """ #Import c extensions from . import cextensions if use_pca and (X.shape[1] > init_dim): X = X - np.mean(X, axis=0) vals, Q = sparse.linalg.eigsh(X.T@X, k=init_dim, which='LM') X = X@Q #Type casting and memory blocking X = np.ascontiguousarray(X,dtype=np.float64) Y = np.zeros((X.shape[0],dim),dtype=float) Y = np.ascontiguousarray(Y,dtype=np.float64) cextensions.ars(X,Y,dim,perplexity,kappa,iters,time_step,theta1,theta2,alpha,num_early,prog) return Y
def adjacency(self)
Adjacency matrix
Given a weight matrix W, returns the adjacency matrix A, which satisfies A_{ij}=1 whenever w_{ij}>0, and A_{ij}=0 otherwise.
:(n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
- Sparse adjacency matrix.
Expand source code
def adjacency(self): """Adjacency matrix ====== Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns the adjacency matrix \\(A\\), which satisfies \\(A_{ij}=1\\) whenever \\(w_{ij}>0\\), and \\(A_{ij}=0\\) otherwise. Returns ------- A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Sparse adjacency matrix. """ n = self.num_nodes A = sparse.coo_matrix((np.ones(len(self.V),),(self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr() return A
def amle(self, bdy_set, bdy_val, tol=1e-05, max_num_it=1000, weighted=True, prog=False)
Absolutely Minimal Lipschitz Extension (AMLE)
Computes the absolutely minimal Lipschitz extension (AMLE) of boundary values on a graph. The AMLE is the solution of the graph infinity Laplace equation \min_j w_{ij}(u_i-u_j) + \max_j w_{ij} (u_i-u_j) = 0 for i\not\in \Gamma, subject to u_i=g_i for i\in \Gamma.
:numpy array (int)
- Indices of boundary nodes \Gamma.
:numpy array (float)
- Boundary values g on \Gamma.
:float (optional)
, default=1e-5
- Tolerance with which to solve the equation.
:int (optional)
, default=1000
- Maximum number of iterations.
:bool (optional)
, default=True
- When set to False, the weights are converted to a 0/1 adjacency matrix, which allows for a much faster solver.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Toggles whether to print progress information.
:numpy array, float
- Absolutely minimal Lipschitz extension.
Expand source code
def amle(self, bdy_set, bdy_val, tol=1e-5, max_num_it=1000, weighted=True, prog=False): """Absolutely Minimal Lipschitz Extension (AMLE) ====== Computes the absolutely minimal Lipschitz extension (AMLE) of boundary values on a graph. The AMLE is the solution of the graph infinity Laplace equation \\[ \\min_j w_{ij}(u_i-u_j) + \\max_j w_{ij} (u_i-u_j) = 0\\] for \\(i\\not\\in \\Gamma\\), subject to \\(u_i=g_i\\) for \\(i\\in \\Gamma\\). Parameters ---------- bdy_set : numpy array (int) Indices of boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\). bdy_val : numpy array (float) Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). tol : float (optional), default=1e-5 Tolerance with which to solve the equation. max_num_it : int (optional), default=1000 Maximum number of iterations. weighted : bool (optional), default=True When set to False, the weights are converted to a 0/1 adjacency matrix, which allows for a much faster solver. prog : bool (optional), default=False Toggles whether to print progress information. Returns ------- u : numpy array, float Absolutely minimal Lipschitz extension. """ #Import c extensions from . import cextensions #Variables n = self.num_nodes u = np.zeros((n,)) #Initial condition max_num_it = float(max_num_it) alpha = 0 beta = 1 #Convert boundary data to standard format bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val) #Type casting and memory blocking u = np.ascontiguousarray(u,dtype=np.float64) bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32) bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64) cextensions.lip_iterate(u,self.J,self.I,self.V,bdy_set,bdy_val,max_num_it,tol,float(prog),float(weighted),float(alpha),float(beta)) return u
def ars(X, dim=2, perplexity=30, kappa=0.5, iters=1000, time_step=1, theta1=2, theta2=3, alpha=10, num_early=250, use_pca=True, init_dim=50, prog=False)
Attraction-Repulsion Swarming t-SNE
Computes a low dimensional embedding (visualization) of a graph or data set using the Attraction-Repulsion Swarming method of [1]. Uses the Barnes-Hut approximation.
:numpy array (float)
- Data matrix, rows are data points.
:int (optional
, default=2)
- Dimension of embedding (usually 2 or 3).
:float (optional
, default=30.0)
- Perplexity for graph construction.
:float (optional
, default= 0.5)
- Parameter for Barnes-Hut tree decomposition.
:int (optional
, default=1000)
- Number of iterations.
:float (optional
, default=1.0)
- Time step for ARS iterations.
:float (optional
, default= 2.0)
- Attraction scaling exponent.
:float (optional
, default= 3.0)
- Repulsion scaling exponent.
:float (optional
, default= 10.0)
- Early exaggeration factor.
:int (optional
, default= 250)
- Number of early exaggeration iterations.
:bool (optional
, default= true)
- Whether to use PCA to reduce the dimension to d=init_dim.
:int (optional
, default= 50)
- PCA dimension.
:bool (optional
, default= False)
- Whether to print out progress.
:numpy array, float
- Matrix whose rows are the embedded points.
This example uses ARS t-SNE to visualize the MNIST data set:
import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Load the MNIST data data,labels = gl.datasets.load('mnist') #In order to run the code more quickly, #you may want to subsample MNIST. size = 70000 if size < data.shape[0]: #If less than 70000 ind = np.random.choice(data.shape[0], size=size, replace=False) data = data[ind,:] labels = labels[ind] #Run ARS t-SNE and plot the result Y = gl.graph.ars(data, prog=True) plt.scatter(Y[:,0],Y[:,1],c=labels,s=1)
[1] J. Lu, J. Calder. Attraction-Repulsion Swarming: A Generalized Framework of t-SNE via Force Normalization and Tunable Interactions, Submitted, 2024.
Expand source code
def ars(X, dim=2, perplexity=30, kappa=0.5, iters=1000, time_step=1, theta1=2, theta2=3, alpha=10, num_early=250, use_pca=True, init_dim=50, prog = False): """Attraction-Repulsion Swarming t-SNE ====== Computes a low dimensional embedding (visualization) of a graph or data set using the Attraction-Repulsion Swarming method of [1]. Uses the Barnes-Hut approximation. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array (float) Data matrix, rows are data points. dim : int (optional, default=2) Dimension of embedding (usually 2 or 3). perplexity : float (optional, default=30.0) Perplexity for graph construction. kappa : float (optional, default = 0.5) Parameter for Barnes-Hut tree decomposition. iters : int (optional, default=1000) Number of iterations. time_step : float (optional, default=1.0) Time step for ARS iterations. theta1 : float (optional, default = 2.0) Attraction scaling exponent. theta2 : float (optional, default = 3.0) Repulsion scaling exponent. alpha : float (optional, default = 10.0) Early exaggeration factor. num_early : int (optional, default = 250) Number of early exaggeration iterations. use_pca : bool (optional, default = true) Whether to use PCA to reduce the dimension to d=init_dim. init_dim : int (optional, default = 50) PCA dimension. prog : bool (optional, default = False) Whether to print out progress. Returns ------- Y : numpy array, float Matrix whose rows are the embedded points. Example ------- This example uses ARS t-SNE to visualize the MNIST data set: []( ```py import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Load the MNIST data data,labels = gl.datasets.load('mnist') #In order to run the code more quickly, #you may want to subsample MNIST. size = 70000 if size < data.shape[0]: #If less than 70000 ind = np.random.choice(data.shape[0], size=size, replace=False) data = data[ind,:] labels = labels[ind] #Run ARS t-SNE and plot the result Y = gl.graph.ars(data, prog=True) plt.scatter(Y[:,0],Y[:,1],c=labels,s=1) ``` References ---------- [1] J. Lu, J. Calder. [Attraction-Repulsion Swarming: A Generalized Framework of t-SNE via Force Normalization and Tunable Interactions](, Submitted, 2024. """ #Import c extensions from . import cextensions if use_pca and (X.shape[1] > init_dim): X = X - np.mean(X, axis=0) vals, Q = sparse.linalg.eigsh(X.T@X, k=init_dim, which='LM') X = X@Q #Type casting and memory blocking X = np.ascontiguousarray(X,dtype=np.float64) Y = np.zeros((X.shape[0],dim),dtype=float) Y = np.ascontiguousarray(Y,dtype=np.float64) cextensions.ars(X,Y,dim,perplexity,kappa,iters,time_step,theta1,theta2,alpha,num_early,prog) return Y
def degree_matrix(self, p=1)
Degree Matrix
Given a weight matrix W, returns the diagonal degree matrix in the form D_{ii} = \left(\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}\right)^p.
:float (optional)
, default=1
- Optional exponent to apply to the degree.
:(n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
- Sparse diagonal degree matrix.
Expand source code
def degree_matrix(self, p=1): """Degree Matrix ====== Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns the diagonal degree matrix in the form \\[D_{ii} = \\left(\\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}\\right)^p.\\] Parameters ---------- p : float (optional), default=1 Optional exponent to apply to the degree. Returns ------- D : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Sparse diagonal degree matrix. """ #Construct sparse degree matrix d = self.degree_vector() D = sparse.spdiags(d**p, 0, self.num_nodes, self.num_nodes) return D.tocsr()
def degree_vector(self)
Degree Vector
Given a weight matrix W, returns the diagonal degree vector d_{i} = \sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}.
:numpy array, float
- Degree vector for weight matrix.
Expand source code
def degree_vector(self): """Degree Vector ====== Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns the diagonal degree vector \\[d_{i} = \\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}.\\] Returns ------- d : numpy array, float Degree vector for weight matrix. """ d = self.weight_matrix*np.ones(self.num_nodes) return d
def dijkstra(self, bdy_set, bdy_val=0, f=1, max_dist=inf, return_cp=False, reciprocal_weights=False)
Dijkstra's algorithm
Computes a graph distance function with Dijkstra's algorithm. The graph distance is d(x,y) = \min_p \sum_{i=1}^M w_{p_i,p_{i+1}}f_{p_{i+1}}, where the minimum is over paths p connecting x and y, w_{ij} is the weight from i to j, and f_i is an additional per-vertex weights. A path must satisfy w_{p_i,p_{i+1}}>0 for all i. Dijkstra's algorithm returns the distance function to a terminal set \Gamma, given by u(x) = \min_{i\in \Gamma} \{g(x_i) + d(x,x_i)\}, where g are boundary values. An optional feature also returns the closest point information cp(x) = \text{argmin}_{i\in \Gamma} \{g(x_i) + d(x,x_i)\}. We note that the distance function u can also be interpreted as the solution of the graph eikonal equation \max_j w_{ji}^{-1} (u(x_i) - u(x_j)) = f_i subject to u=g on \Gamma.
:numpy array (int)
- Indices or boolean mask identifying the boundary nodes \Gamma.
:numpy array (float)
, optional- Boundary values g on \Gamma. A single float is interpreted as a constant over \Gamma.
:numpy array
orscalar float
, default=1
- Right hand side of eikonal equation. If a scalar, it is extended to a vector over the graph.
ornp.inf (optional)
, default= np.inf
- Distance at which to terminate Dijkstra's algorithm. Nodes with distance
greater than
will contain the valuenp.inf
. return_cp
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to return closest point. Nodes with distance greater than max_dist
for closest point index. reciprocal_weights
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to use the reciprocals of the weights w_{ij}^{-1} in the definition of graph distance.
:numpy array, float
- Distance function computed via Dijkstra's algorithm.
:numpy array, int
- Closest point indices. Only returned if
This example uses Dijkstra's algorithm to compute the distance function to a single point, and compares the result to a cone:
import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np for n in [int(10**i) for i in range(3,6)]: X = np.random.rand(n,2) X[0,:]=[0.5,0.5] W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,50,kernel='distance') G = gl.graph(W) u = G.dijkstra([0]) u_true = np.linalg.norm(X - [0.5,0.5],axis=1) error = np.linalg.norm(u-u_true, ord=np.inf) print('n = %d, Error = %f'%(n,error))
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def dijkstra(self, bdy_set, bdy_val=0, f=1, max_dist=np.inf, return_cp=False, reciprocal_weights=False): """Dijkstra's algorithm ====== Computes a graph distance function with Dijkstra's algorithm. The graph distance is \\[ d(x,y) = \\min_p \\sum_{i=1}^M w_{p_i,p_{i+1}}f_{p_{i+1}},\\] where the minimum is over paths \\(p\\) connecting \\(x\\) and \\(y\\), \\(w_{ij}\\) is the weight from \\(i\\) to \\(j\\), and \\(f_i\\) is an additional per-vertex weights. A path must satisfy \\(w_{p_i,p_{i+1}}>0\\) for all \\(i\\). Dijkstra's algorithm returns the distance function to a terminal set \\(\\Gamma\\), given by \\[u(x) = \\min_{i\\in \\Gamma} \\{g(x_i) + d(x,x_i)\\},\\] where \\(g\\) are boundary values. An optional feature also returns the closest point information \\[cp(x) = \\text{argmin}_{i\\in \\Gamma} \\{g(x_i) + d(x,x_i)\\}.\\] We note that the distance function \\(u\\) can also be interpreted as the solution of the graph eikonal equation \\[ \\max_j w_{ji}^{-1} (u(x_i) - u(x_j)) = f_i\\] subject to \\(u=g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). Parameters ---------- bdy_set : numpy array (int) Indices or boolean mask identifying the boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\). bdy_val : numpy array (float), optional Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\). f : numpy array or scalar float, default=1 Right hand side of eikonal equation. If a scalar, it is extended to a vector over the graph. max_dist : float or np.inf (optional), default = np.inf Distance at which to terminate Dijkstra's algorithm. Nodes with distance greater than `max_dist` will contain the value `np.inf`. return_cp : bool (optional), default=False Whether to return closest point. Nodes with distance greater than max_dist contain `-1` for closest point index. reciprocal_weights : bool (optional), default=False Whether to use the reciprocals of the weights \\(w_{ij}^{-1}\\) in the definition of graph distance. Returns ------- dist_func : numpy array, float Distance function computed via Dijkstra's algorithm. cp : numpy array, int Closest point indices. Only returned if `return_cp=True` Example ------- This example uses Dijkstra's algorithm to compute the distance function to a single point, and compares the result to a cone: []( ```py import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np for n in [int(10**i) for i in range(3,6)]: X = np.random.rand(n,2) X[0,:]=[0.5,0.5] W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,50,kernel='distance') G = gl.graph(W) u = G.dijkstra([0]) u_true = np.linalg.norm(X - [0.5,0.5],axis=1) error = np.linalg.norm(u-u_true, ord=np.inf) print('n = %d, Error = %f'%(n,error)) ``` """ #Import c extensions from . import cextensions #Convert boundary data to standard format bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val) #Variables n = self.num_nodes dist_func = np.ones((n,))*np.inf cp = -np.ones((n,),dtype=int) #Right hand side if type(f) != np.ndarray: f = np.ones((n,))*f #Type casting and memory blocking dist_func = np.ascontiguousarray(dist_func,dtype=np.float64) cp = np.ascontiguousarray(cp,dtype=np.int32) bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32) bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64) f = np.ascontiguousarray(f,dtype=np.float64) if reciprocal_weights: cextensions.dijkstra(dist_func,cp,self.J,self.K,self.Vinv,bdy_set,bdy_val,f,1.0,max_dist) else: cextensions.dijkstra(dist_func,cp,self.J,self.K,self.V,bdy_set,bdy_val,f,1.0,max_dist) if return_cp: return dist_func, cp else: return dist_func
def dijkstra_hl(self, bdy_set, bdy_val=0, f=1, max_dist=inf, return_cp=False)
Dijkstra's algorithm (Hopf-Lax Version)
Solves the graph Hamilton-Jacobi equation \max_j w_{ji}^{-1} (u(x_i)^2 - u(x_j)^2) = u(x_i)f_i subject to u=g on \Gamma.
:numpy array (int)
- Indices or boolean mask identifying the boundary nodes \Gamma.
:numpy array (float)
, optional- Boundary values g on \Gamma. A single float is interpreted as a constant over \Gamma.
:numpy array
orscalar float
, default=1
- Right hand side of eikonal equation. If a scalar, it is extended to a vector over the graph.
ornp.inf (optional)
, default= np.inf
- Distance at which to terminate Dijkstra's algorithm. Nodes with distance
greater than
will contain the valuenp.inf
. return_cp
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to return closest point. Nodes with distance greater than max_dist
for closest point index.
:numpy array, float
- Distance function computed via Dijkstra's algorithm.
:numpy array, int
- Closest point indices. Only returned if
This example uses Dijkstra's algorithm to compute the distance function to a single point, and compares the result to a cone:
import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np for n in [int(10**i) for i in range(3,6)]: X = np.random.rand(n,2) X[0,:]=[0.5,0.5] W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,50,kernel='distance') G = gl.graph(W) u = G.dijkstra([0]) u_true = np.linalg.norm(X - [0.5,0.5],axis=1) error = np.linalg.norm(u-u_true, ord=np.inf) print('n = %d, Error = %f'%(n,error))
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def dijkstra_hl(self, bdy_set, bdy_val=0, f=1, max_dist=np.inf, return_cp=False): """Dijkstra's algorithm (Hopf-Lax Version) ====== Solves the graph Hamilton-Jacobi equation \\[ \\max_j w_{ji}^{-1} (u(x_i)^2 - u(x_j)^2) = u(x_i)f_i\\] subject to \\(u=g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). Parameters ---------- bdy_set : numpy array (int) Indices or boolean mask identifying the boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\). bdy_val : numpy array (float), optional Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\). f : numpy array or scalar float, default=1 Right hand side of eikonal equation. If a scalar, it is extended to a vector over the graph. max_dist : float or np.inf (optional), default = np.inf Distance at which to terminate Dijkstra's algorithm. Nodes with distance greater than `max_dist` will contain the value `np.inf`. return_cp : bool (optional), default=False Whether to return closest point. Nodes with distance greater than max_dist contain `-1` for closest point index. Returns ------- dist_func : numpy array, float Distance function computed via Dijkstra's algorithm. cp : numpy array, int Closest point indices. Only returned if `return_cp=True` Example ------- This example uses Dijkstra's algorithm to compute the distance function to a single point, and compares the result to a cone: []( ```py import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np for n in [int(10**i) for i in range(3,6)]: X = np.random.rand(n,2) X[0,:]=[0.5,0.5] W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,50,kernel='distance') G = gl.graph(W) u = G.dijkstra([0]) u_true = np.linalg.norm(X - [0.5,0.5],axis=1) error = np.linalg.norm(u-u_true, ord=np.inf) print('n = %d, Error = %f'%(n,error)) ``` """ #Import c extensions from . import cextensions #Convert boundary data to standard format bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val) #Variables n = self.num_nodes dist_func = np.ones((n,))*np.inf cp = -np.ones((n,),dtype=int) #Right hand side if type(f) != np.ndarray: f = np.ones((n,))*f #Type casting and memory blocking dist_func = np.ascontiguousarray(dist_func,dtype=np.float64) cp = np.ascontiguousarray(cp,dtype=np.int32) bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32) bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64) f = np.ascontiguousarray(f,dtype=np.float64) cextensions.dijkstra_hl(dist_func,cp,self.J,self.K,self.V,bdy_set,bdy_val,f,1.0,max_dist) if return_cp: return dist_func, cp else: return dist_func
def distance(self, i, j, return_path=False, return_distance_vector=False)
Graph distance
Computes the shortest path distance between two points. Can also return the shortest path. Edges are weighted by the reciprocals of the edge weights w_{ij}^{-1}.
- First index
- Second index
:bool (optional)
, default= False
- Whether to return optimal path.
:bool (optional)
, default= False
- Whether to return distance vector to node i.
d : float Distance path : numpy array, int (optional) Indices of optimal path v : numpy array, float (optional) Distance vector to node i
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def distance(self, i, j, return_path=False, return_distance_vector=False): """Graph distance ====== Computes the shortest path distance between two points. Can also return the shortest path. Edges are weighted by the reciprocals of the edge weights \\(w_{ij}^{-1}\\). Parameters ---------- i : int First index j : int Second index return_path : bool (optional), default = False Whether to return optimal path. return_distance_vector : bool (optional), default = False Whether to return distance vector to node i. Returns ------- d : float Distance path : numpy array, int (optional) Indices of optimal path v : numpy array, float (optional) Distance vector to node i """ v = self.dijkstra([i],reciprocal_weights=True) d = v[j] if return_path: p = j path = [p] while p != i: nn, w = self.neighbors(p, return_weights=True) k = np.argmin(v[nn] + w**-1) p = nn[k] path += [p] path = np.array(path) if return_distance_vector: return d,path,v else: return d,path else: if return_distance_vector: return d,v else: return d
def distance_matrix(self, centered=False)
Graph distance matrix
Computes the shortest path distance between all pairs of points in the graph. Edges are weighted by the reciprocals of the edge weights w_{ij}^{-1}.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to center the distance matrix, as in ISOMAP.
T : numpy array, float Distance matrix
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def distance_matrix(self, centered=False): """Graph distance matrix ====== Computes the shortest path distance between all pairs of points in the graph. Edges are weighted by the reciprocals of the edge weights \\(w_{ij}^{-1}\\). Parameters ------- centered : bool (optional), default=False Whether to center the distance matrix, as in ISOMAP. Returns ------- T : numpy array, float Distance matrix """ n = self.num_nodes T = np.zeros((n,n)) for i in range(n): d,T[i,:] = self.distance(i,i,return_distance_vector=True) if centered: J = np.eye(n) - (1/n)*np.ones((n,n)) T = -0.5*J@T@J return T
def divergence(self, V, weighted=True)
Graph Divergence
Computes the graph divergence \text{div} V of a vector field V\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}, which is the vector \nabla u_{ij} = u_j - u_i, If
is chosen, then the divergence is weighted by the graph weight matrix as follows \nabla u_{ij} = w_{ij}(u_j - u_i).Parameters
:scipy sparse matrix, float
- Sparse matrix representing a vector field over the graph.
:bool (optional)
, default=True
- Whether to weight the divergence by the graph weight matrix.
:numpy array
- Divergence of V.
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def divergence(self, V, weighted=True): """Graph Divergence ====== Computes the graph divergence \\(\\text{div} V\\) of a vector field \\(V\\in \\mathbb{R}^{n\\times n}\\), which is the vector \\[\\nabla u_{ij} = u_j - u_i,\\] If `weighted=True` is chosen, then the divergence is weighted by the graph weight matrix as follows \\[\\nabla u_{ij} = w_{ij}(u_j - u_i).\\] Parameters ---------- V : scipy sparse matrix, float Sparse matrix representing a vector field over the graph. weighted : bool (optional), default=True Whether to weight the divergence by the graph weight matrix. Returns ------- divV : numpy array Divergence of V. """ V = V - V.transpose() if weighted: V = V.multiply(self.weight_matrix) divV = V*np.ones(self.num_nodes)/2 return divV
def draw(self, X=None, c=None, cmap='viridis', markersize=None, linewidth=None, edges=True, linecolor='black')
Draw Graph
Draws a planar representation of a graph using metric MDS.
:(n,2) numpy array (optional)
- Coordinates of graph vertices to draw. If not provided, uses metric MDS.
:(n,) numpy array (optional)
- Colors of vertices. If not provided, vertices are colored black.
:string (optional)
- Colormap. Default is 'viridis'.
:float (optional)
- Markersize.
:float (optional)
- Linewidth.
:bool (optional)
- Whether to plot edges (default=True)
:string (optional)
- Color for lines (default='black')
:(n,2) numpy array
- Returns coordinates of points.
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def draw(self,X=None,c=None,cmap='viridis',markersize=None,linewidth=None,edges=True,linecolor='black'): """Draw Graph ====== Draws a planar representation of a graph using metric MDS. Parameters ---------- X : (n,2) numpy array (optional) Coordinates of graph vertices to draw. If not provided, uses metric MDS. c : (n,) numpy array (optional) Colors of vertices. If not provided, vertices are colored black. cmap : string (optional) Colormap. Default is 'viridis'. markersize : float (optional) Markersize. linewidth : float (optional) Linewidth. edges : bool (optional) Whether to plot edges (default=True) linecolor : string (optional) Color for lines (default='black') Parameters ---------- X : (n,2) numpy array Returns coordinates of points. """ plt.figure() n = self.num_nodes #If points are not provided, we use metric MDS if X is None: #J = np.eye(n) - (1/n)*np.ones((n,n)) #dist = np.zeros((n,n)) #for i in range(n): # dist[i,:] = self.dijkstra([i]) #H = -(1/2)*J@dist@J H = self.distance_matrix(centered=True) #Need to sort eigenvalues, since H may not be positive semidef vals,V = sparse.linalg.eigsh(H,k=10,which='LM') ind = np.argsort(-vals) V = V[:,ind] vals = vals[ind] #Get top eigenvectors and square roots of positive parts of eigenvalues P = V[:,:2] S = np.maximum(vals[:2],0)**(1/2) #MDS embedding X = P@np.diag(S) #Plot points x,y = X[:,0],X[:,1] if c is None: if markersize is None: plt.scatter(x,y,zorder=2) else: plt.scatter(x,y,s=markersize,zorder=2) else: if markersize is None: plt.scatter(x,y,c=c,cmap=cmap,zorder=2) else: plt.scatter(x,y,c=c,cmap=cmap,s=markersize,zorder=2) #Draw edges if edges: for i in range(n): nn = self.weight_matrix[i,:].nonzero()[1] for j in nn: if linewidth is None: plt.plot([x[i],x[j]],[y[i],y[j]],color=linecolor,zorder=0) else: plt.plot([x[i],x[j]],[y[i],y[j]],color=linecolor,linewidth=linewidth,zorder=0) return X
def eigen_decomp(self, normalization='combinatorial', method='exact', k=10, c=None, gamma=0, tol=0, q=1)
Eigen Decomposition of Graph Laplacian
Computes the the low-lying eigenvectors and eigenvalues of various normalizations of the graph Laplacian. Computations can be either exact, or use a fast low-rank approximation via randomized SVD.
, default='combinatorial'
- Type of normalization of graph Laplacian to apply.
, default='exact'
- Method for computing eigenvectors. 'exact' uses scipy.sparse.linalg.svds, while 'lowrank' uses a low rank approximation via randomized SVD. Lowrank is not implemented for gamma > 0.
:int (optional)
, default=10
- Number of eigenvectors to compute.
:int (optional)
, default=2*k
- Cutoff for randomized SVD.
:float (optional)
, default=0
- Parameter for modularity (add more details)
:float (optional)
, default=0
- tolerance for eigensolvers.
:int (optional)
, default=1
- Exponent to use in randomized svd.
:numpy array, float
- eigenvalues in increasing order.
:(n,k) numpy array, float
- eigenvectors as columns.
This example compares the exact and lowrank (ranomized svd) methods for computing the spectrum:
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sklearn.datasets as datasets import graphlearning as gl X,L = datasets.make_moons(n_samples=500,noise=0.1) W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,10) G = gl.graph(W) num_eig = 7 vals_exact, vecs_exact = G.eigen_decomp(normalization='normalized', k=num_eig, method='exact') vals_rsvd, vecs_rsvd = G.eigen_decomp(normalization='normalized', k=num_eig, method='lowrank', q=50, c=50) for i in range(1,num_eig): rsvd = vecs_rsvd[:,i] exact = vecs_exact[:,i] sign = np.sum(rsvd*exact) if sign < 0: rsvd *= -1 err = np.max(np.absolute(rsvd - exact))/max(np.max(np.absolute(rsvd)),np.max(np.absolute(exact))) fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(10,5)) fig.suptitle('Eigenvector %d, err=%f'%(i,err)) ax1.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=rsvd) ax1.set_title('Random SVD') ax2.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=exact) ax2.set_title('Exact')
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def eigen_decomp(self, normalization='combinatorial', method='exact', k=10, c=None, gamma=0, tol=0, q=1): """Eigen Decomposition of Graph Laplacian ====== Computes the the low-lying eigenvectors and eigenvalues of various normalizations of the graph Laplacian. Computations can be either exact, or use a fast low-rank approximation via randomized SVD. Parameters ---------- normalization : {'combinatorial','randomwalk','normalized'}, default='combinatorial' Type of normalization of graph Laplacian to apply. method : {'exact','lowrank'}, default='exact' Method for computing eigenvectors. 'exact' uses scipy.sparse.linalg.svds, while 'lowrank' uses a low rank approximation via randomized SVD. Lowrank is not implemented for gamma > 0. k : int (optional), default=10 Number of eigenvectors to compute. c : int (optional), default=2*k Cutoff for randomized SVD. gamma : float (optional), default=0 Parameter for modularity (add more details) tol : float (optional), default=0 tolerance for eigensolvers. q : int (optional), default=1 Exponent to use in randomized svd. Returns ------- vals : numpy array, float eigenvalues in increasing order. vecs : (n,k) numpy array, float eigenvectors as columns. Example ------- This example compares the exact and lowrank (ranomized svd) methods for computing the spectrum: []( ```py import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sklearn.datasets as datasets import graphlearning as gl X,L = datasets.make_moons(n_samples=500,noise=0.1) W = gl.weightmatrix.knn(X,10) G = gl.graph(W) num_eig = 7 vals_exact, vecs_exact = G.eigen_decomp(normalization='normalized', k=num_eig, method='exact') vals_rsvd, vecs_rsvd = G.eigen_decomp(normalization='normalized', k=num_eig, method='lowrank', q=50, c=50) for i in range(1,num_eig): rsvd = vecs_rsvd[:,i] exact = vecs_exact[:,i] sign = np.sum(rsvd*exact) if sign < 0: rsvd *= -1 err = np.max(np.absolute(rsvd - exact))/max(np.max(np.absolute(rsvd)),np.max(np.absolute(exact))) fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(10,5)) fig.suptitle('Eigenvector %d, err=%f'%(i,err)) ax1.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=rsvd) ax1.set_title('Random SVD') ax2.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c=exact) ax2.set_title('Exact') ``` """ #Default choice for c if c is None: c = 2*k same_method = self.eigendata[normalization]['method'] == method same_k = self.eigendata[normalization]['k'] == k same_c = self.eigendata[normalization]['c'] == c same_gamma = self.eigendata[normalization]['gamma'] == gamma same_tol = self.eigendata[normalization]['tol'] == tol same_q = self.eigendata[normalization]['q'] == q #If already computed, then return eigenvectors if same_method and same_k and same_c and same_gamma and same_tol and same_q: return self.eigendata[normalization]['eigenvalues'], self.eigendata[normalization]['eigenvectors'] #Else, we need to compute the eigenvectors else: self.eigendata[normalization]['method'] = method self.eigendata[normalization]['k'] = k self.eigendata[normalization]['c'] = c self.eigendata[normalization]['gamma'] = gamma self.eigendata[normalization]['tol'] = tol self.eigendata[normalization]['q'] = q n = self.num_nodes #If not using modularity if gamma == 0: if normalization == 'randomwalk' or normalization == 'normalized': D = self.degree_matrix(p=-0.5) A = D*self.weight_matrix*D if method == 'exact': u,s,vt = splinalg.svds(A, k=k, tol=tol) elif method == 'lowrank': u,s,vt = utils.randomized_svd(A, k=k, c=c, q=q) else: sys.exit('Invalid eigensolver method '+method) vals = 1 - s ind = np.argsort(vals) vals = vals[ind] vecs = u[:,ind] if normalization == 'randomwalk': vecs = D@vecs elif normalization == 'combinatorial': L = self.laplacian() deg = self.degree_vector() M = 2*np.max(deg) A = M*sparse.identity(n) - L if method == 'exact': u,s,vt = splinalg.svds(A, k=k, tol=tol) elif method == 'lowrank': u,s,vt = utils.randomized_svd(A, k=k, c=c, q=q) else: sys.exit('Invalid eigensolver method '+method) vals = M - s ind = np.argsort(vals) vals = vals[ind] vecs = u[:,ind] else: sys.exit('Invalid choice of normalization') #Modularity else: if method == 'lowrank': sys.exit('Low rank not implemented for modularity') if normalization == 'randomwalk': lap = self.laplacian(normalization='normalized') P = self.degree_matrix(p=-0.5) p1,p2 = 1.5,0.5 else: lap = self.laplacian(normalization=normalization) P = sparse.identity(n) p1,p2 = 1,1 #If using modularity deg = self.degree_vector() deg1 = deg**p1 deg2 = deg**p2 m = np.sum(deg)/2 def M(v): v = v.flatten() return (lap*v).flatten() + (gamma/m)*(deg2.T@v)*deg1 L = sparse.linalg.LinearOperator((n,n), matvec=M) vals, vecs = sparse.linalg.eigsh(L, k=k, which='SM', tol=tol) #Correct for random walk Laplacian if chosen vecs = P@vecs #Store eigenvectors for resuse later self.eigendata[normalization]['eigenvalues'] = vals self.eigendata[normalization]['eigenvectors'] = vecs return vals, vecs
def fiedler_vector(self, return_value=False, tol=1e-08)
Fiedler Vector
Computes the Fiedler vector for graph, which is the eigenvector of the graph Laplacian correpsonding to the second smallest eigenvalue.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to return Fiedler value.
:float (optional)
, default=0
- Tolerance for eigensolvers.
:numpy array, float
- Fiedler vector
:float (optional)
- Fiedler value
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def fiedler_vector(self, return_value=False, tol=1e-8): """Fiedler Vector ====== Computes the Fiedler vector for graph, which is the eigenvector of the graph Laplacian correpsonding to the second smallest eigenvalue. Parameters ---------- return_value : bool (optional), default=False Whether to return Fiedler value. tol : float (optional), default=0 Tolerance for eigensolvers. Returns ------- v : numpy array, float Fiedler vector l : float (optional) Fiedler value """ #vals, vecs = self.eigen_decomp(k=2,method=method,tol=tol) #if return_value: # return vecs[:,1], vals[1] #else: # return vecs[:,1] L = self.laplacian() m = self.num_nodes v = np.random.rand(m,1) o = np.ones((m,1))/m v -= np.sum(v)*o d = self.degree_vector() lam = 2*np.max(d) M = lam*sparse.identity(m) - L fval_old = v.T@(L@v) err = 1 while err > tol: x = M@v x -= np.sum(x)*o v = x/np.linalg.norm(x) fval = v.T@(L@v) err = abs(fval_old-fval) fval_old = fval v = v.flatten() #Fix consistent sign if v[0] > 0: v = -v if return_value: return v, fval else: return v
def gradient(self, u, weighted=False, p=0.0)
Graph Gradient
Computes the graph gradient \nabla u of u\in \mathbb{R}^n, which is the sparse matrix with the form \nabla u_{ij} = u_j - u_i, whenever w_{ij}>0, and \nabla u_{ij}=0 otherwise. If
is chosen, then the gradient is weighted by the graph weight matrix as follows \nabla u_{ij} = w_{ij}^p(u_j - u_i).Parameters
:numpy array, float
- Vector (graph function) to take gradient of
:bool (optional)
, default=False,True
- Whether to weight the gradient by the graph weight matrix. Default is False when p=0 and True when p\neq 0.
:float (optional)
, default=0,1
- Power for weights on weighted gradient. Default is 0 when unweighted and 1 when weighted.
:(n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
- Sparse graph gradient matrix
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def gradient(self, u, weighted=False, p=0.0): """Graph Gradient ====== Computes the graph gradient \\(\\nabla u\\) of \\(u\\in \\mathbb{R}^n\\), which is the sparse matrix with the form \\[\\nabla u_{ij} = u_j - u_i,\\] whenever \\(w_{ij}>0\\), and \\(\\nabla u_{ij}=0\\) otherwise. If `weighted=True` is chosen, then the gradient is weighted by the graph weight matrix as follows \\[\\nabla u_{ij} = w_{ij}^p(u_j - u_i).\\] Parameters ---------- u : numpy array, float Vector (graph function) to take gradient of weighted : bool (optional), default=False,True Whether to weight the gradient by the graph weight matrix. Default is False when p=0 and True when \\(p\\neq 0\\). p : float (optional), default=0,1 Power for weights on weighted gradient. Default is 0 when unweighted and 1 when weighted. Returns ------- G : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Sparse graph gradient matrix """ n = self.num_nodes if p != 0.0: weighted = True if weighted == True and p==0.0: p = 1.0 if weighted: G = sparse.coo_matrix(((self.V**p)*(u[self.J]-u[self.I]), (self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr() else: G = sparse.coo_matrix((u[self.J]-u[self.I], (self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr() return G
def infinity_laplacian(self, u)
Graph Infinity Laplacian
Computes the graph infinity Laplacian of a vector u, given by L_\infty u_i= \min_j w_{ij}(u_j-u_i) + \max_j w_{ij} (u_j-u_i).
:numpy array
- Graph infinity Laplacian.
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def infinity_laplacian(self,u): """Graph Infinity Laplacian ====== Computes the graph infinity Laplacian of a vector \\(u\\), given by \\[L_\\infty u_i= \\min_j w_{ij}(u_j-u_i) + \\max_j w_{ij} (u_j-u_i).\\] Returns ------- Lu : numpy array Graph infinity Laplacian. """ n = self.num_nodes M = sparse.coo_matrix((self.V*(u[self.J]-u[self.I]), (self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr() M = M.min(axis=1) + M.max(axis=1) Lu = M.toarray().flatten() return Lu
def isconnected(self)
Is Connected
Checks if the graph is connected.
- True or False, depending on connectivity.
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def isconnected(self): """Is Connected ====== Checks if the graph is connected. Returns ------- connected : bool True or False, depending on connectivity. """ num_comp,comp = csgraph.connected_components(self.weight_matrix) connected = False if num_comp == 1: connected = True return connected
def laplacian(self, normalization='combinatorial', alpha=1)
Graph Laplacian
Computes various normalizations of the graph Laplacian for a given weight matrix W. The choices are L_{\rm combinatorial} = D - W, L_{\rm randomwalk} = I - D^{-1}W, and L_{\rm normalized} = I - D^{-1/2}WD^{-1/2}, where D is the diagonal degree matrix, which is defined as D_{ii} = \sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}. The Coifman-Lafon Laplacian is also supported.
, default='combinatorial'
- Type of normalization to apply.
:float (optional)
- Parameter for Coifman-Lafon Laplacian
:(n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
- Graph Laplacian as sparse scipy matrix.
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def laplacian(self, normalization="combinatorial", alpha=1): """Graph Laplacian ====== Computes various normalizations of the graph Laplacian for a given weight matrix \\(W\\). The choices are \\[L_{\\rm combinatorial} = D - W,\\] \\[L_{\\rm randomwalk} = I - D^{-1}W,\\] and \\[L_{\\rm normalized} = I - D^{-1/2}WD^{-1/2},\\] where \\(D\\) is the diagonal degree matrix, which is defined as \\[D_{ii} = \\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij}.\\] The Coifman-Lafon Laplacian is also supported. Parameters ---------- normalization : {'combinatorial','randomwalk','normalized','coifmanlafon'}, default='combinatorial' Type of normalization to apply. alpha : float (optional) Parameter for Coifman-Lafon Laplacian Returns ------- L : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Graph Laplacian as sparse scipy matrix. """ I = sparse.identity(self.num_nodes) D = self.degree_matrix() if normalization == "combinatorial": L = D - self.weight_matrix elif normalization == "randomwalk": Dinv = self.degree_matrix(p=-1) L = I - Dinv*self.weight_matrix elif normalization == "normalized": Dinv2 = self.degree_matrix(p=-0.5) L = I - Dinv2*self.weight_matrix*Dinv2 elif normalization == "coifmanlafon": D = self.degree_matrix(p=-alpha) L = graph(D*self.weight_matrix*D).laplacian(normalization='randomwalk') else: sys.exit("Invalid option for graph Laplacian normalization.") return L.tocsr()
def largest_connected_component(self)
Largest connected component
Finds the largest connected component of the graph. Returns the restricted graph, as well as a boolean mask indicating the nodes belonging to the component.
:graph object
- Largest connected component graph.
:numpy array (bool)
- Mask indicating which nodes from the original graph belong to the largest component.
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def largest_connected_component(self): """Largest connected component ====== Finds the largest connected component of the graph. Returns the restricted graph, as well as a boolean mask indicating the nodes belonging to the component. Returns ------- G : graph object Largest connected component graph. ind : numpy array (bool) Mask indicating which nodes from the original graph belong to the largest component. """ ncomp,labels = csgraph.connected_components(self.weight_matrix,directed=False) num_verts = np.zeros((ncomp,)) for i in range(ncomp): num_verts[i] = np.sum(labels==i) i_max = np.argmax(num_verts) ind = labels==i_max A = self.weight_matrix[ind,:] A = A[:,ind] G = graph(A) return G, ind
def load(filename)
Load a graph from a file.
- File to load graph from, without any extension.
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def load(filename): """Load ====== Load a graph from a file. Parameters ---------- filename : string File to load graph from, without any extension. """ filename += '.pkl' with open(filename, 'rb') as inp: G = pickle.load(inp) G.__ccode_init__() return G
def neighbors(self, i, return_weights=False)
Returns neighbors of node i.
- Index of vertex to return neighbors of.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Whether to return the weights of neighbors as well.
:numpy array, int
- Array of nearest neighbor indices.
:numpy array, float
- Weights of edges to neighbors.
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def neighbors(self, i, return_weights=False): """Neighbors ====== Returns neighbors of node i. Parameters ---------- i : int Index of vertex to return neighbors of. return_weights : bool (optional), default=False Whether to return the weights of neighbors as well. Returns ------- N : numpy array, int Array of nearest neighbor indices. W : numpy array, float Weights of edges to neighbors. """ N = self.weight_matrix[i,:].nonzero()[1] N = N[N != i] if return_weights: return N, self.weight_matrix[i,N].toarray().flatten() else: return N
def page_rank(self, alpha=0.85, v=None, tol=1e-10)
Solves for the PageRank vector, which is the solution of the PageRank equation (I - \alpha P)u = (1-\alpha) v, where P = W^T D^{-1} is the probability transition matrix, with D the diagonal degree matrix, v is the teleportation distribution, and \alpha is the teleportation paramter. Solution is computed with the power iteration u_{k+1} = \alpha P u_k + (1-\alpha) v.
:float (optional)
, default=0.85
- Teleportation parameter.
:numpy array (optional)
, default=None
- Teleportation distribution. Default is the uniform distribution.
:float (optional)
, default=1e-10
- Tolerance with which to solve the PageRank equation.
:numpy array, float
- PageRank vector.
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def page_rank(self,alpha=0.85,v=None,tol=1e-10): """PageRank ====== Solves for the PageRank vector, which is the solution of the PageRank equation \\[ (I - \\alpha P)u = (1-\\alpha) v, \\] where \\(P = W^T D^{-1}\\) is the probability transition matrix, with \\(D\\) the diagonal degree matrix, \\(v\\) is the teleportation distribution, and \\(\\alpha\\) is the teleportation paramter. Solution is computed with the power iteration \\[ u_{k+1} = \\alpha P u_k + (1-\\alpha) v.\\] Parameters ---------- alpha : float (optional), default=0.85 Teleportation parameter. v : numpy array (optional), default=None Teleportation distribution. Default is the uniform distribution. tol : float (optional), default=1e-10 Tolerance with which to solve the PageRank equation. Returns ------- u : numpy array, float PageRank vector. """ n = self.num_nodes u = np.ones((n,))/n if v is None: v = np.ones((n,))/n D = self.degree_matrix(p=-1) P = self.weight_matrix.T@D err = tol+1 while err > tol: w = alpha*P@u + (1-alpha)*v err = np.max(np.absolute(w-u)) u = w.copy() return u
def peikonal(self, bdy_set, bdy_val=0, f=1, p=1, nl_bdy=False, u0=None, solver='fmm', max_num_it=100000.0, tol=0.001, num_bisection_it=30, prog=False)
p-eikonal equation
Sovles the graph p-eikonal equation \sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij} (u_i - u_j)_+^p = f_i for i\not\in \Gamma, subject to u_i=g_i for i\in \Gamma.
:numpy array (int
- Indices or boolean mask indicating the boundary nodes \Gamma.
:numpy array
orsingle float (optional)
, default=0
- Boundary values g on \Gamma. A single float is interpreted as a constant over \Gamma.
:numpy array
orsingle float (optional)
, default=1
- Right hand side of the p-eikonal equation, a single float is interpreted as a constant vector of the graph.
:float (optional)
, default=1
- Value of exponent p in the p-eikonal equation.
:bool (optional)
, default= False
- Whether to extend the boundary conditions to non-local ones (to graph neighbors).
:{'fmm', 'gauss-seidel'}
, default='fmm'
- Solver for p-eikonal equation.
:numpy array (float
, optional)
, default=None
- Initialization of solver. If not provided, then u0=0.
:int (optional)
, default=1e5
- Maximum number of iterations for 'gauss-seidel' solver.
:float (optional)
, default=1e-3
- Tolerance with which to solve the equation for 'gauss-seidel' solver.
:int (optional)
, default=30
- Number of bisection iterations for solver for 'gauss-seidel' solver with p>1.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Toggles whether to print progress information.
:numpy array (float)
- Solution of p-eikonal equation.
This example uses the peikonal equation to compute a data depth:
import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt X = np.random.rand(int(1e4),2) x,y = X[:,0],X[:,1] eps = 0.02 W = gl.weightmatrix.epsilon_ball(X, eps) G = gl.graph(W) bdy_set = (x < eps) | (x > 1-eps) | (y < eps) | (y > 1-eps) u = G.peikonal(bdy_set) plt.scatter(x,y,c=u,s=0.25) plt.scatter(x[bdy_set],y[bdy_set],c='r',s=0.5)
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def peikonal(self, bdy_set, bdy_val=0, f=1, p=1, nl_bdy=False, u0=None, solver='fmm', max_num_it=1e5, tol=1e-3, num_bisection_it=30, prog=False,): """p-eikonal equation ===================== Sovles the graph p-eikonal equation \\[ \\sum_{j=1}^n w_{ij} (u_i - u_j)_+^p = f_i\\] for \\(i\\not\\in \\Gamma\\), subject to \\(u_i=g_i\\) for \\(i\\in \\Gamma\\). Parameters ---------- bdy_set : numpy array (int or bool) Indices or boolean mask indicating the boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\). bdy_val : numpy array or single float (optional), default=0 Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\). f : numpy array or single float (optional), default=1 Right hand side of the p-eikonal equation, a single float is interpreted as a constant vector of the graph. p : float (optional), default=1 Value of exponent p in the p-eikonal equation. nl_bdy : bool (optional), default = False Whether to extend the boundary conditions to non-local ones (to graph neighbors). solver : {'fmm', 'gauss-seidel'}, default='fmm' Solver for p-eikonal equation. u0 : numpy array (float, optional), default=None Initialization of solver. If not provided, then u0=0. max_num_it : int (optional), default=1e5 Maximum number of iterations for 'gauss-seidel' solver. tol : float (optional), default=1e-3 Tolerance with which to solve the equation for 'gauss-seidel' solver. num_bisection_it : int (optional), default=30 Number of bisection iterations for solver for 'gauss-seidel' solver with \\(p>1\\). prog : bool (optional), default=False Toggles whether to print progress information. Returns ------- u : numpy array (float) Solution of p-eikonal equation. Example ------- This example uses the peikonal equation to compute a data depth: []( ```py import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt X = np.random.rand(int(1e4),2) x,y = X[:,0],X[:,1] eps = 0.02 W = gl.weightmatrix.epsilon_ball(X, eps) G = gl.graph(W) bdy_set = (x < eps) | (x > 1-eps) | (y < eps) | (y > 1-eps) u = G.peikonal(bdy_set) plt.scatter(x,y,c=u,s=0.25) plt.scatter(x[bdy_set],y[bdy_set],c='r',s=0.5) ``` """ #Import c extensions from . import cextensions n = self.num_nodes #Set initial data if u0 is None: u = np.zeros((n,)) else: u = u0.copy() #Convert f to an array if scalar is given if type(f) != np.ndarray: f = np.ones((n,))*f #Convert boundary data to standard format bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val) #Extend boundary data if nl_bdy=True if nl_bdy: D = self.degree_matrix(p=-1) bdy_mask = np.zeros(n) bdy_mask[bdy_set] = 1 bdy_dilate = (D*self.weight_matrix*bdy_mask) > 0 bdy_set = bdy_set = np.where(bdy_dilate)[0] bdy_val_all = np.zeros(n) bdy_val_all[bdy_mask==1] = bdy_val bdy_val = D*self.weight_matrix*bdy_val_all bdy_val = bdy_val[bdy_set] #Type casting and memory blocking u = np.ascontiguousarray(u,dtype=np.float64) bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32) f = np.ascontiguousarray(f,dtype=np.float64) bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64) if solver == 'fmm': cextensions.peikonal_fmm(u,self.J,self.K,self.V,bdy_set,f,bdy_val,p,num_bisection_it) else: cextensions.peikonal(u,self.J,self.K,self.V,bdy_set,f,bdy_val,p,max_num_it,tol,num_bisection_it,prog) return u
def plaplace(self, bdy_set, bdy_val, p, tol=0.1, max_num_it=1000000.0, prog=False, fast=True)
Game-theoretic p-Laplacian
Computes the solution of the game-theoretic p-Laplace equation L_p u_i=0 for i\not\in \Gamma, subject to u_i=g_i for i\in \Gamma. The game-theoretic p-Laplacian is given by L_p u = \frac{1}{p}L_{\rm randomwalk} + \left(1-\frac{2}{p}\right)L_\infty u, where L_{\rm randomwalk} is the random walk graph Laplacian and L_\infty is the graph infinity-Laplace operator, given by L_\infty u_i = \min_j w_{ij}(u_i-u_j) + \max_j w_{ij} (u_i-u_j).
:numpy array (int
- Indices or boolean mask indicating the boundary nodes \Gamma.
:numpy array
orsingle float (optional)
, default=0
- Boundary values g on \Gamma. A single float is interpreted as a constant over \Gamma.
- Value of p.
:float (optional)
, default=1e-1
- Tolerance with which to solve the equation.
:int (optional)
, default=1e6
- Maximum number of iterations.
:bool (optional)
, default=False
- Toggles whether to print progress information.
:bool (optional)
, default=True
- Whether to use constant w_{ij}=1 weights for the infinity-Laplacian which allows a faster algorithm to be used.
:numpy array, float
- Solution of graph p-Laplace equation.
This example uses the p-Laplace equation to interpolate boundary values:
import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt X = np.random.rand(int(1e4),2) x,y = X[:,0],X[:,1] eps = 0.02 W = gl.weightmatrix.epsilon_ball(X, eps) G = gl.graph(W) bdy_set = (x < eps) | (x > 1-eps) | (y < eps) | (y > 1-eps) bdy_val = x**2 - y**2 u = G.plaplace(bdy_set, bdy_val[bdy_set], p=10) plt.scatter(x,y,c=u,s=0.25) plt.scatter(x[bdy_set],y[bdy_set],c='r',s=0.5)
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def plaplace(self, bdy_set, bdy_val, p, tol=1e-1, max_num_it=1e6, prog=False, fast=True): """Game-theoretic p-Laplacian ====== Computes the solution of the game-theoretic p-Laplace equation \\(L_p u_i=0\\) for \\(i\\not\\in \\Gamma\\), subject to \\(u_i=g_i\\) for \\(i\\in \\Gamma\\). The game-theoretic p-Laplacian is given by \\[ L_p u = \\frac{1}{p}L_{\\rm randomwalk} + \\left(1-\\frac{2}{p}\\right)L_\\infty u,\\] where \\(L_{\\rm randomwalk}\\) is the random walk graph Laplacian and \\(L_\\infty\\) is the graph infinity-Laplace operator, given by \\[ L_\\infty u_i = \\min_j w_{ij}(u_i-u_j) + \\max_j w_{ij} (u_i-u_j).\\] Parameters ---------- bdy_set : numpy array (int or bool) Indices or boolean mask indicating the boundary nodes \\(\\Gamma\\). bdy_val : numpy array or single float (optional), default=0 Boundary values \\(g\\) on \\(\\Gamma\\). A single float is interpreted as a constant over \\(\\Gamma\\). p : float Value of \\(p\\). tol : float (optional), default=1e-1 Tolerance with which to solve the equation. max_num_it : int (optional), default=1e6 Maximum number of iterations. prog : bool (optional), default=False Toggles whether to print progress information. fast : bool (optional), default=True Whether to use constant \\(w_{ij}=1\\) weights for the infinity-Laplacian which allows a faster algorithm to be used. Returns ------- u : numpy array, float Solution of graph p-Laplace equation. Example ------- This example uses the p-Laplace equation to interpolate boundary values: []( ```py import graphlearning as gl import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt X = np.random.rand(int(1e4),2) x,y = X[:,0],X[:,1] eps = 0.02 W = gl.weightmatrix.epsilon_ball(X, eps) G = gl.graph(W) bdy_set = (x < eps) | (x > 1-eps) | (y < eps) | (y > 1-eps) bdy_val = x**2 - y**2 u = G.plaplace(bdy_set, bdy_val[bdy_set], p=10) plt.scatter(x,y,c=u,s=0.25) plt.scatter(x[bdy_set],y[bdy_set],c='r',s=0.5) ``` """ #Import c extensions from . import cextensions n = self.num_nodes alpha = 1/(p-1) beta = 1-alpha #Convert boundary data to standard format bdy_set, bdy_val = utils._boundary_handling(bdy_set, bdy_val) #If fast solver if fast: u = np.zeros((n,)) #Initial condition #Type casting and memory blocking u = np.ascontiguousarray(u,dtype=np.float64) bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32) bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64) weighted = False tol = 1e-6 cextensions.lip_iterate(u,self.J,self.I,self.V,bdy_set,bdy_val,max_num_it,tol,float(prog),float(weighted),float(alpha),float(beta)) else: uu = np.max(bdy_val)*np.ones((n,)) ul = np.min(bdy_val)*np.ones((n,)) #Set labels uu[bdy_set] = bdy_val ul[bdy_set] = bdy_val #Type casting and memory blocking uu = np.ascontiguousarray(uu,dtype=np.float64) ul = np.ascontiguousarray(ul,dtype=np.float64) bdy_set = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_set,dtype=np.int32) bdy_val = np.ascontiguousarray(bdy_val,dtype=np.float64) cextensions.lp_iterate(uu,ul,self.J,self.I,self.V,bdy_set,bdy_val,p,float(max_num_it),float(tol),float(prog)) u = (uu+ul)/2 return u
def rand(self)
Uniform random matrix with same sparsity structure
Given a weight matrix W, returns a random matrix A, where the entry A_{ij} is a uniform random variable on [0,1] whenever w_{ij}>0, and A_{ij}=0 otherwise.
:(n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
- Sparse rand_like matrix.
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def rand(self): """Uniform random matrix with same sparsity structure ====== Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns a random matrix \\(A\\), where the entry \\(A_{ij}\\) is a uniform random variable on \\([0,1]\\) whenever \\(w_{ij}>0\\), and \\(A_{ij}=0\\) otherwise. Returns ------- A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Sparse rand_like matrix. """ n = self.num_nodes vals = np.random.rand(len(self.I),1).flatten() A = sparse.coo_matrix((vals,(self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr() return A
def randn(self)
Gaussian random matrix with same sparsity structure
Given a weight matrix W, returns a random matrix A, where the entry A_{ij} is a uniform random variable on [0,1] whenever w_{ij}>0, and A_{ij}=0 otherwise.
:(n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
- Sparse rand_like matrix.
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def randn(self): """Gaussian random matrix with same sparsity structure ====== Given a weight matrix \\(W\\), returns a random matrix \\(A\\), where the entry \\(A_{ij}\\) is a uniform random variable on \\([0,1]\\) whenever \\(w_{ij}>0\\), and \\(A_{ij}=0\\) otherwise. Returns ------- A : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Sparse rand_like matrix. """ n = self.num_nodes vals = np.random.randn(len(self.I),1).flatten() A = sparse.coo_matrix((vals,(self.I,self.J)),shape=(n,n)).tocsr() return A
def reweight(self, idx, method='poisson', normalization='combinatorial', tau=0, X=None, alpha=2, zeta=10000000.0, r=0.1)
Reweight a weight matrix
Reweights the graph weight matrix more heavily near labeled nodes. Used in semi-supervised learning at very low label rates. [Need to describe all methods…]
:numpy array (int)
- Indices of points to reweight near (typically labeled points).
, default='poisson'
- Reweighting method. 'poisson' is described in [1], 'wnll' is described in [2], and 'properly'
is described in [3]. If 'properly' is selected, the user must supply the data features
. normalization
, default='combinatorial'
- Type of normalization to apply for the graph Laplacian when method='poisson'.
ornumpy array (optional)
, default=0
- Zeroth order term in Laplace equation. Can be a scalar or vector.
:numpy array (optional)
- Data features, used to construct the graph. This is required for the
weighted graph Laplacian method. alpha
:float (optional)
, default=2
- Parameter for
reweighting. zeta
:float (optional)
, default=1e7
- Parameter for
reweighting. r
:float (optional)
, default=0.1
- Radius for
:(n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float
- Reweighted weight matrix as sparse scipy matrix.
[1] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised Learning at Very Low Label Rates., Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020.
[2] Z. Shi, S. Osher, and W. Zhu. Weighted nonlocal laplacian on interpolation from sparse data. Journal of Scientific Computing 73.2 (2017): 1164-1177.
[3] J. Calder, D. Slepčev. Properly-weighted graph Laplacian for semi-supervised learning. Applied mathematics & optimization (2019): 1-49.
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def reweight(self, idx, method='poisson', normalization='combinatorial', tau=0, X=None, alpha=2, zeta=1e7, r=0.1): """Reweight a weight matrix ====== Reweights the graph weight matrix more heavily near labeled nodes. Used in semi-supervised learning at very low label rates. [Need to describe all methods...] Parameters ---------- idx : numpy array (int) Indices of points to reweight near (typically labeled points). method : {'poisson','wnll','properly'}, default='poisson' Reweighting method. 'poisson' is described in [1], 'wnll' is described in [2], and 'properly' is described in [3]. If 'properly' is selected, the user must supply the data features `X`. normalization : {'combinatorial','normalized'}, default='combinatorial' Type of normalization to apply for the graph Laplacian when method='poisson'. tau : float or numpy array (optional), default=0 Zeroth order term in Laplace equation. Can be a scalar or vector. X : numpy array (optional) Data features, used to construct the graph. This is required for the `properly` weighted graph Laplacian method. alpha : float (optional), default=2 Parameter for `properly` reweighting. zeta : float (optional), default=1e7 Parameter for `properly` reweighting. r : float (optional), default=0.1 Radius for `properly` reweighting. Returns ------- W : (n,n) scipy sparse matrix, float Reweighted weight matrix as sparse scipy matrix. References ---------- [1] J. Calder, B. Cook, M. Thorpe, D. Slepcev. [Poisson Learning: Graph Based Semi-Supervised Learning at Very Low Label Rates.](, Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 119:1306-1316, 2020. [2] Z. Shi, S. Osher, and W. Zhu. [Weighted nonlocal laplacian on interpolation from sparse data.]( Journal of Scientific Computing 73.2 (2017): 1164-1177. [3] J. Calder, D. Slepčev. [Properly-weighted graph Laplacian for semi-supervised learning.]( Applied mathematics & optimization (2019): 1-49. """ if method == 'poisson': n = self.num_nodes f = np.zeros(n) f[idx] = 1 if normalization == 'combinatorial': f -= np.mean(f) L = self.laplacian() elif normalization == 'normalized': d = self.degree_vector()**(0.5) c = np.sum(d*f)/np.sum(d) f -= c L = self.laplacian(normalization=normalization) else: sys.exit('Unsupported normalization '+normalization+' for graph.reweight.') w = utils.conjgrad(L, f, tol=1e-5) w -= np.min(w) w += 1e-5 D = sparse.spdiags(w,0,n,n).tocsr() return D*self.weight_matrix*D elif method == 'wnll': n = self.num_nodes m = len(idx) a = np.ones((n,)) a[idx] = n/m D = sparse.spdiags(a,0,n,n).tocsr() return D*self.weight_matrix + self.weight_matrix*D elif method == 'properly': if X is None: sys.exit('Must provide data features X for properly weighted graph Laplacian.') n = self.num_nodes m = len(idx) rzeta = r/(zeta-1)**(1/alpha) Xtree = spatial.cKDTree(X[idx,:]) D, J = Xtree.query(X) D[D < rzeta] = rzeta gamma = 1 + (r/D)**alpha D = sparse.spdiags(gamma,0,n,n).tocsr() return D*self.weight_matrix + self.weight_matrix*D else: sys.exit('Invalid reweighting method ' + method + '.')
def save(self, filename)
Saves the graph and all its attributes to a file.
- File to save graph to, without any extension.
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def save(self, filename): """Save ====== Saves the graph and all its attributes to a file. Parameters ---------- filename : string File to save graph to, without any extension. """ filename += '.pkl' with open(filename, 'wb') as outp: pickle.dump(self, outp, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def subgraph(self, ind)
Returns the subgraph corresponding to the supplied indices.
:numpy array, int
- Indices for subgraph.
:graph object
- Subgraph corresponding to the indices contained in
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def subgraph(self,ind): """Sub-Graph ====== Returns the subgraph corresponding to the supplied indices. Parameters ---------- ind : numpy array, int Indices for subgraph. Returns ---------- G : graph object Subgraph corresponding to the indices contained in `ind`. """ W = self.weight_matrix return graph(W[ind,:][:,ind])